When your eyes refuse to shut, the next best thing is reading... Mr. Sandman find me soon please...😴
#sleepissues #eyesarenotheavy #menopauseiguess #readingismythang #maybeeyeswillgetheavy #bookswag #readingtime #whynot🤷🏻♀️ #bookpage
When your eyes refuse to shut, the next best thing is reading... Mr. Sandman find me soon please...😴
#sleepissues #eyesarenotheavy #menopauseiguess #readingismythang #maybeeyeswillgetheavy #bookswag #readingtime #whynot🤷🏻♀️ #bookpage
When your eyes refuse to shut, the next best thing is reading... Mr. Sandman find me soon please...😴
#sleepissues #eyesarenotheavy #menopauseiguess #readingismythang #maybeeyeswillgetheavy #bookswag #readingtime #whynot🤷🏻♀️ #bookpage
My Sunday night reading buddy ... Miss Kitty loves to read too 🐱📖...
#stevenrowley #theeditor #readingtime📖 #readingismypassion #bookswag #bookporn #bookstagram #bookpages
Time to start a new one... Excited to read this one... 😆
It‘s in from the library... Digging in & turning pages wile I get my pedi...
Enjoying this one.... Traveling To Baltimore in between the pages...
#tonyabolden #inventingvictoria #turningpages #bookswag #bookporn #bookstagram #readingismagic #readingaddict
Starting this one... It has been on my TBR list for a while... Let the story unfold... 🍷🍽
#thedinnerlist #rebeccaserle #turningpages #readingtime📖
Enjoying the breeze as I turn the pages & sip some homemade mint tea...
#campaignwidows #aimeeagresti #lovemymichelleobamabookmark #bookswag #bookporn #sundayvibes #readingismagic #bookstagram #bookpage #bookfeaturepage
It surely is & no one can take that away from you 💜....
Going to see what this one is about.... Perfect evening out to sit & turn some pages 📖🌄
#96wordsforlove #rachelroy #avadash
Going to see what this one is about.... Perfect evening out to sit & turn some pages 📖🌄
#96wordsforlove #rachelroy #avadash
Time to relax & finish this book... It is soooo beautiful outside...Happy Reading Peeps...
#jojomoyes #thepeacockemporium #readingtime📖 #readingismagic #bookswag #bookporn #bookstagram #readingismyescape
Perfect evening to sit out & chill lax ... #thepeacockemporium #jojomoyes #whynot🤷🏻♀️ #mytherapy #readingismagic #readingtime📖 #readingnook #bookswag #bookstagram #bookporn #bookpages #bookphoto
BookCon on Sunday... My very first time going to something like this...Super excited!!!
#nyc #nycmyfavoriteplayground #firstbookcon #bookcon2019 #bookswag #booksbooksbooks #bookjunkie
Beautiful night to sit out, read a little, while the sun sets... #jojomoyes #thepeacockemporium #perfectevening #sunsetting #birdschirping #nottohot #happy
Excited to start this one 💜.... #jojomoyes #thepeacockemporium #bookstagrammer #readingtime📖 #readingismagic #bookswag #bookporn #bookpages #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks
Started this gem last night when my eyes wouldn‘t shut... First time I jump right into another book without finishing one... Only because it‘s an ebook loan from the library & I have eight days to read this gem... Soooo not me but enjoying the first two chapters.... 💜
#internment #samirahmed #readingismagical #bookswag #readingismyescape #bookstagram #bookporn #2019readingchallenge
Finish one, pick up another... Keep the books moving... Hope this one is a page turner like my last one...
#watchingyou #lisajewell #mytherapy #sippingandreading #readingismyescape #readingismagical #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookswag #2019readingchallenge
Enjoying my last day of spring break with a page turner... Can‘t seem to put this book down... 🤷🏻♀️ #goodriddance #elinorlipman #bookswag #readingismagic #readingtime📖 #bookporn #bookpages #readingismagical #mytherapy #sippingandreading
Excited to start this gem with my reading partner Adele... “Auntie what are you doing to me... You know I want to sleep & not read” ... That look says it all....
#goodriddance #elinorlipman #bookswag #readingismagic #readingtime📖 #rainydaysareforreading #bookpages #bookporn #instabook #booksofinstagram #2019readingchallenge
Gorgeous day to get some reading in & appreciate the Cherry Blossoms...
#mysistertheserialkiller #oyinkanbraithwaite #feelingblessed #appreciatinggodsbeauty #readingtime📖 #readingiscool #readingismagical #bookswag #bookporn #bookpages #bookporn
Since my eyes woke up like I‘m going to work, I guess I will start this gem on this rainy day off.... ☔️💦
#mysistertheserialkiller #oyinkanbraithwaite #eyesareheavy #iwanttosleepbuteyeswontcloseb #readingtime📖 #readingismagic #bookstagram #bookswag #bookworm #bookporn #bookpics #readingismytherapy
Time to travel to Ireland... I love when the story takes place in a different country... I learn soooo much through reading.... Maybe one day I will visit Ireland 🤷🏻♀️....
#love&luck #jennaevanswelch #lazysaturday #turningsomepages #letsseewhsinireland #whynot #bookswag #readingtakesmeplaces
This is the coolest gift a book junkie could ever receive on her birthday!!! Plus it was made with love... 💜💜💜📖
#shemadethat #socreactive #myfriendsknowmewell #ihavethebestcircleoffriends #booksmakeagoodgift #sothoughtful #happyhappyhappy #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #bookswag
Love me some book swaps!!! I love the surprise factor & you get to meet someone who loves books too... It‘s a win win!!!! Thanks @storytimeshon for all my sweet lovely gifts... She definitely spoiled me!!!! Thanks @areaderinlove for another awesome book swap!!!!
#arbookandmugswap2 #lovemyswappartner #bookmail #bookmailisthebestmail #readingismagic #readismytherapy #bookswag
This Peach Crown Royal is smooth... Yeah I couldn‘t resist & wait, why not??? I like it more then the Apple Crown Royal... 🥃🤷🏻♀️
#peachcrownroyal #ilikethepeachtaste #mynewsippingdrink #moveoverciroc #readingandsipping #theadults #carolinehulse
Finish one 📖 Start another 📖....
#theadults #carolinehulse #sundaysareforreading #readismytherapy #readingrelaxesme #readingismagical #bookswag #readingtakesmeplaces #anewread
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss....My favorite book was Green Eggs & Ham...What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Go pick up my hold & walk out with three more books 🤷🏻♀️....
#problemsofabookjunkie #librarychronicles #ohwell #mystory #booklife #readingismagical #2019readingchallenge #readismytherapy #whynot #bookswag #imhappy #happyreading
Snow day for me = Reading time...😊 Let the flakes fall 😊...
#bethharbison #everytimeyougoaway #snowday #happyhappyhappy #readingismagical #2019readingchallenge #readismytherapy #readingrelaxesme #bookswag #bookporn #bookpages #bookmarkers
Since my eyes want to stay open I‘ll start this beauty... 🤷🏻♀️
#bethharbison #everytimeyougoaway #cantsleep #soiwillreadaboutitinstead #bookstagram #readismytherapy #readingrelaxesme #readingismagical #2019readingchallenge #bookswag #bookpages
Book mail on a snowy day = happiness.... Thank you Christy for all my lovely gifts & books...Chocolate always understands... Thank you @areaderinlove for another awesome book swap... Happy Reading Peeps... @cdstapf
#fallinlovebookswap4 #lovebookswaps #valentinebookswap #booksaremagical #bookstakeyouplaces #bookpages #chocolateunderstands
Just got this one from the library...Return one & get another...
#kikiswinson #theblackmarket #letsseewherethisonetakesmeto
#perfectdayforreading #chillyout
#crazysocks #readingtime📖 #bookstagram #bookstoread #instaboobstagram #readingismagical #publiclibrariesarethebest
Up reading & sipping... Started this beauty yesterday... Enjoying the London scenery where the plot takes place... 📖☕️
#thebeautyofreading #readingtakesyouplaces #housegirl #michaeldonkor #readingsomethingdifferent #whynottrynewthings #youalwayscanlearnsomething #readingismagical #readingisrelaxing #2019readingchallenge #bucklistlondon
Book Mail... Love book swaps... Thank you @writersguild for all the goodies & books... Another awesome swap... Thank you @areaderinlove for everything you do to make the book swaps a success...📖📦#newyearbookswap2 #lovebookswap #yougettomeetnewbookjunkies #yougetcoolgifts #bookishitems #happy
It surely does... Gotta finish this book today & then catch up on “A Million Little Things”... Happy Sunday & Happy Reading 💜
#nicolamoriarty #thoseotherwomen
My type of day before the big game... 🤷🏻♀️🦅
#Whynot #snowyreadingday #lovetowatchtheflakesfall #cantputthisbookdown #itsgotmehooked #nicolamoriarty #thoseotherwomen #readingisrelaxing #booksaremagic #bookstagram #readingismagical #2019readingchallenge
Enjoying my Friday off with this beauty... Happy Friday & Happy Reading...
#nicolamoriarty #thoseotherwomen #loveitsofar #canrelate #fridaymood #booksaremagic #readingissexy #bookstagram #readingtime📖 #perfectmorningtoread #booksarelove #readingislove❣️📖☕️ #happyreading #2019readingchallenge
Embracing the moment = Reading Time... Happy Sunday 😊
#anabsolutelyremarkablething #hankgreen #almostfinished #okbook #different #embracethemoment #lovesayings #inspireyou #thelittlethings #happyreading #readingismagical
Exactly my plans for the next few hours before I step out in this rain... I have soooo many books to read in sooooo little time...🤷🏻♀️
#readingtime📖 #booksaremagic #bookstagram #justcanthelpmyself #walkingintoalibraryspellstrouble #greedy #lovebooks #bookjunkie #bookjunkieforlife #readingissexy #bookstagramfeatures #bookporn #bookpages #hankgreen #anabsolutelyremarkablething
Making progress... I‘m nice & comfy for the evening... I don‘t know about you but I love 💕 these fuzzy socks... 🧦 📖... They keep you nice & warm...
#fuzzychristmassocks #niceandcomfy #readingtime📖 #hankgreen #anabsolutelyremarkablething #bookstagram #books #bookswag #bookpagefeature #readingismagical #bookish
My gorgeous reading blanket made by my brother...💜🧶
Finally getting some reading in on my winter break... 📖☕️
#frankgreen #anabsolutelyremarkablething #readingtime📖 #readingissexy #booksaremagic #bookstagram #bookish #bookpages #bookporn #bookpics #perfectreadingday #bookstagramfeature #rainingdaysareforreading
Exactly my plans for today... Maybe I might bake some cookies... But I do know, I have no desire to go out & bargain shop... Sooo not me... Enjoy your day my friends....📖☕️
#needtocatchuponreading #notintheshoppingmood #justwanttochill #maybebakecookies #readingtime📖 #booksaremagic #bookstagram #bookpages #bookish #readingissexy #readingiscool
Rainy Saturday calls for reading & movies... At least I‘m dry & warm... I was suppose to go see Christmas Lights in NYC... But we canceled because of the rain 🤷🏻♀️
#rosiewalsh #ghosted #enjoyingthislightread #bookpageart #readingismagic #bookstagramfeature #bookish #bookswag #turningthepages #readingtime📖 #readingiscool #oldbookpages #bookart #exercisingmybrain