The writing could be hard to follow at times, which is why I don‘t rate this highly. Elements included that just didn‘t feel they meant anything other than to add length, or because that‘s what was assumed. Still a good mystery
The writing could be hard to follow at times, which is why I don‘t rate this highly. Elements included that just didn‘t feel they meant anything other than to add length, or because that‘s what was assumed. Still a good mystery
Always a sucker for John Grisham and this is not exception. Classic Grishman, worth the read.
I didn‘t know I‘d get regional history as well on this read. Interesting and curious, the author covers these crimes well. At times you cheer on the arsonists, the cops, and everybody between. Not as true crime as some prefer but thoughtful all the same
It was okay and enjoyable. I wished a specific part about a queer character hadn‘t been included. Tried to grapples with race at the time. Easy to read.
Lengthy and at moments dry, but the history and complexity of code breaking and how women have been there along is great. After reading code girls, this is another good option
Your classic mystery novel when you want something with twists and surprises but all adds up in the end. Enjoyable
This was a great read that got a hold of me. Kept me curious to the end and did a great job with HIV/AIDS
Quick read for me but a good book overall. I don‘t share the deep passion for the marsh but I still found appreciation for it.
It was decent, not super memorable. A beach read if you need one.
Enjoyable! Recommended for anyone who wants to engage or reengage with running. Just a well written, well told story that combines running with life.
Amazing story, couldn‘t put it down. It was a great read about a man who does the impossible - yet something we‘ve all probably thought about doing ourselves.
Wow! Absolutely gripping. It reads like fiction and yet you know this is true, finding it impossible to imagine the conditions these men survived. Really an excellent book considering it‘s age and time. Highly recommend for your next adventure read
While there are some flaws with Gladwell himself, his books continue to engage and provide me with insights. This one in particular was a good read.
I came for the murder mystery/ true crime element but I found myself far more interested in the history and story of the architecture. I don‘t know why I waited so long to read this.
Out of the three books I‘ve read by Keefe, this was my least favorite - still good, but it was harder to follow. The first half of the book was excellent but something happens in the second half that didn‘t connect the dots for me. I‘m glad to have read it and maybe would reread it again to see if it was me, not the author.
As Mr. Martin seems unlike to ever finish the game of thrones series, I read this one to fill the loss. It was good but not great, like his others. It lacked the character depth and plot details I expect from him. Allegedly this is only part one but we know how George is with sequels. Satisfied my need for a GoT update.
A enjoyable historical fiction read with twists and turns. Well written and fast moving, it was a quick read. It‘s not a favorite, I have read others of the same historical time period I prefer, but still glad I read it.
Again another fantastic book I couldn‘t put down by Keefe. This one opened my eyes to the history and darker side of Chinatown. It was well down to capture the many sides of human trafficking from China. I enjoyed the connection of politics to immigration, and the realization that it‘s not something you can stop. Recommend this book to all interested in history, politics, and more.
It was decent! A quick read at night when I couldn‘t sleep. I wouldn‘t recommend it but I didn‘t hate it.
Couldn‘t get into it - only made it a few chapters. it just felt like so many other books I‘ve read recently, the plot, the setting, the characters, I‘ve read it all before. Perhaps I‘ll try again
Embarrassingly, I saw this book on TikTok and a librarian was raving about twists and turns you don‘t see coming. She called it one book she wished she could read again for the first time. Disagree- it‘s one book I will never think about again. It‘s not nearly as complex or exciting as she made it sounds - I predicted the outcome well within the first chapters.
I was able to finished this book during a flight. It‘s a quick read and it did pull me in. I found myself wanting more basketball game scenes and there are some twists you don‘t see coming. Like a few other Grisham books, this one isn‘t a crime/courtroom drama which I prefer of his.
I watched the Netflix episode but immediately felt confused one episode in. I thought I‘d give the book a read as I also heard great things about the video game. So I was perplexed when the book was just ok, often convoluted, slow in parts and too quick in others. I‘m glad to have read it but it‘s not a recommendation from me
I wanted to read the book to see the movie. I was underprepared for the immersion into not just the book, but its language, and this only being part one of the series. I did enjoy it and would recommend it; but it‘s not for the faint of heart and I won‘t be rereading it (or picking up book 2) anytime soon.
A must read. I was skeptical at first but the book is compelling and provides a step by step for habit building. This is a book I feel I should own and reread every few years. Highly recommend
This was a riveting book where I wanted to know what happened, but there were times where it moved slowly and felt repetitive. The ending remained a surprise and it was overall a good read even if it wasn‘t one of my favorites
I‘d read and find myself working on breathing. I meditated after reading this. I enjoyed it and learned from it.
This book left like “finally, someone is saying what we all know” when it comes to how non-profits work. Eye opening in some ways. Enjoyable to read about putting the wealthy in this place. A great book for everyone to read before entering non-profit work
Likely to be my favorite read of 2022 which is a shame I read it in January. Couldn‘t put it down
Interesting subject, plus a well written book. It does make some undeniable points about talent.
It‘s ok! It‘s not Game of Thrones or Harry Potter fantasy. It‘s average fantasy. A few too many times we are introduced to ideas or characters too quickly, making it confusing. Multiple times I checked to see if this was the first book. Still, glad to have read it and will have book 2 a try (but I‘ll be less forgiving).
Good book and a fast read, but quickly disappeared from my memory.
I‘ve enjoyed Sedaris before but this one was too much. It was too much complaining in typical ways. Sedaris normally brings something unique to the table but not here.
This books would make a great gift for almost anyone. It was enlightening and interesting, while approachable in its typical Gladwell style.
I liked it but it‘s dense and difficult. In some ways it felt it had one really good point and was dragging it out. That idea, however, is fascinating. I told everyone I was reading this book simply to try and have someone to discuss it with - it would have enhanced this experience
I‘m a sucker for a Grisham book, but this one was more unique in its setting and focus. Enjoyable beach reads as always.
I wish there was a higher rating. This books sticks to me, I think of these women often. Not only is the history fascinating, but such a well-written book.
This book deserves a reread every few years because it boils down ideas and concepts into their simplest forms. I couldn‘t help but see how I had been accidentally doing much of what Adams says, but without realizing it. Putting these tips into consciousness practice helps invigorate (or reinvigorate) the mind about work.
Less about how YOU should eat; more about what he ate. Jurek tells a hard truth that many don‘t want to hear: you can compete (and win) on a vegan diet.
It‘s got it‘s surprises along the way, but it was both a time and emotional investment into characters that didn‘t prove to be worth it in the end
A quick and delicious fiction fix but alas the details of the book faded quickly. It‘s one of those worth reading, you know you read but, but the details are hazy.
If you haven‘t considered going plant-based before, you will. To see the undeniable truth will change how you think about food.
A reminder of what success really looks like. A nice swift kick in the @$$