Well written. Horrific. An absolute classic. Of course, I'm probably the last person in Litsy Land to read this book! What a way to end the year.
Well written. Horrific. An absolute classic. Of course, I'm probably the last person in Litsy Land to read this book! What a way to end the year.
This is more like it! An obviously superior writer with good character depth and a gripping storyline, liking the intense final chapters in this book. Only one word of warning, concentrate on who's who at the start of the story, the male characters are easily muddled!
We are big believers in reusing in our family. Books come from charity shops, get passed around, then go back to charity shops. I sometimes read stuff I'm not too fussed about. Actually loved this book! Sad it's finished. Really fascinating story! Full marks JoJo!
Judged a book by it's cover. I shouldn't have, it was quite good!
Nice short chapters mean that you find yourself going 'just one more chapter' way passed your bedtime. Well worth a read.
Story about a married couple who move to London then start to receive strange and alarming phone messages and parcels. It's obvious from the beginning who the culprit is. I kept hoping for a clever twist, but alas no. Predictable, and I strongly dislike predictable.
This book should be with a warning: don't read in public, especially if you are likely to turn into a blubbering mess. You've been warned!!
T'was alright. Woman in a rubbish marriage gets pregnant, then meets an intriguing artist to distract her during the last month's of pregnancy. Ghost of dead dad comes to tell her off. This book was ok, but for once, I'm happy to move on.
Kids book pilfered from my child. Story about a mouse who gets herself mixed up in the secret world of WW2 spies. The author claims to have written this book to familiarise kids with history. Some parts were a tad grim for young children.
This should have been so good. Really nice idea, which kept you intrigued for the first half of the book. Then, it's almost as though the author herself couldn't quite decide where to go with it. It turns into a frustrating story where everything turns out smelling of roses. Everyone falls in love with everyone else. Everyone gets what they want, it's all just a bit too perfect. Shame, it's a beautifully presented book, but without the substance.
Easy read, occupied my head for a week or so, just what I need whilst dreading the start of the new term 😞 quite predictable but interesting enough!!
Back in Yorkshire now & back to more my kind of book. Need to find one I don't work out before the detective! (Maybe I'm in the wrong job?) Loved this book right up until the ending. Can someone name me a really really good thriller??
Second book (from my mum) read in my temporary Welsh home. Pretty much the same as the last one. Everything turns out fine, everyone loves Everyone else, let's all go skipping off down the lane tra la la la de dum de hey!
Book binge!! Stopped in a Welsh farmer's cottage in the middle of fields. No TV, no WiFi! What else was there to do at night but read books in quick succession. These books were cute, but I'm not a great fan of happy ever after. My mum passed these onto me, but I won't be looking out for the author.
Ever read a book where you get to the end, and the reveal makes you want to read the whole thing again?? This one will!
Enjoyed reading, but the storyline felt a little too far fetched. The main character perhaps a tad gullible. I thought I'd worked it out part way through. But, got it wrong!! It's obviously a first book, the story was a bit too stretched.
I read before bed every night. But, I never have time during the day EVER! I managed to find 30 minutes to sit down with a cup of coffee and read. This is unheard of. This book must have been worth it! Not that impressed with the ending, but it's rare that I am. It's a good book to take on holiday, or to rest your brain at the end of a hectic day.
Dragging myself towards end of term, with a brain that can only be described as mush. I needed an easy book to help me forget that one of my year 9 students thought that goats laid eggs (I'm her science teacher 😲) this book helped. Enjoyed the read, didn't ask to much of me, and actually quite sad it's finished!!
2 weeks to go!
Don't normally read thrillers, but enjoyed this one. The fact that I couldn't work out 'who did it' improved things. At the end it all becomes clear.
Ooooh!! Liked this. You think you've worked it out half way through, then you're not so sure, then you have, then you've got it wrong!!! Nice. I don't like books that are predictable, so enjoyed this one.
If your the kind of person who needs a book to focus on, this one is very clever. A lot of work has gone into the writing and research for the storyline. I stuck with it, but it made my head tired. I'm perhaps not quite the intended audience for it!!
Now. In theory, this should have been a good book. Great writer. Lively main characters and intriguing storyline. Unfortunately, it was just too unbelievable for me. Not in a magical, mystical kind of way. Just plain unfathomable. Plus, I'm not keen on predictable, and this story was very predictable.
In theory, this book has an interesting storyline and I wanted to see how it developed. However, the sentence structure is really weird and the story bounces about a bit. This made the story hard to follow and I ended up thinking meh. Dissatisfied with the ending, which wasn't as revealing as it should have been.
Another easy read. I'm not aiming to increase my IQ here, I'm trying to send myself off to sleep!
Forgot to take a photo.
Having to belt through these books at a rate of knots, because my 8 year old want to do a drive sale for charity!!! 😂
Not very good at being witty or particularly intelligent! I read because my life makes my brain exhausted, and I need to wind down at night before I can sleep. Enjoyed this one, to the point that I'm a bit miffed it's finished!
The last one!! Well, there's more, but I'm done. This was the best book out of a pretty bad bunch. Off to read something more intellectually stimulating. (Goes for a perusal of 8 year old child's book shelf! 🤔)
Somehow, I managed to read the last two books in the wrong order!! I'm pretty sure that's illegal? It's flipping frustrating. Finished both books out of pure stubbornness, just to make sure I'd read all the Adrian mole books. Last one was my favourite
Bit of a pointless book I fear. Just lots of assorted random contributions. I felt this book was thrown together for the sake of it. Glad it was only short and I didn't use much time on it. Back to the far more suitable fourth book in the series!
Whipping through these books!! So easy to read, requiring so little brain power. Simple entertainment to wind down to after reaching 150 of the little so n so's!
I was a kid myself last time I read this book. Clearly, it's not the most stimulating read I've had, but it was a nice brain break. Quick read, and a little trip down memory lane. As a 12 year old, I can remember feeling totally aghast that Pandora allowed Adrian to touch her boob!!! 😂
I started reading a book. I gave up on it! Dull dull dull.
Sorry if you loved it, felt reader unfriendly in my tired brain.
I'm not happy when I work out how a book is going to finish!! That's what happened with this one. Decent story and pace, just a tad predictable.
I picked this book up randomly in the charity shop. It isn't the sort of book I normally read at all. It set a high expectation as one of the back cover reviews claimed that this book would provide comfort to the reader. As a Scientist who believes that when you're dead, you're dead, it didn't really fulfill that prediction, but I did enjoy this story. It was sweet and the writing contains some beautiful quotes.
Loved it!! Emma was reeling from a break in at her boyfriends apartment, and looks for a safe haven. She thinks she finds the perfect place.
Jane is reeling from the loss of her perfect baby girl, and wants to find a place to start again. Both stories entwine around Edward, a control freak with a lot of mess going on in his head!
This is a great book, dare I say the ending is a bit of a let down. Still glad I read it though!
Today's haul from the charity shop! 3 books for £1. Will see me through the next month or so.
Just about to start this book. Me & my mum pass books on to each other. This one came with a warning from my mum that it contains rude bits!!! I'm 41 years old!!! 😂
Enjoyed this one. Know it's a good book when I look forward to reading it. A baby boy goes missing on a quiet road in Australia, the story follows the police inquiry and the parents guilt.