A quick and enjoyable read on the subject of how our internet lives may be bombarding our thinking brain into a state of submissive retreat. Also. It's super pretty.
A quick and enjoyable read on the subject of how our internet lives may be bombarding our thinking brain into a state of submissive retreat. Also. It's super pretty.
I loved reading the four agreements. It was an extremely pleasant reading experience. Even if you feel like you've read it all when it comes to success and wellness reads (like me) don't pass this one by. The four agreements re-frames what we all know to be true in a paradigm shifting way. And asks you to take responsibility of your thoughts and actions.
Like most reviews have already said, this book is a great kick in the ass to lots of would be procrastinators. The author's philosophy is simple: take charge of our actions. Even the things which you think are wholly out of your control. Doing the work every day is the way to get where you want to go.
Fruits Basket was a little slower to start than I had anticipated, but you can sense early on that it will be a series that ends up being much more than what it seems. It shines in those cut scene moments where the characters are thinking deeply about the changes they want to make in their lives
If you like fairytales, comedy, & magic schools, but haven't tried out the EAH series you really must! Don't let the fact that it's a toy brand scare you! The books are well crafted. Loved this collection of short stories. The focus on the pets of Ever After High gave a great excuse to tell some atypical stories about our favorite characters. I recommend any fans of this series to read it, however, don't start here. #middlegrade #fairytales
This middle grade sci-fi graphic novel series jumps right off the shelf with its amazing color color pallet, Avatar-esq sand bending, & political upheaval, but it missed the mark for me. The places we travel to in this world were not the places that sounded most interesting. But it's still a great recommendation for middle grader readers and fans of Amulet #graphicnovel #middlegrade #kidsbooks
Wintersmith is my favorite book in the Tiffany Aching series. I love the increase in maturity level and the handling of death. Tiffany still feels like a young protagonist, it she understands much and asserts herself when she must. The Wintersmith is a captivating antagonist with his desire to become human, his childlike naiveté, and his capability for destruction. #terrypratchett #tiffanyaching #audible #audiobook #fantasy #discworld
I was promised national treasure but got twilight. A high school girl thought her only family was her mother, but finds out she is a lost member of a very influential,ancient, blood line. she jumps on a private jet to France with a violent stranger & begins a European adventure of murder and mystery. Underdeveloped characters & shallow details to separate between major cities of our the world. not for me. pricked at too many of my pet peeves. #YA
I read the Konmari book and now any title on Japanese minimalism is catching my attention. The problem is, I don't know exactly what I am seeking to get from these texts, so I am not sure which one to read next 🤔 #nonfiction #Japanese #minimalism
I went back and forth on whether to watch the Barakamon anime first or read the manga first. For a long time I was leaning towards the manga, but these volumes are large on the shelf and expensive, so I started the anime today. It's quite clever & adorable and I am happy to finally be watching it #manga #bookshopping #sliceoflife
Hi Everyone 👋 #asidefrombooks
💫Fav Hobby: Toy & Fashion Collecting
💫Fav Drink: Virgin Mojito
💫Fav Food: Veggie Sushi
💫Fav Color: Periwinkle
💫Fav City: Boston
💫Where My Dream House Would Be: Rivendell
💫Fav Accessory: iPad
💫Fav TV Show: BBC Merlin
💫Last Movie I Saw In Theaters: Jurassic World
💫Currently Reading: Ever After High, Once Upon a Pet by Suzanne Selfors & Strobe Edge by Io Sakisaka
I tag @Bookish_Pip 👏💥
I really love the Evolution of the love story in Strobe Edge. It's a must read for shoujo fans! #manga #shoujo #romance #graphicnovel
My babe took me book shopping on the 4th of July, because he knows what I like, and I picked up these gems. Currently reading Once Upon a Pet, which will be the first EAH book I read that is not written by Shannon Hale. And I'll be reading the War of Art at the same time. #tbr #toberead #summerreading #summertbr #bookhaul
I've not read any Italian folk tales. Probably because I've never seen an Italian folk tale before. I would like to read this in the future. #folktale #fairytale #folklore
I love the Non Non Biyori anime which such a passion! But the manga series is good too. If you have to pick one, watch the anime. And after you fall in love with the anime, read the manga! 😋 #manga #sliceoflife #animemanga
I didn't hate this book at all, but it did nothing to grab my attention. In fact, it was so forgettable that I forgot I was reading it 🙈. It's a chosen one story about six individuals destined to find a magic star. #adultfiction #popularliterature #romance #adventure
I am always looking for fantasy graphic novels. I don't think there are enough out there at all! Really hoping this is a good one. Anyone recommend it? #dragons #graphicnovel #fantasy
Has anyone read this series? Would you recommend it? It caught my eye because it looks like a fun magical tale about a spunky young girl. #kids #kidsbooks #kidslit #middlegrade #fairytales
Tropic of the Sea, by Satoshi Kon managed to make it to my favorite manga shelf, so I am eager to see what else this mangaka/film maker can do. I really appreciate a graphic novel which is cinematic in nature. #manga #bookshopping #graphicnovel
Cactus's secret is a silly little school drama about a girl who is rather unfortunately in love with a completely clueless boy. It follows them as they dance around each other, constantly missing opportunities. However, the more you read, the more you get the sense that the clueless boy might actually be smarter than you think. This series is only four volumes long and I really need to finish it! #manga #graphicnovel
Happy Birthday 'arry ⚡️ #harrypotter
I read fortunately the milk out loud to my younger sister. We both enjoyed it immensely -- even though I am 26 and she is 22 😂 #neilgaiman #childrensbooks #kidslit
I love the Amulet middle grade graphic novel series, and I was happy to hear that volume seven would not be its conclusion, but it also ended up being my least favorite volume. It really felt like a lot of filler, and it lacked the whimsy that the other volumes had. We have quite a wait for volume 8, but I hope it gets the series back on track. #graphicnovel #kids #middlegrade
One of my favorite characters of all time is Sazed from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. This series has a lot of great characters. #ya #youngadult #yalit #brandonsanderson
Ronan Lynch completely steals the show in the fourth book in the Raven Cycle series, & while Gansey will forever be my precious baby boy, I was not even mad about it. The fact that Maggie is continuing on with a Ronan Lynch centered series kinda gives away just how much his character captivated her during the writing process. Such a great series 💖. What were your thoughts on this switch up? #ya #yalit
I had just finished watching season one of outlander when I decide to read this. I was also in the mood for a fairytale. Ultimately, I was turned off by the shallow narratives spun by the two viewpoint characters and had to bail.
The world of Low is quite cool. A post apocalyptic world where man has fled to undersea domes to escape the violent deterioration of the atmosphere on the surface. It is only a temporary fix, and hopefully someone will discover a distant star which humans can escape to. Unfortunately, this story was just too bleak for me to enjoy.
The courage to be creative is part self help book, part memoir, and part inspirational. Personally, I really enjoyed it because my preexisting creative process was very similar to Doreen Virtue's suggestions & reading this acted as a reminder and fine tuner to keep working hard while giving yourself the freedom to pursue the various projects which you are passionate about.
I really liked the plot of Yukarism. A high school boy remembers his past life and uses that knowledge to become a famous historical fiction writer. When he meets a fellow classmate who is also a fan of his novels the past and present begin to collide. Unfortunately, I didn't love it because I thought the main character was so coolheaded that he came across as boring. #manga
This series never interested me before, but I flipped through it while at Barnes & Noble today & thought it actually might be good. Would anyone recommend this series? #manga #recommendations
I love Maggie Stiefvater's Raven Cycle series, so my friend Amara surprised me with this after I was not able to make it to the first day of #bookcon. Isn't she the greatest? #theravenboys #ya #signed #supernatural
I am #currentlyreading Milky Way Railroad which promises to be 'a masterpiece of transcendental realism' that perfectly encapsulates a vague feeling of uneasiness. It is a children's novel, originally written in Japanese & has been compared to The Little Prince.
I did not expect to like this manga as much as I did, but I'm a sucker for a story surrounding a main female protagonist driven by her desire to make a new discovery! Mikura is ready to sacrifice everything to prove the wandering island truest does exist! -- beautiful art as well 👏 #manga
Natsume' has quickly become a favorite manga series of mine. I am so happy I picked it up when I did. The stories of the different yokai can be funny, serious, scary, bittersweet, or heartbreaking. I cried twice in the first volume alone! Regardless, it somehow always manages to be a gentle, soothing, read. #manga
I read the first few chapters of Princess Academy, but had to put it down because I was not at all in the mood for it. I will pick it back up eventually! #shannonhale #kids #middlegrade #fairytale
Half of this bitty book is the short story written by Tolkien & the other half includes essays, notes, and studies on Tolkien and this project. I didn't originally think i would read all the notes, but I haven't stopped yet! #fantasy #tolkien #jrrtolkien #lotr
The colors on this cover are subtly beautiful, but upon closer inspection you can pick up on the somber tone. This manga tells the story of what it was like to survive the atomic bomb in Hiroshima years and even generations after the fact. It is both heartbreaking and heartwarming.
I really appreciated that extra chapter which delves into how Ren met Mayuka 💕
I picked up Strobe Edge volumes 1-3 in last week's RightStuf sale, simply because I liked the character designs. It had pretty high ratings on Goodreads too. It deserves the high ratings, this shojo manga is wonderful.