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After the Crash
After the Crash: A Novel | Michel Bussi
"Riveting! Bussi spins psychological suspense at its finest with this consuming tale of one child, two families, and the dark secrets that define us all. Clear your schedule; this book is worth it!" --- Lisa Gardner, #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Crash & Burn and Find Her Just after midnight on December 23, 1980, a night flight bound for Paris plummets toward the Swiss Alps, crashing into a snowy mountainside. Within seconds flames engulf the plane, which is filled with holiday travelers. Of the 169 passengers, all but one perish. The sole survivor is a three-month-old girl--thrown from the airliner before fire consumes the cabin. But two infants were on board. Is "the Miracle Child of Mont Terri" Lyse-Rose or Emilie? The families of both girls step forward to claim the child. Dogged by bad luck, the Vitrals live a simple life, selling snacks from a van on the beaches of northern France. In contrast, the de Carvilles, who amassed a fortune in the oil business, are powerful-and dangerous. Eighteen years later, a private detective tasked with solving the mystery of the girl known as "Lylie" is on the verge of giving up. As he contemplates taking his own life, Crdule Grand-Duc suddenly discovers a secret hidden in plain view. Will he live to tell it? Meanwhile, Lylie, now a beautiful university student, entrusts a secret notebook into the hands of Marc, the brooding young man who loves her, and then vanishes. After Marc reads the notebook's contents, he embarks on a frantic search for Lylie. But he is not the only one looking for her.
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A 3-month-old is the sole survivor of an airplane crash, but two families fight over her identity. Lots going on in this novel and an interesting plot which kept me guessing for most of the story. A little unbelievable at times, but still worth the read.

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Saturday morning vibes 💚

LiteraryinPA This book is one of my faves! 12mo
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!



It was decent! A quick read at night when I couldn‘t sleep. I wouldn‘t recommend it but I didn‘t hate it.

Un aereo senza di lei | Michel Bussi

Alla fin fine non mi è piaciuto molto. troppo tirato per lunghe con colpi di scena troppo eclatanti e pagine che ho trovato utili solo per allungare la storia.. Un sei scarso; e dire che era partito così bene !!!

Un aereo senza di lei | Michel Bussi
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Libro1 #Giallo
Molto avvincente da subito e sembra già tutto chiaro ma con #Bussi le cose si capovolgono in un attimo. 😊
#ilmio2022 #ilmioGennaio2022

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LoverOfLearning What a cool cover! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💚🖤💚 3y
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This book is quite interesting and once you start it could be hard to put the book down
Its about finding the right identity of 3 month old baby girl who survived a plane crash when there was another 3 month old girl present in the same plane
u might think that the author could have shortened some parts but everything fits well when the book finishes
I'd suggest that you read it if you havent read a good book for some time now

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Does anyone else have a dirty little ereader stealer? Thought I could rip through the rest of After the Crash but Dieter seems to think that the better idea is a) laying on my kobo
b) receiving pets

Reading struggles. In the time it took me to write this post she is completely asleep 😐

SamAnne Oh, those eyes! 4y
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I mentioned some time ago that book buying was on hold because Lucy needed dental work. They ended up having to remove all but 8 of her teeth and she had to have 2 procedures because they missed roots on the first go round 😥 home recovering and pretty mad at us but I really think she is feeling better! Cuddles with my girl!

Crazeedi Get well soon kitty!!😻 4y
Hazel2019 One of my cats had to have most of his teeth removed. First time dealing with it. So expensive!! The vet said with some cats it‘s genetic and there isn‘t much you can do. 4y
Reagan @Hazel2019 yes that‘s what our vet said too! Who knew 🤷🏼‍♀️So expensive but I‘m glad we did it. I think her quality of life will be so much better. 4y
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Prairiegirl_reading Awwww poor baby... 4y
rubyslippersreads Sending Lucy 😽😽😽 4y
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Nicely written, kept me guessing throughout with a good ending. Would possibly have rated it 4* if I wasn‘t in such a reading funk lately!

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I'm not happy when I work out how a book is going to finish!! That's what happened with this one. Decent story and pace, just a tad predictable.

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What a nice gift, @cathysaid ! I knew it was coming because of your USPS fun, but I am still surprised and delighted. This is such a nice thing for you to do. I really enjoyed this round of #LMPBC, and this certainly puts the icing on the cake. Thank you. ☺️

cathysaid So glad you finally received it and I hope you enjoy! 6y
LiteraryinPA This is a REALLY good mystery! After I read it I immediately made several other people read it so we could gush. 6y
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The premise was great, a plane crashes with 2 babies aboard and 1 survives, but which one? The twists were good, events and conversations that seemed unimportant ended up revealing clues later on. It just got a little too crazy and ridiculous for me to believe. A couple fewer nutty twists toward the end would have made it a pick.


Great plot, but way too long, Despite all the twists and turns I had worked out many of the interlocking mysteries and figured out the likely ending. I struggled to make myself finish it. Translated from the French edition, it needed some serious editing.

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#nuyear #theaircrashbureau
Won‘t be in til late tonight so pic pinched off Amazon! Have this at home - a quick, easy thriller. Not brilliant, not awful.

Cinfhen Not familiar with this one! But I see I stacked it at some point 😜 7y
Nikki15 I enjoyed reading this one! 7y
catsuit_mango I've only read one book from Bussi (big in France) and I was not really convinced. 7y
TrishB @catsuit_mango it was just ok 👍🏻 7y
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I haven't posted since before the hurricane because my cell service has been terrible. So, 25 days later, here is part of my hurricane read-a-thon pile. I had a few others including Kindle, audio, and one I already passed along. Thanks to all who were keeping tabs on us during and after the storm! 💞

Nicholeet How was Honor Girl? I'm glad you had enough to keep yourself entertained:) 7y
gibblr @Nicholeet I did indeed have enough and my son did too! I liked Honor Girl but wasn't a fan of how it ended. 7y
Mimi28 Glad you are ok ❤️❤️❤️what are the bottom 3 books? I think I see my last name there, just curious, sorry, thanks 👍😊 7y
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rachelm Glad to hear you're safe! Been contacting reps and hope more help comes swiftly 7y
LauraBrook Nice to see you again! Glad you and your son are okay. 💖 7y
gibblr @Mimi28 They're super short graphic novels Vamplets Vol 1-3 Nightmare Nursery. @rachelm Thanks for doing your part! 🙂 7y
gibblr @LauraBrook The whole fam is good! Thanks 💞 7y
Bookzombie Happy to hear you are all okay and see a post from you. 💗 7y
LeahBergen Good to hear from you! ❤️ 7y
Ms_T It‘s good to have you back. 7y
Kimzey Glad you are okay! 7y
Mimi28 Thanks! So good to hear from you and that you are back and ok!! ❤️❤️❤️Is one of the authors' name Middleton? If it is I really want to check it out ❤️❤️👍👍Thanks!! 7y
gibblr @Bookzombie @LeahBergen @Ms_T @Kimzey Thanks guys! It's good to finally be back!!! I've missed Litsy. @Mimi28 It sure is! You've got good eyes to spot that. I had to zoom in on the original pic 😂 7y
Mimi28 I can spot my last name anywhere!!! Lol, especially since it is so popular now with Kate and Pippa. I highly doubt we are related though and I don't want to sound racist but I am black so her family might have owned us, lol. It would still be cool to even be the descendant of slaves that are now royalty, lol. But honestly I don't care. Who knows, maybe it is a relative born in the U.S. though, I have a ton of cousins on my dad's side 🤔thanks! ❤️ 7y
Mimi28 Descendants of people " who owned slaves " that are now royalty, lol. Do you know the author's first name? You don't have to search, I'm sorry I'm making this a thing, lol 7y
gibblr @Mimi28 The book is at school, I'll gladly check tomorrow and let you know! 7y
Mimi28 Thanks, I'm sorry, you don't have to. It's up to you. 7y
tpixie Welcome back to Litsy. Glad u are safe! 7y
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December 1980, a plane crashes and only one person survives, an infant. Is she 3 month old Lyse-Rose or 3 month old Emilie? This flashes back to the months following the crash to present day--1998 18 years later. The drama that lead a court to decide which infant survived and which died I the crash and which family got to take home the baby. This was a little slow but it did have a nice twist.

bedandabook I have this on my TBR pile. Looking forward to it. 7y
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One of the best books I've read this year! Enjoyed the story being told by multiple narrators and couldn't stop reading it!! #finishedinaday #bestthriller

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💕 Never give up if you want to live 💕

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Just started this! #augustreads #backtocrime

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SO well done! Full of surprises and a very quick read. Thanks, @LiteraryinLititz !

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New books o purchased today, I'm so excited to read after the crash! #newbooks #afterthecrash #michelbussi #anneberry #linwoodbarclay #lisabrackman


Thoroughly enjoyed this book the story just grew and grew. The more you read the deep the author sucked you in. Looking forward to reading more by this great storyteller



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Tea ☕️ and a read 📚 with my sister! We're both back home visiting our parents this week!

saresmoore Ivan Denisovich is a wonderful little book! 8y
i.z.booknook @saresmoore I'm half way through and loving it! Wonderfully written, great translation and so eye opening!! 8y
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Read this in literally one sitting (that included reading at the dinner table) at the behest of @LiteraryinLititz . I was hooked! A top notch thriller.

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This book was unputdownable! I just had to know what would happen next in this mystery about the identity of a girl who was the lone survivor of a plane crash 18 years ago. Basically, there were 2 infants on said plane and the families are both claiming her. But there is so much more than that! I don't want to give any hints, but the twists were amazing and the pacing was great. I immediately told @wanderer15 to read it so we could discuss!!

RadicalReader @LiteraryinLititz I love when there is a book that you cannot put down because it is that good and you don't feel like you're moving through molasses 8y
Pamtherunner I read this a while back and have to agree! 8y
Suzze I've had this for awhile, now I really need to get to it! 8y
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#litsypartyofone I've been doing some reading tonight, but it's been punctuated by my boyfriend feeling really sick, so I've been trying to help him get comfortable. Before that started, though, this book was SUPER absorbing. I'm 115 pages in and have completely bought into the high stakes story. I definitely want to keep reading this when things settle down.

NovelGirl82 Oh no! Hope he feels better soon! 8y
RadicalReader @LiteraryinLititz absolutely wonderful to see a book capture and captivate somebody as easily as this one has. I added this book to my stack and can't wait to check it out too 8y
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Just a small part of my unread books. The map on the top shelf is a map of Three Pines. And Sadness is there to remind me how sad some of my books are for having been neglected for so long. #shelfie #riotgrams

DebinHawaii Love the sadness! I would have to put them all over the house on my TBR stacks! 😨👍📚📚📚 8y
Suzze @DebinHawaii Yeah, this is just one of many shelves and stacks. And stacks. And stacks. 8y
AThousandLives87 You have two copies of Lab Girl! Lol 😂 8y
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Suzze @AThousandLives87 Oh, crap! Anyone want a copy? I'll mail it out. 8y
Clare-Dragonfly Ha, I love your use of Sadness! I hear great things about Lab Girl--I'll take your extra copy. Easy: you already have my address! 😄 8y
Clare-Dragonfly Email sent! 8y
kspenmoll Map of Three Pines? Jealous!!! 😉 8y
Suzze @kspenmoll Check Louise Penny's web site. Sometimes she gives them away (that's how I got mine). 8y
kspenmoll Thx! 8y
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Meh. 😐 An interesting premise where a newborn is the sole survivor of a plane crash. A battle between two families follows, both claiming the baby. Mystery surrounds the resulting investigation. However, it never fully grabbed my attention. I like crime novels to be fast paced with constant action or full of psychological twists and turns. This had neither; there were interesting developments but more often, the story dragged. #crime #fiction

Curious1 Brilliant book. His latest book is even better, about Monet. 7y
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#TBRtemptation post! Wow! Check this premise out: December 1980, there's 1 survivor of a plane crash, a 3-month old girl. 2 families claim her, 1 rich & 1 poor. 18 years later the case is unsolved, which prompts an investigator to take his own life. Right before he does, he uncovers a major secret...then is killed before he can do anything about it. Hello!!! Sign me up!!! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

TrishB Many twists in this story! 8y
gibblr I think I bought that about a week ago... Sounds super good! 8y
cathysaid Sold! 8y
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samwinchester90 Yeah.... I'm gonna have to read this now. 8y
Onioons Loved this book! 8y
Buddys_Momma You are killing it with these recommendations!! Keep 'em coming! 8y
MrBook @TrishB Twists are good 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! @gibblr Niiice 😉👍🏻! @cathysaid To the lovely lady with the lovely mug 😎🙌🏻! @samwinchester90 😂👏🏻🙌🏻! @Onioons Can't wait 😁👏🏻! @Buddys_Momma 😂👏🏻🙌🏻! If you insist! 8y
cathysaid @MrBook Gotta love The Oatmeal 😁 8y
RadicalReader @MrBook what are the other two books on the sides of this one? 8y
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I Started the audio book this afternoon.

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pageturnersnook Michel Bussi is a legend. Black Water Lillies is amazing. 8y
JeaMar82 @pageturnersnook I've never read any books by this author. Tempted to read this one. 8y
pageturnersnook @JeanMarieMartin I highly recommend 8y
JeaMar82 @pageturnersnook Will look into it then! 😊 8y
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This one was recommended to me, and since I already had it in my TBR pile I shifted it to the top. On page 53, glad I did.

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This book was a definite page turner from the very start! In December 1980 a plane crashes, and the only survivor is a three month old baby girl. The problem: there were two babies on the plane, and no one knows which survived: Emilie or Lyse-Rose. The story takes place 18 years later. I found it to be beautifully written. Some parts bugged me a little, and I did kind of guess the ending, though not exact. Definitely worth a read!

RadicalReader @Pamtherunner absolutely wonderful to get to caught into a book but then be totally thrown a curve ball 8y
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It was madness... I couldn't have known, then, that what I was actually building was the foundations of my own neurosis.

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As the Vitrals had never protested against life, life had never bothered to correct the imbalance that afforded them so much misery.

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I started reading this as I needed a page-turner after I DNFed Middlesex (sorry guys 😳) and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it! There are quite a few twists I just did not see coming and I felt the pacing was really good. There was one minor thing that annoyed me regarding Lylie and why she was in Paris/Marc's reaction when he found out, but other than that it's a fab read 😀

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @JaimitaPR Oh thank god. I thought it was just me. I felt alone on this planet not singing about Middlesex. 8y
bookishkai I started and DNF Middlesex three times, though every time I picked it up I would read further and not be sure why I put it down in the first place. *shrug* I'd still like to finish it, someday, but I have more pressing things to read now. 8y
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bookwrm526 I enjoyed Middlesex, but I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone! 8y
WanderingBookaneer @bookishkris : I started and DNF it twice before plowing through the audiobook at 2x. I thought if I reached the end I'd know what the fuss was about. I still don't and I regret my waste of time. 8y
thebookmagpie @JaimitaPR oh dear, at least it wasn't just me! 8y
thebookmagpie @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com totally not just you. I liked the first 50-75 pages well enough but the longer it went on the more I Just. Didn't. Care. 8y
thebookmagpie @bookishkris yeah, I don't think I'll be going back but I can appreciate why you'd want to - I think it just wasn't for me! 8y
RadicalReader @thebookmagpie what's the worst DNF book you've encountered? 8y
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I'm giving this a "like," even though I think I've decided this genre is not for me. The writing was great, the plot was riveting... The ending left me cold, but it was well done (this is no Maestra). I think I'm just not a mystery/thriller girl.

TheApesOfWrath This has been in my Baker & Taylor shopping cart for over a year! 8y
catatonic1242 @TheApesOfWrath Even though it was long, it was truly a quick read. I think I ripped through it in just a couple of days. If you like mystery/thriller/detective stories, I think you'll enjoy it! 8y
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Fun Photo Friday: The sleeping cat was initially alarmed when I placed the book on him, but he immediately went back to sleep.

SusanInTiburon Cuz he trusts you. Such a sweetheart. 8y
Liberty 😻😻😻 8y
catatonic1242 @Susanintiburon Yes, he is a lover. And also a drooler. I usually don't let him near the books for that very reason. 8y
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To him, the bar was an island, and he had been here since his ship sank, surviving on liquor and conversations with other shipwreck victims: swapping tales of storms and messages in bottles #readingoutdoors

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So this is the way to end chapter 1! "He had done it! The solution to the mystery had been there on the front page of the newspaper, from the very beginning... The solution was so obvious: it jumped out at you but on one condition. The newspaper had to be looked at eighteen years later." #dragonfly

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The best book I've read in a long while! Full of twists and turns. Not to mention heart-wrenching. I fell in love with Marc. ❤️❤️

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