Look what came in the mail! The 6yo was very impressed. And the sneaky monster in this made me laugh out loud.
Look what came in the mail! The 6yo was very impressed. And the sneaky monster in this made me laugh out loud.
Just the thing to read on a hot, sticky summer day. ❤️
Finished LINCOLN IN THE BARDO yesterday and wow. It's a masterpiece. Brilliant and beautiful.
I apparently liked this book so much that I shelved it with my own books, and only realized when months later the library asked for it back.
Masterful & one of the best linked collections I've ever read.
"They sharpen themselves on each other; each is by turn blade and whetstone."
I worked at Let's Go from 2001-2002 and was delighted to spot this row of Let's Go travel guides in the set dressing of Bridget Jones's Diary!
Truth in advertising from the 6yo.
I read this book in an hour but have been thinking about it ever since. Thanks @Dlazarin for texting me bits of it until I caved and bought my own copy. (It didn't take long!)
It's the time of year when squirrels come out to melt on my fence, which makes me think of THE PORTABLE VEBLEN, of course.
Running into friends' books at the bookstore feels almost like running into the friends themselves. ❤️
Just read this for the first time ever and I'm emotionally wrecked.
Ever since reading COMING TO MY SENSES I've wanted to learn more about perfume--so I finally made the trip to Twisted Lily in Brooklyn and I may be hooked. I recommend this book wholeheartedly for awaking your interest in scent--but let me just say that I warned you: you'll never smell things the same at again.
Went to BEA to sign galleys of LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE; @penguinrandomhouse surprised me with this. 😳
An excellent twisty fun read for a chilly December day.
Looks like a fascinating historical read about three women & mothers banding together to survive WWII!
The ARC of Jami Attenberg's ALL GROWN UP came with this series of buttons, which I uncleverly left out on the table. My 6yo found them and had many questions. "What's 'the sinking ship that is my flesh' mean?" "What's a shrieker? Why would you yell in bed; you're supposed to be SLEEPING."
If these buttons don't entice you to read this book, nothing will.
Stories about modern girls and women in all their ferocity and vulnerability. I adore this cover; can't wait to see what's inside.
"Somewhere in my brain
each laugh, tear, and lullaby
becomes memory."
If you haven't read this book yet, go get it. I promise it will open things inside you.
The elevator pitch is "family adopts chimpanzee as member of the family," but this book is so much more: it's a powerful inquiry of how we talk about race (or more often don't) in America. A phenomenal read, and a must-read at this political moment. You'll be hooked by page 2, I promise.
Spotted at Literati Bookstore, Ann Arbor, MI.
New bookmail: Min Jin Lee's sophomore novel, PACHINKO. Looks like a worthy follow-up (not a sequel!) to FREE FOOD FOR MILLIONAIRES.
Lovely book mail: Sonya Chung's new novel. Just look at that gorgeous cover.
This is either the best or the worst Halloween read: as in, it's totally creeping me out. So good.
Ooh! Excellent bookmail today: Dan Chaon's new novel ILL WILL. AWAIT YOUR REPLY kept me up all night; can't wait to read this.
Excellent bookmail today--loved WHERE'D YOU GO, BERNADETTE and can't wait to read this.
Just started reading this!
Reading this on a friend's recommendation. A fun MG book about a spunky science-loving girl in 1899.
One of the truest things I've ever read about parenting.
Is it kosher to share a photo of your own book? Here's the Korean edition of EINTY, which just arrived on my doorstep.
Oh wow, this book. It just made my heart ache. Such a complex portrait of the messy ties of families and familial love.
Ooh! This is now out in paperback! This hit home for me, as the daughter of a chemist and the sister of a mechanical engineer. Great reading for anyone (male or female) in science--or trying to encourage a kid in STEM.
I mean. Look how cute these pictures are.
A super-cute book about a goat and a hen trying to cross a moat--and secretly about SCIENCE! The 5yo loved it.
A super-cute book about a goat and a hen trying to cross a moat--and secretly about SCIENCE! The 5yo loved it.
The 5yo's grandmother sent him this for his first day of kindergarten--and it's adorable. (His favorite line: "Now I'm covered in nose milk!")
The 5yo's grandmother sent him this for his first day of kindergarten--and it's adorable. (His favorite line: "Now I'm covered in nose milk!")
Continuing my Agatha Christie binge. One of her best.
Absolutely adorable book, recommended to me by the booksellers of Porter Square Books.
This book--which is a reimagining of THE GREAT GATSBY featuring an African-American family in the contemporary south--looks fantastic.
"The christening party took a turn when Albert Cousins arrived with gin."
That Ann Patchett sure knows how to craft an opening line.
"When I was first thinking of myself as a writer back in my teens, the shorthand for that was fame. But then I started to understand what writing was and who writers were... [They're] super-famous in our world, but most of the world doesn't know them. So pretty quickly, to me it wasn't about fame—it was about accomplishment. Once you let go of that fame thing, it's the first step in really being able to focus on doing good work." — Cheryl Strayed