My Sunday night reading buddy ... Miss Kitty loves to read too 🐱📖...
#stevenrowley #theeditor #readingtime📖 #readingismypassion #bookswag #bookporn #bookstagram #bookpages
My Sunday night reading buddy ... Miss Kitty loves to read too 🐱📖...
#stevenrowley #theeditor #readingtime📖 #readingismypassion #bookswag #bookporn #bookstagram #bookpages
about : a group of children go on a thrilling adventures in many different places! initially they were just having fun but they started facing many challenges and they have to find a way to get out of the mess alone
learning points : the children are really brave and they step up to try their very best to face any problems in life which is what I should do now
about : when two children run away from the only home they know since their parents died, they are left homeless and the girl starts losing everything while her brother cannot find a job. It ends off with them realising what home really is.
learning points : we should persevere like how they do and not complain about every little thing we face. also, we should start cherishing the family and home we have :)
Reading time.... Catching the breeze, while turning some pages.... Just love this story as it is unfolding in lower Manhattan... 🌥🎍🕶📖🏙🏡...
#jojomoyes #stillme #perfectsundayweather #nicebreeze #listeningtothebirdschirp #lovegodscreation #bookish #bookart #bookswag #bookphotography #bookporn #bookworm #bookstagram #booktagramfeature #bookpagefeature #readingismagic #readingtime📖 #readingismypassion
Friday Night Bubbles = Relaxation....🍷📖🛁🛋
#lush #lushbubbles #happyhappyhappy #turningpages #newreadingmaterial #todaywillbedifferent #mariesemple #libraryhaul #lovethehumorinthisbook #bookswag #bookporn #bookpages #expandingmymind #bookpagefeature #bookstagramfeature #readingisfundamental #readingismypassion
Maybe I will finally finish this book today... Perfect morning to turn some pages...📖☕️🍩🌨...
#singunburiedsing #jesmynward #slowreadersclub #readatmyownspeed #goodbook #pageturner #ilovetoread #bookpagefeature #bookpages #readingismagic #bookish #bookswag #fridaymorningvibes #bookstagram #bookstagramfeatures #bookswag #readingismypassion #thegiftofreadingisendless #readingtakesyouplaces
The first copy I bought myself for 2 francs and the second I got from my book subcription! I haven't actually read yet, prefer my copy as the other is in small print which tends to put me off a book! #bookcovers #thenightcircus #booklover #readingismypassion #books #lovetoread #tbr
My situation on this rainy night 🧐
#isabelallende #inthemidstofwinter #rainynight #sipandread #alittlechillyout #booksarecool #readingislove #readingiscool #relaxingafteralongday #lifeisgood #readingismytherapy #readingismypassion #readingismyescape #readingissexy #readingislove #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #bookpagefeature #bibliophile
A little something light to start my night... My third book of the New Year...Enjoy your evening & Happy Reading folks....❄️☃️🍕🥤📖...
#kissmeinnewyork #catherinerider #snowynights #lovesnow #theperfectevening #babyitscoldoutside❄️ #relaxingandenjoyinglife #bookpagefeature #thejoyofreading #readingislove #bookpage #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #bookswag #readingismypassion