This book should be with a warning: don't read in public, especially if you are likely to turn into a blubbering mess. You've been warned!!
This book should be with a warning: don't read in public, especially if you are likely to turn into a blubbering mess. You've been warned!!
Unter https://fraencisdaencis.de/zwei-fuer-immer-andy-jones findet ihr nun meine #Rezension zu diesem Buch 😊
Ich habe diese Woche "Zwei für immer" von Andy Jones beendet. Für mich war es leider nur ein mittelmäßiges Buch... Die ausführliche Rezension folgt bald auf meinem Blog.
I wasn't sure at first that I'd enjoy this book but I was interested to see how it would go being written by a make author from a guys point of view. It was as a good read. Some parts very funny. Some parts extremely sad. All in all I'd say Andy Jones did a jood job!
Such an amazing book that was bitter sweet. For my full review go to https://bytheletterbookreviews.com/2016/07/08/the-two-of-us-by-andy-jones/