Starting this one tonight 😍🥰
A solid MG fairy tale fantasy, in the tradition of Tuesdays at the Castle (author did the cover blurb). Darling Dimple, a daydreamer from the cellars, becomes one of the Princess‘ Girls. Along the way she discovers a closet full of magic dresses and uncovers a plot to trick the princess and release the magically bound dragons who once built the castle. Good series starter.
4/5 ⭐️
Previewing this for my daughter (and enjoying it myself), so I showed her the cover and told her a little about it. She‘s learning bookworm-craft - the excitement of seeing the blurb for the book written by one of your favorite authors!
I enjoyed this one. It was a solid middle-grade fantasy adventure. There were dragons, a princess, and lots of magic.
Here is a YA book I would have enjoyed in my youth (and may read sometime) as someone who still buys costume dresses in October. 😄 A closer look at this Coles photo, also included my childhood spooktacular favourite, Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark.
Has anyone read this series? Would you recommend it? It caught my eye because it looks like a fun magical tale about a spunky young girl. #kids #kidsbooks #kidslit #middlegrade #fairytales