Enjoyable! Recommended for anyone who wants to engage or reengage with running. Just a well written, well told story that combines running with life.
Enjoyable! Recommended for anyone who wants to engage or reengage with running. Just a well written, well told story that combines running with life.
He covered several stories from his running journey throughout the book. I enjoyed hearing his stories but I never really felt inspired by the stories.
“Run long enough, and everything comes into view, be it a finish line or a home, a new one or one remade. What running has given me, most of all, is the practice of patience.”
My husband @HillsAndHamletsBookshop and I are big Wait Wait Don‘t Tell Me fans and just started running! I really enjoyed Peter Sagal‘s musings on what running has meant for him, from teen to midlife crisis to divorce to happy remarriage, and from Boston Marathon bombing to Boston Marathon the year after. Sagal manages to keep a light, amusing pace while traversing some intense emotional ground, all while encouraging runners new and experienced.
I have a complicated relationship with running. I was out running one morning and was attacked. Grabbed from behind. I‘m so angry. I feel like I‘ll never feel “safe” running again. I think I would have liked this book if I‘d read it a month ago. But I just kept being jealous of Peter, that he could go outside without someone hurting him. That he never had to think about safety in the same way (as far as I know). But that‘s not his fault.
I‘ve been reading Peter Sagal‘s articles in Runner‘s World for a while and I always enjoy his sense of humor about running. I appreciated hearing about his journey to being a runner and realizing that even though he‘s speedier than I‘ll ever be, he runs for similar reasons.
Engaging, honest, funny, and heartfelt - runners will love this book, but it contains a few life lessons for those who don‘t feel inclined to torture themselves in this especially masochistic way. Highly recommended.
Not only have I not had time for Litsy in the last few weeks, I‘ve struggled to find the time to run. Running is a hobby for me, but it‘s also so much more than that. Next week I start training for half marathon #6 🎉, and this book is helping me remember why I love running!
I used to do lots of races. Today I‘m listening to the wind howl outside while snuggled under a blanket reading this book thinking I should go to the gym and run/walk #litsywalkers #fairweatherrunner #ivegotamillionexcuses #currentlyreading
This charity run was mentioned in the tagged book; I looked it up and found one here next weekend...so now I‘ll be running a mile in my underwear on the Elmwood strip...in February...in Buffalo. Ha ha ha ha ha I‘ve lost my marbles. 😂
“Bruce Springsteen‘s explanation of why we run is to get the hell out of New Jersey.” 😂
On to the next audiobook! I‘m triple-excited for this one: I‘m a WWDTM fan, a runner, and I have vivid childhood memories of my dad reading the book this cover is parodying.
Listening to this isn't really making me *fonder* of Sagal, but- it's very nice to have a narrator so skilled at narrating. Good for my ADHD. #probooknerdschallenge #memoir #readbytheauthor #audiobooks
Blah. He tells many semi-entertaining stories about running and complains much about his divorce/ex-wife. I kind of see why he was divorced.