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Il castello in aria | Diana Wynne Jones
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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#CloudsCover ⛅️☁️ #NewYearNewBooks 🎆🥳📖

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Great covers🌥️🩵☁️ 5mo
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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I wasn‘t impressed with this book as a teen who just wanted more adventures with Howl and Sophie, but I enjoyed this reread. It was so fun waiting for my husband to discover the connection with Howl and Sophie, and I was not disappointed by his reaction! I also liked how this started out as an Aladin retelling, but then went off on its own adventure. #Fantasy #Djin

BookmarkTavern I had forgotten how much I liked this one. I think I‘ll need to do my own reread of this series. ❤️ 2y
Kenyazero @ozma.of.oz always worth a revisit! 2y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Hello 😍

llcoolnate That cover is awesome. 3y
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The sequel to Howl‘s Moving Castle, I thought this one would be better. Boy, was I wrong! I really didn‘t care for the Aladdin-esque story; I felt the main character was unlikable. The only way that this story ties to the first book is an appearance by Sophie and Howl. Just proceed with caution on this one. Maybe you might like it more than me.

Photo: Goodreads

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Don‘t threaten me with a good time

(But also does this mean I can expect House of Many Ways next year from Folio Society?!!!)

julesG 🙈🙈🙈 I need the MiB. Stat! 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG, I nearly didn‘t do it when I saw the shipping charge but... overall I see DWJ and it‘s pretty much always going to be mine 😅😍 3y
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Some yummy food to go with a wonderful book tonight 📚🥓 And, of course, the tots made me think of Litsy's resident tater tot king, @MrBook 😊👑

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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones

Abdullah wasn‘t an interesting enough character for me to match Howl and Sophie and the rest of the characters from the original. So it was a relief when those characters finally showed up as disguised in different forms by nearly the end. I also didn‘t find the djinns to be as compelling of villains as the Witch of the Waste. And the love at first sight of Abdullah with Flower-in-the-Night wasn‘t convincing.

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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Awesome progress!!! 4y
AllisonM89 It's what happens when several children's books get thrown on the list 🤣 needed the mental break this summer 4y
PaperbackPirate Congratulations! 📚📚 4y
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It was a rough read. Some of the making-fun-of-tropes is rather excessive, even annoying at times.

The last hundred pages were a fun read, but i didn't enjoy the beginning much

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
Square 14 ✔️

#jubilantjuly @andrew65
Another 383 pages
Total: 1465/1250
New goal: 2 or 3 more books between now and the 19th

TheAromaofBooks It's been so long since I've read this one, I can't even remember whether or not I liked it!! 4y
AllisonM89 @TheAromaofBooks its a fun concept and I'm all for making fun of tropes and overused ideas, but reading some outrageous variation of "o _______ of _________" to address someone on almost every page was getting irritating. It was funny at first, but it got old fast. The story improved significantly once Sophie showed up 4y
Andrew65 Wow! You are on 🔥 4y
AllisonM89 @Andrew65 i think i set my initial goal a tad low. I never paid attention to how many pages i actually read in a specific span of time before... 4y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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With the same wit, turn of phrase, & generally fantastic writing (& word play which made me think of The Phantom Tollbooth several times) found in Howl‘s Moving Castle, Jones unspools the story of a young carpet merchant, his outsized (day)dreams, & a mysterious prophecy. Clearly inspired by the Arabian Nights, this fun adventure ties into Howl‘s Movie Castle but also stands on its own as a satisfying MG story.

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Back into the depths of my TBR stacks I go. I love Howl‘s Moving Castle—both the book and the movie, as different as they are—and so am very curious about this book which is described as a companion story.

Schnoebs I want to pick this one up too! 4y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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“Heaven preserve me,” the genie said disgustedly. “the young man is a coffee shop lawyer.” 🤣

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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones

Not nearly as much fun as Howl‘s Moving Castle. Characters and plot line kind of flat.

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones

My least favorite of the Howl‘s Moving Castle series. It took me forever to get through the book. It was interesting because it was kind of an Aladdin spin-off, but it didn‘t hold my interest.

RaimeyGallant Good to know! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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#QuotsyAug18 Day 5: Here‘s to a #Dog loving his human companion above all.

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Finished listening to this which is the second of the ‘Howl‘s Moving Castle‘ books. I enjoyed it. It was a good light listen and the magic and fairytale aspects are great for just listening and drifting off. I didn‘t love the narration, but was able to deal with it.

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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Thank you @BookaholicNatty for these two amazing and wonderful surprise! Please continue to be kind. Please continue to be a blessing to the Litsy community. I am grateful to know you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Thank you @BookaholicNatty for these two amazing and wonderful surprise! Please continue to be kind. Please continue to be a blessing to the Litsy community. I am grateful to know you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

BookaholicNatty Yayyyyyyy @bookworm.krizia I am soooo glad they both got there!!! I have been stalking your page to see if it has come!!! 😂😂😂 I seriously ordered it the beginning of May and it took a month to get to the Philippines! I am so glad it got there tho! You deserve it all!!!!! I am so glad you are apart of this community!!! ❤️ And glad to call you a friend! ❤️ I hope you love the books and enjoy reading them even more!📚❤️😘 (edited) 6y
BookaholicNatty @bookworm.krizia I am also glad I found a way to get books to the Philippines for FREE!!!!! ❤️ 6y
bookworm.krizia @BookaholicNatty Again, super thank you!! 😀😀😀😀 God bless you! 6y
BookaholicNatty ❤️😘 6y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Book 2!!! Can't believe I've never read this given how much I love Howls Moving Castle but better late than never!

rachelm I've never read it either! I need some more DWJ in my life this summer 7y
BooksintheDelta It's a beautiful cover! 7y
elkeOriginal I can't believe you haven't either! 7y
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TheLondonBookworm @rachelm me toooo I'll have a massive catch up :) 7y
TheLondonBookworm @BooksintheDelta I have Howls Moving Castle in the same style- so pretty! 7y
TheLondonBookworm @elkeo I know right!!!! Shame on my as a bookworm ahaha it will be rectified! 7y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Give me a good easy-reading fantasy any day.

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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This sequel to Howl's Moving Castle features a #magiccarpetride. #rockinmay

ElizaTodd This is a CRAZY cover! lol 7y
merelybookish I've read this! I completely forgot. Im not a big fantasy reader, but I do like Wynne Jones 7y
Cinfhen New to me author and book! Love the cover ⭐️🌟⭐️🌟 7y
Zelma Another book I still need to get to (Howl's Moving Castle). So many books to read!!! 7y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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My most recent Thriftbooks order came in and I finally have the whole HMC series, with HMC itself being on loan to my 13yo sister. || #BookHaul #Thriftbooks #howlsmovingcastle #castleintheair #houseofmanyways #dianawynnejones

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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A Diana Wynne Jones #rainbowbookstack
#17rainbowbooks #rainbowbooks

brandymuses I love these editions of her books so much. My shelves are so colorful! 7y
elkeOriginal @brandymuses Right?! They are my #happybooks 😁 7y
GypsyKat So pretty! And now I want to read them! 🌈😊 7y
Chachic If I was collecting physical copies of her books, I would definitely choose these editions! 7y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Cheating with German for #titlesstartingwithXYZ 😁
Plus, they have so much fun on their covers!
(Yes, that is a magical tomato fight on the Magicians of Caprona cover 😂)
Castle in the Air (the Prinzessinnen cover above) is a somewhat sequel to Howl's Moving Castle - and while I have #reread Howl several times, I need to give Castle another look.
Onto the #TBReR stack!

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Today's #bookmail was inspired by @Foragingfantasy when we previously chatted about alternate covers for this series. I decided I needed to complete the set with this UK edition of Castle in the Air.
Now time for a #reread!

brilliantglow I love these editions so much, I just wish they were available in hard cover. 8y
TheLondonBookworm So much love for these books and these editions which I too own :) 8y
elkeOriginal @brilliantglow Agreed! I wish they were hardcover too 📚 8y
Foragingfantasy You're trying to make me jealous aren't you. 😜😂 they are beautiful!!! Enjoy your reread!!! 8y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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I have a bad habit of buying books by my favorite authors in languages I am NOT able to read simply for the covers.
The germans always get me with the wrap-around covers with a kitty on the back 😽
#foreigneditions #ofcourseicannotreadit #notinenglish

JustTrish Nice! 8y
pppooraikul A bad habit indeed 😂 But the beautiful covers are so worth it! 😉😍 8y
Foragingfantasy Oh that cover is fantastic!!! I have been searching for House of many Ways in a matching cover to the first two and I don't think they released it to match. I think they must have made a cover change when they released it. I'm soooo sad. 8y
elkeOriginal @Foragingfantasy Which House of Many Ways cover are you looking for? 8y
Foragingfantasy @elkeo I posted a pic of the editions I have, I think they made a cover change when they released it. 8y
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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Flower-in-the-Night is my new favourite

Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Trendy lunch at the 3rd Street Promenade and a delightful book to keep me company. 💚📚

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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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Rereading ANY Diana Wynne Jones is a treat, and I ALWAYS find something new that I never seemed to have noticed before. And this one proves to be the same, as well as hilarious, with so many quotable lines, and still manages to be as enchanting as the first time I read it.

#marinekolibrary #childrens #fantasy

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Castle in the Air | Diana Wynne Jones
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I skipped this one... So now I'm making it up. 😍 this is the only one in the series I own. I need the others, but I don't like the cover.

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