Off to a great start 😂 I'm intrigued
Off to a great start 😂 I'm intrigued
Just saw this and it made my day!! I'm so excited for this release... can't wait to read this book 😆
#tbr #marianazapata
I'm already prepared for may ☺ In april I read only 9 books, hopefully may will be a better month for me 😆
#bujo #bookbujo #bulletjournal
Coffee + sun + a little reading before work = perfect 😀
Really hate it when hero talks like that to heroine 😕
Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate! If you don't then have a nice weekend. I will use free days to get some reading done ☺
* 2 stars*
It started out pretty good, I liked the russian folklore and the sound of russian names...But it went downhill pretty fast. The main word I would use to describe this book is BORING! Nothing exciting happens, slow pacing... that's the main reason I'm giving lower rating. Plus the romance was too insta love for me.
April has been super busy for me. I've only read one book so far. One! And we're already in the second half of april. I need to step up my game otherwise april will look pretty bad in my statistics 😂
I'm currently in the middle of Through the White Wood by Jessica Leake.
* 3.5 stars *
⠀Defy Me is probably my least favorite book in Shatter Me series. After reading this book I was a little disappointed because I had high hopes for this sequel. I felt like nothing happened that would be relevant to the plot. Plus the book was a little too short. I will still continue with this series because I still love the characters (let's not forget about Kenji 💜) and I enjoyed the book - just not as much as previous books.
Finally had the time to finish my april bujo cover. It's flowers this month ☺
#bujo #bookbujo #bulletjournal
Currently in the middle of this one ☺
Can you tell he's not a fan of selfies? 😂😂 That face 😹
Please help! Lately I've been super busy and haven't read much, plus my mental health wasn't so great. Finally, I feel better and I am in the mood to read! I'm craving some romance, it has to have enemies to lovers trope or ex-con hero trope.
If you know any romance books with mentioned tropes, please let me know ☺
"Shatter Me" series is one of my all time favorites. I just love the writing and some kind of lyrical prose ?
I think it's time for re-read, so I can be prepared for "Defy Me" that will be out in april. Can't wait!
It's a beautiful sunny day today ☺ I used my free day for walking around the lake. Next time I'm bringing audiobook with me.
Not my favorite book by Kasie West. Nothing really happened, most of the time I was bored and didn't connect to any character at all. I'm sure plenty of people will find this book enjoyable, but it just wasn't for me.
Everything about this book was just so simplistic, it wasn't mysterious at all and the reveal was obvious and let me down. I think mental illness and taking medications for it were handled very poorly. Not recommended!
Loved it! One of the best Beauty and the Beast retellings I've read 💕
40% in and I can already tell this will not be my favorite. Pacing is all over the place, I don't like the heroine, she's over the top and so careless about her own health (she has a heart condition and hasn't been to the doctor for years!). It's so frustrating because I loved The Hating Game and had high hopes for this one.
Red february...
#bulletjournal #bujo #bookbujo
I didn't get to magical 24 but I'm still happy with my progress. Plus, I reached my goal and completed one series.
#24b4monday @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65
My first two finished books of #24b4monday readathon.
I don't know what happened! I liked the first book but this two were just so disappointing. I was mostly bored, the plot didn't have enough substance for me. Cat was whiny and insecure all the time (she constantly describes herself as "useless" even though she has the strongest magic). The hero was crazy possessive and obsessed with Cat.
@TheSpineView #seriesread
Day one: Friday
I read for six hours for #24b4monday readathon. I'm about to continue.
I'm joining the #24B4Monday train. I will set up my tbr later today, but I already know I will try to finish at least one of my open series and make some progress on others. This will be "series readathon" for me ☺
Question. How do you keep track of hours read? Do you use stopwatch on phone or some other app?
Couldn't agree more!
This one started a little slow for me, because I had a hard time remembering what happened in the first book. Still, the story pulled me in and I loved the writing and all the twists.
Like her previous books I loved this one too. This author always makes me feel sad & emotional while reading. I think she presents heavy themes pretty well and I liked how she handled forbidden romance in this novel.
Definitely Mariana Zapata. I read different genres and don't tend to stick with the same authors (even if I like them), because I'm always reading & searching for new ones. Zapata is my go-to author, I have read all of her books.
1. Slovenia
2. Sandy Williams
3. Don't even ask 😅
4. My comfy couch
5. Tagged!
#littenintro @tessavi
Candl is available as iOS and android app if anyone's interested ☺
Seven days into january and I already managed to start three series. I'm talented like that 😅 I already have crazy number of open series and really need to start finishing them and not starting new ones! Could really use a readthon just for making progresss on series and maybe finish one or two. I will probably dedicate #24in48 readathon to series.
After my post about bad date I got so many support and kind words from you. Just wanted to thank you all. It means a lot. Can't remember the last time I was part of such a positive enviroment.
I love this community so much. 💕
So I've been on a date tonight and it didn't end very good. During the conversation the guy said that he locks his cat in a dark room everytime she is being "naughty" aka chasing birds. In my mind I was like "ABORT!ABORT!"
* Today is one of this days that I struggle with my single status. Dating & finding someone is hard, especially considering my introverted nature and social anxiety. My anxiety keeps getting higher lately. *
Adding this urban fantasy to my 2019 faves list. I enjoyed it so much! Female human works for fae court as a fae tracker and gets caught up in a fae war. We have love triangle, but in my opinion it was handled really well, so it didn't bother me.
I liked this one. The ending was fast-paced and action packed. My only complaint was romance, it developed way too fast for my taste.
My first read of 2019!
Didn't think I would like a book about shoplifting teen, but this author's writing always pulls me in.
New year, new #bookbujo.
#bujo #bulletjournal
It's hard to pick just one. Maybe The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel...
There's a lot of new releases coming out in january that I'm interested in. This are just a few of them.
Wrongly convicted hero ✔
Escaped convict ✔
Desert setting ✔
Heroine is a prison ward who runs after escaped prisoner (hero) into desert trying to catch him. She ends up falling in love with him and helping him.
Started this one and oh my god it's so freaking good! I can already tell this will be one of my favorite reads in 2018.