Reading some hott boy's love manga ~ Enjoying it so far.
#manga #graphicnovels #graphicnovel #yaoi #boyslove #shounenai #dontbecruel #LGBT #romance #love #sex #teacher #student #highschool #18+
Reading some hott boy's love manga ~ Enjoying it so far.
#manga #graphicnovels #graphicnovel #yaoi #boyslove #shounenai #dontbecruel #LGBT #romance #love #sex #teacher #student #highschool #18+
Happy November! Is anyone writing for National Novel Writing Month? I'm hosting write-ins at my library every Tuesday starting tonight
This adorable painted rock was found at my library. After snapping this photo I made sure to re-hide it somewhere for others to find. It brightened our day!
#library #fall #October #Halloween #skull #librarian #pumpkin #paintedrocks #rock #prmd #spooky #festive #paintedrock #Maryland #bcpl
#fallintobooks Day 14 - Classics for classic haters
Last one tonight to catch me up! (I couldn't find any good Carpe diem books in my collection) Kit kept trying to steal Dracula.
#september #classics #classic #classicsforclassichaters #haters #dracula #frankenstein #aliceinwonderland #countofmontecristo #vampire #monster #cat #cats #photobomb #catsoflitsy
#fallintobooks Day 13 - Guilty
Even though I collect these books as a joke from the $1 paperback section of the Thrift store I still feel #guilty having such ridiculous things on my shelves. It's a real laugh using them to play bring your own book, pretty much the sole reason I collect them!
#september #bringyourownbook #cheesy #romance #erotica #vampires #demons #jokecollection #thriftshop
#fallintobooks Day 12 - Silver and Gold
I fell behind again and decided I will be skipping days that I have no books to match for my own sanity's sake. Pretty monsters is perfect for #silverandgold plus a #cat photo bomber.
#goldandsilver #september #photobomb #cats #gold #silver #monsters #grimms #fairytales #catsoflitsy
#fallintobooks Day 10 - #covertocover
The covers for these editions sort of tie together/tell the story ~ And of course any chance I can get to show off my replica Legolas swords. (and because I have no clue what I've actually read cover to cover recently so I took a different approach)
#lotr #lordoftherings #thehobbit #september #hobbit #swords #sword #elf #elves #tolkien #boxset #trilogy
#fallintobooks Day 9 - #bookmarks
More #anime stuff ~ the Pikachu is my favorite
#Pokemon #bookmark #september #pikachu #ravemaster #manga #graphicnovels #graphicnovel
#fallintobooks Day 8 - #awkward
It's sort of awkward for me to have so many Japanese books that I can't read, especially when I also have the same manga in English already. #collectorlife
#september #manga #graphicnovels #graphicnovel #onepiece #fategrandorder #fatego #fate #fateextra #fateextella
#fallintobooks Day 7 - #southamericanauthors
I don't own any books that fit the bill and I'm currently traveling so here's a book that I think looks interesting and matches the theme ~
#southamerica #southamerican #southamericanwriter #september
#fallintobooks Day 6 - #bookpairing
Classic manga by CLAMP, Tokyo Babylon is the prequel to X/1999 and these are two of my favorites ~
#manga #graphicnovels #september #graphicnovel #clamp #tokyobabylon #x #x1999 #bookpairs #bookpair #bookpairing #anime
#fallintobooks Day 5 - #someoneelsereading
Whoops I fell a day behind Dx I'll just post 2 today to make up for it. Have the perfect manga for book lovers - #readordie ~
#manga #graphicnovels #september #graphicnovel #reading #books #librarian #rod
#fallintobooks Day 4 - Occupation in title
Plus a lovely #cat photo bomb ~
#teacher #butler #model #alchemist #geisha #artist #vampirehunter #occupationintitle #september #manga #graphicnovels #graphicnovel #blackbutler #Fullmetalalchemist #vampirehunterd #memoirsofageisha #gto #greatteacheronizuka #mangaartistacademy #cats #photobomb #catsoflitsy #memoir
#fallintobooks Day 3 - #cursive
This was the best I could do with my collection! I'm surprised by how few used cursive.
#manga #graphicnovels #september #annerice #interviewwiththevampire #claudiasstory #descendantsofdarkness #yaminomatsuei #childrenofmoonlight #graphicnovel
Day 2 of #fallintobooks ~ #bookrainbow
Or in my case a #mangarainbow I had so much fun making this!
#manga #graphicnovels #rainbow #september #blackbird #model #tokyobabylon #trigun #onepiece #alichino #dothack #gravitation #deathnote #bloodalone #revolutionarygirlutena #lovephobia #paradisekiss #trampslikeus #mygirlfriendisageek #dramacon #vocaloid
Fall into books - Day 1 - Most anticipated
I mostly read manga, so my most anticipated book for September is Frau Faust! It's by the author of The Ancient Magus' Bride which I love, plus just look at that guy! I love dullahan characters ~
#manga #fallintobooks #septembermostanticipated #ancientmagusbride #koreyamazaki #fraufaust #september #newrelease #graphicnovels #dullahan #mephistopoles #faust #demons @RealLifeReading
A display for my first program as a librarian~ it was this past weekend and was a success! Anime/manga drawing for teens, a hobby of mine that I am particularly passionate about.
Cambion is the first novel I've written! Completed for NaNoWriMo 2013, but I intend to release a new edition with artwork interspersed as soon as I can 💜
#NaNoWriMo #author #debut #cambion #incubus #novel #novella #paranormal #occult #fantasy #demon #witch #magic #thechurchisevil #cello #seduction #library #librarian
Manga display at my #library ~ I'm I'm charge of keeping it full to advertise my #manga drawing program.
#Fullmetalalchemist #deathnote #madokamagica #blackbird #fatezero #paradisekiss #fruitsbasket #onepiece #ancientmagusbride #bakuman #blackbutler #misskobayashisdragonmaid #dragonmaid #magusbride #bcpl #drawing #anime #display
Really digging the Requiem of the Rose King manga, almost as much as snuggling with my baby