This is one I didn‘t want to put down. Unfortunately, life and work got in the way of my reading. Such an important message. Everyone should read this
This is one I didn‘t want to put down. Unfortunately, life and work got in the way of my reading. Such an important message. Everyone should read this
I am so enjoying my first purchase from Serial Box! The Haunting of Beatrix Greene is turning out to be an absolutely spine tingling ghost story. Warning! Do not listen with headphones on! The sounds that accompany the narration bring the story to life in such a realistic way that you‘ll think there are footsteps coming from behind you. Excellent production and narration! Can‘t wait for the rest of the episodes to be released!
5th week in a row on the New York Times bestsellers list!
So excited to start the spooky Halloween box from Once Upon a Book Club!
V.E. Schwab is one of my favorite authors because she has proved over and over again how talented she is. I have read everything from her very first book, her middle grade novels, her books for young adults, and her gritty adult fantasy books. Now with her newest book, Schwab is once again proving that she is a writer of many talents. Addie LaRue is turning out to be just as amazing as her other works, but for very different reasons.
“Will it change the minds of the Emilys though? Probably not. Honestly, nothing will. They‘ll never truly understand because they don‘t wanna understand someone like me.”
And that right there is the root of America‘s systematic racist society 💔
“It‘s always very easy to declare that other people are idiots, but only if you forget how idiotically difficult being human is.”
Looking forward to some quite time after weeks of craziness ☕️ 📖
I am having so much fun with this audiobook! I will definitely be reading the rest of the books by these authors 😄
I love my #onceuponabookclubbox! My favorite subscription 🥰 Here‘s June‘s YA book box
This month‘s Book of the Month picks!
Started this one today and I can already tell it‘s going to be a good one
Before I get started teaching my classes today, I thought I would try and get some reading in. Trying to have these both finished by the weekend 🤞
I just received my mail and look what was inside! Now I‘m all set for my #wizardvirtualrun
#hufflepuffpride #5k #running #harrypotterrun
Some more favorites, but this time from my adult fiction section
Some of my favorite YA books throughout the years
I‘m so close to finishing this one and I don‘t want it to end! It‘s been such a great book to escape into and with how hard it‘s been to read lately, I‘m dreading picking up a new book
This month‘s book club choice! Seems like it will be a fast read
I‘m so close to finishing Educated, a book that‘s been on my TBR forever. This book has held me in awe over the last week and I‘m so reluctant to finish it up because I can already feel the book (or more accurate audiobook) hangover.
Finally getting caught up on all the books I‘ve wanted to read. It‘s one of the only positives during this crazy time
Great month for me! I usually only read about 4 books a month. I doubled that this February! And this is the shortest month of the year! Here‘s hoping the rest of the year is just as strong!
My favorite reads this month were definitely Spinning Silver and Code Name Verity! Beautiful writing in both!
#wrapup #februaryreads
When in Canada! 🇨🇦
I love !ndigo! I can‘t believe how many great books I found. Books that won‘t be released until next month, paperback copies of books that are new releases in the US and therefore are only in hardback, and great bargain books!
This is turning out to be a perfect winter read ❄️
Thank you @ferskner for another great recommendation! Can‘t wait to get started on this one 🕵️♂️
#wellreadpodcast #mysterynovels #tbr
I honestly love moments like this. I don‘t think two tiny creatures have ever made me feel so loved 🥰
Just started this one! I‘ve heard good things. So far it‘s a bit slow and a little hard to follow so I hope I get more into it as time goes by.
#audiobooks #whatimlisteningto
My boyfriend got me the best gift for Christmas! Tonight was my first night breaking it out and I loved every second of my relaxing bath 😌
#bookishgifts #booksandbaths #bookworm #relaxing
“The moments that define lives aren‘t always obvious. They don‘t always scream LEDGE, and nine times out of ten there‘s no rope to duck under, no line to cross, no blood pact, no official letter on fancy paper.”
Need to get started on this one today! Reading for an online book group that will be tackling Vicious and it‘s companion, Vengeful. I‘m excited because these are both books that I wanted to get to in 2019!
Love that audible shared my stats with me! I‘m not sure if I should be surprised by how much I listened to or if I should be surprised I didn‘t listen to more 🤔
#audiobooks #audiblestats #2019audiobooks
While in NYC I had the awesome opportunity to check out the Harney and Sons Tasting room! It was heaven. This beautiful tea was my favorite blend I tried. It tastes just like an apple orchard! Knowing me, I probably would still have bought it just for the tin ❤️
I‘m the kind of person who doesn‘t mind waiting at the doctor‘s office or the mechanics for long periods of time. I recently told my mother that I always have a book on hand (or five) because the stupidest thing you can do is go anywhere without a book 😄
#alwayscarryabook #bookworm #bookaddict #reading
Can‘t wait to get started on this tonight! That and all the Dove chocolate I‘m about to eat! #JolabokaflodSwap
My #JolabokaflodSwap gift arrived just in time! So excited to get open this tonight
Sending out my #JolabokaflodSwap today! So excited to be a part of this awesome tradition!
There‘s nothing better to do than to stay at home on the couch and read a book when you‘re sick #readingwhenyouresick #quietday
Here are my hopeful reads for this month! I love winter reads and these ones seem perfect for the holiday season!
#holidayreads #tbr #winterbooks
Here are some of my favorite books of all time! I can remember distinctly where I was when I read each of these. The Help was during the hot summer after I graduated high school, Jane Eyre was in a drizzly cold February month as I attended my favorite literature class, The Snow Child was when snowflakes were falling all around, and Emma was during a cleansing springtime rain. All were magical and hit me at the perfect time.
This month was a great month! I loved every single one of these books! Can‘t wait to see what books I finish in December! #wrapup #fivestarbooks
I have been looking for a copy of this book forever! It‘s never in stores and I‘ve had no luck at used bookstores either. Even Amazon‘s price for it was higher than what most mass paperbacks sell for. Tonight I was doing some gift shopping at Barnes and Noble and there it was! Naturally I treated myself to an early Christmas present 😊
I‘ve really been enjoying my Sunday with this delightful distraction! Total escapism. I‘m easily more than halfway done with it already and hoping I can get it done before bed tonight. I hope everyone had a great reading day!
#sundayreads #romancebooks #reading
I got to meet this amazing author today! It was so much fun hearing her talk about her books and writing life! No better way to spend a Sunday!
#authorsigning #bookish
So excited to have received my Waterstones edition of The Starless Sea today! I honestly can‘t tell which cover I like better.
#bookcovers #bookishproblems #cantwaittoread
This is a book that is constantly recommended to me by my students. I have so much to read that I just haven‘t gotten to it yet but I‘m bound and determined to start now!