Ancient Magus‘ Bride, volume 9
Good conclusion to the stressful vol 8. I am very curious about Chise‘s and Ainsworth‘s next adventure at The College.
#ancientmagusbride #manga
Ancient Magus‘ Bride, volume 9
Good conclusion to the stressful vol 8. I am very curious about Chise‘s and Ainsworth‘s next adventure at The College.
#ancientmagusbride #manga
Frau Faust volume 1
An alternative to the story of Faust, and I like it. Created by the same mangaka as Ancient Magus‘ Bride ❤️
#fraufaust #manga #ancientmagusbride
Ancient Magus‘ Bride volume 8
Curses suck, and Chise‘s pissed. Lots of tension at the end of this volume 😆 What‘s going to happen in 9?
#ancientmagusbride #manga
Ancient Magus‘ Bride vol 7
About: young girl with magical potential gets taken under the apprenticeship of an powerful mage who wants to learn more about human heart
A good volume. And now I must wait until Feb 2018 to wrap up the cliffhanger left at the end of this book 😆😆😆 I hate the wait 😭
#ancientmagusbride #manga
So I just finished reading Ancient Magus‘ Bride vol 7, and decided to search for the availability of vol 8.
THIS figurine of the characters from the series showed up in the results 😮 And, whoa!! Over $530 dollars for it! 😆 I may be fan, but not at that price 😮
#ancientmagusbride #figurines #collectables
Fall into books - Day 1 - Most anticipated
I mostly read manga, so my most anticipated book for September is Frau Faust! It's by the author of The Ancient Magus' Bride which I love, plus just look at that guy! I love dullahan characters ~
#manga #fallintobooks #septembermostanticipated #ancientmagusbride #koreyamazaki #fraufaust #september #newrelease #graphicnovels #dullahan #mephistopoles #faust #demons @RealLifeReading
Manga display at my #library ~ I'm I'm charge of keeping it full to advertise my #manga drawing program.
#Fullmetalalchemist #deathnote #madokamagica #blackbird #fatezero #paradisekiss #fruitsbasket #onepiece #ancientmagusbride #bakuman #blackbutler #misskobayashisdragonmaid #dragonmaid #magusbride #bcpl #drawing #anime #display
I attended a university at a place where it got rather cold and snowy during the fall and winter seasons. I eventually adapted to such climate and fell in love with the crisp cold air and serenity of snow. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I want a more winter-like weather (at times) 😆 Just don't let my hubs know 😉
#ravemaster #sensualphrase #midoridays #ancientmagusbride #manga
#dreamingofacolderclimate #readjanuary
Ancient Magus' Bride vol 5
A bit slow, but a good read 👍 📚 ❤ I adore Ainsworth and Chise 😊
#manga #ancientmagusbride