Going to see what this one is about.... Perfect evening out to sit & turn some pages 📖🌄
#96wordsforlove #rachelroy #avadash
Going to see what this one is about.... Perfect evening out to sit & turn some pages 📖🌄
#96wordsforlove #rachelroy #avadash
Going to see what this one is about.... Perfect evening out to sit & turn some pages 📖🌄
#96wordsforlove #rachelroy #avadash
My super late #BoutofBooks tbr that I put together the night before it started lol. It‘s been.... going 😂 I finished 96 Words For Love by Rachel Roy and Ava Dash. My favorite thing about it is the main characters realistic journey from feeling lost in life (been there - still there!) to finding that one thing that she‘s so passionate about that it helps her find some direction in her life. It was a really great read
- recommend!
What I'm readin now!!!
I love this cover, it's so pretty!!
"But now I understood that drive wasn't just about figuring out what you were going to get up in the morning and give back to the world everyday for the rest of your life. I was staying to understand that it was about figuring out what you were going to give yourself."