Lexicon is on sale today! Recommended if you like SFF with young adult-ish characters, punchy plotting & romance! A very fun read that deserves more attention
Lexicon is on sale today! Recommended if you like SFF with young adult-ish characters, punchy plotting & romance! A very fun read that deserves more attention
I read all Stein‘s books in a single sitting 💙 She dives into her heroine‘s voice without preamble, often shirking conventions like dialogue tags and simple scene blocking to give her work a dreamy stream-of-consciousness feel. She always calls out double standards and consent issues rather than excuse them—and she takes us to film school in this one as Letty & Tate complete a project about sex in cinema. #romantsy
A perfect work of science fiction ❤️
I‘ll admit it! - I chose these books from the library PURELY because their colors put me in a happy Spring mood! 💐
The heart of this series is so sweet under its goth aesthetic 🖤
I enjoyed a couple of the stories (Venison, Walleye, Chocolate Habanero) but overall, don‘t get the hype on this one. Pretty mediocre.