Ir's my Litsyversary! Can't believe it's been seven years. Thanks everyone for making this community the best! Love you'll! XOXO
Ir's my Litsyversary! Can't believe it's been seven years. Thanks everyone for making this community the best! Love you'll! XOXO
Major caveat here: if I didn't have a vague idea of how this trilogy ended, I wouldn't be continuing to the next book. At the moment, I deem it worthwhile to continue, because I think having the full story told in this manner will add to the catharsis/emotional impact of the ending. But, from a 'single book' perspective, Evans has made a bold choice in making the entire work background for the narrative 1/?
This is Anthony‘s first female protagonist in the series and much of the book serves to highlight just how shallowly he writes his women. The book is fine, as with the others, but he definitely seems like the type of male author who spends more time describing the women in his stories than actually characterizing them.
Chapter 7: Lucy decides to travel to Villette to find Madame Beck. She gets there by coach, but it‘s dark when she arrives, her bag is missing, and some losers follow her…. #lucygetslost #whereisthatdarnhotel #findsmadamebeckshouseinstead #fate #meanttobe #sheshouldpeobablylearnfrench #ishouldprobablylearnfrench #gladmyversionistranslated #pemberlittens
Thomas Ott's wordless graphic novel is a 'strange tale' about an executioner who finds a slip of paper with a long number written on it next to the electric chair he's just used to judicially murder a prisoner. The numbers on the slip start to have a strange significance, and the story proceeds to its predictable, but nonetheless well-told, end.
I've not come across Ott before, and found his art style well suited to his material. 4⭐
So good.
At times it felt a bit chaotic to me, but overall I loved it and concur with the ravishing reviews! Dysfunctional family dynamics, zeitgeist and fate intertwine.
#everythinginevertoldyou #celesteng #novel #dysfuncionalfamily #fate #chineseamerican
Cute premise. Each chapter begins with a review of a Bollywood movie. But, overall, the plot was a bit lackluster.