"In The first place, Cranford is in possession of the Amazons; all the holders of houses above a certain rent are women."
#shortstories #racconti #classics #classici #opening #inizio #books #libri #openinglines #quote #citazione
"In The first place, Cranford is in possession of the Amazons; all the holders of houses above a certain rent are women."
#shortstories #racconti #classics #classici #opening #inizio #books #libri #openinglines #quote #citazione
"Era una gioia appiccare il fuoco."
"It was a pleasure to burn."
#favouritebooks #preferiti #books #libri #openings #inizio #openinglines #primariga #quote #citazione
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
#classics #classici #opening #inizio #books #libri #openinglines #quote #citazione