One of my favourite books.
#favouritebooks #libripreferiti #thehelp #kathrynstockett #contemporary #fiction #narrativa
One of my favourite books.
#favouritebooks #libripreferiti #thehelp #kathrynstockett #contemporary #fiction #narrativa
"Tutte le famiglie felici si assomigliano fra loro, ogni famiglia infelice è infelice a suo modo."
"All happy family are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
#citazione #quote #firstline #incipit #annakarenina #classics #classici #Tolstoj #tolstoy #einaudieditore
Sto leggendo di mappe. / I'm reading about maps. #currentlyreading #inlettura #mappe #maps #nonfiction #saggistica #ponteallegrazie #onthemap
One of the classics in my TBR pile #tbr #daleggere #classics #Dickens #classici #greatexpectations #wordsworthedition
#currentlyreading It's really good so far.
#fiction #narrativa #library #biblioteca
Currently reading: the italian edition of A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly. #currentlyreading #inlettura #youngadults #giovaniadulti #mondadorijunior
Non dire mai a tua figlia che deve fare una cosa o che non la deve fare "perché è una femmina". "Perché sei una femmina" non è mai una buona ragione. In nessun caso. - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie #quote #citazione #caraijeawele #dearijeawele #einaudi #feminism #femminismo
Recent purchase: I fantasmi del capitale, essays by Arundhati Roy. I love her works, fiction and non fiction, and I can't wait for her new novel! #italianedition #essays #nonfiction #saggistica #favouritewriters #scrittoripreferiti #purchase #acquisto #guanda
I finally read Nimona by Noelle Stevenson last week. I enjoyed it very much! #nimona #graphicnovel #fumetti #library #biblioteca #baopublishing #italianedition #edizioneitaliana
This book is so good, Octavia Butler was a genius! #sciencefiction #fantascienza #serie #earthseef #dystopian #fanuccieditore #library #biblioteca #italianedition
Buongiorno pompiere - Micheal Escoffier, Matthieu Maudet.
I've read this a thousand times with my niece, it's usually the first she picks when she wants us to read her something. Which makes me happy because I got her this book for christmas. :) #proudaunt. Oh, and the firefighter is a woman. #kids #bimbi #babalibri #italianedition #italiano #illustrati
A coffee and an Agatha Christie mystery. #agathachristie #breakfast #coffee #caffe #mystery #giallo
Harry Potter book and Harry Potter bookmark. Next, on my to-be-read pile.
#harrypotter #expectopatronum #bookmark #segnalibro #theatre #salanieditore #italianedition #edizioneitaliana
"In The first place, Cranford is in possession of the Amazons; all the holders of houses above a certain rent are women."
#shortstories #racconti #classics #classici #opening #inizio #books #libri #openinglines #quote #citazione
"Era una gioia appiccare il fuoco."
"It was a pleasure to burn."
#favouritebooks #preferiti #books #libri #openings #inizio #openinglines #primariga #quote #citazione
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
#classics #classici #opening #inizio #books #libri #openinglines #quote #citazione
"Meet Flavia. Mystery solver. Master poisoner. 11 years old."
I read this in May 2015 and I enjoyed it very much. I liked the heroine, the 1950s setting and the mystery.
#mystery #favouritebooks
"Having her own detective agency would give her the independece she had always longed for."
"Mei Wang is a modern, independent woman."
My pick for Diverse Detective Fiction Month, October 2016. #DiverseDetectives
[italian edition of Eye of Jade]
"Voglio il mio capello" (italian edition of "I want my hat back"), in biblioteca.