I read this story over 20 years ago, loved it and couldn't find a copy again until I found the volume Tales from the perilous realm at the library on Saturday. It was a lovely reread although I was more deeply moved the first time.
I read this story over 20 years ago, loved it and couldn't find a copy again until I found the volume Tales from the perilous realm at the library on Saturday. It was a lovely reread although I was more deeply moved the first time.
I‘ve enjoyed listening to some selected short works of JRR Tolkien for the #FellowshipOfTolkien. The next time we do a buddy read of these works, I hope to have a print copy so I can see the wonderful artwork.
It was a simple but pleasant tale. It was not dazzling or with great meaning or purpose, but a simple and very short read. It will slip into and out of your mind with ease.
I love this little book, both as literature & as an object: the Tolkien pocket book series is just so perfect! This one has Pauline Baynes's beautiful second-edition cover illustration, and as it's an expanded edition of "Smith", has both her original illustrations and those she did for the 2nd ed.
As well as Tolkien's fairy tale gem, there is an afterword and notes by scholar Verlyn Flieger, Tolkien's essay on the context of the story and its ?
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A lovely, reflective little tale about fairy-land, also features Tolkien‘s notes and drafts about the story!
Just wanted to share this with my fellow #YearOfTolkien buddies and all Tolkien fans.
Olga is a member of a FB group l'm in. She's a Russian linguist and writes awesome Tolkien esseys.
She's currently writing a series about The Smith of Wootton Major. In case you're curious https://middleearthreflections.com/category/read-alongs/smith-of-wootton-major/?...
I started reading Smith of Wooton Major last night and it‘s my first time reading this one. It‘s faerietale elements are just gorgeous and I almost devoured it in a sitting. I‘ve got a couple of pages left because I fell asleep but I‘ll finish today. What a beautiful book. I love it 🖤✨
Have you read this one? #jrrtolkien #tolkien #tolkienite #tolkientribe #inthereads #johnronaldreueltolkien #bookstamums
As well as reproductions of Tolkien's handwritten first draft
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
I read the English version included in my Tales from the Perilous Realm, but this is my ltalian copy. Gorgeous on the outside, and even more so in the inside.
There are all the different version, documenting the evolution of the story. I plan to read this if we'll get a Feanor days of catching up at the end, as l've heard we might have
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay
Absuty fantastic! I loved it!
There is so much that reminds me of the larger Tolkien's legendatium and of the Lord of the Rings in particular. The relationship between men and elves. The powerful elven queen. The gone king. The object of power that must be relinquished.
Such a poetic story of itself and such a great foreshadowing of a powerful work.
Half of this bitty book is the short story written by Tolkien & the other half includes essays, notes, and studies on Tolkien and this project. I didn't originally think i would read all the notes, but I haven't stopped yet! #fantasy #tolkien #jrrtolkien #lotr
It's hard to read non-Hobbit Tolkien, but it's necessary! Cool too see this 1978 edition in my library!