I absolutely loved this story and want to read everything she‘s ever written and I‘m not even a romance person. The heroine has a ferret and a cosplaying fandom. Sold
I absolutely loved this story and want to read everything she‘s ever written and I‘m not even a romance person. The heroine has a ferret and a cosplaying fandom. Sold
Joe to Amy
Dear Amy
I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You‘re the scum between my toes.
Love Joe
I absolutely loved this and wish I could read more about Maud. It‘s like a cozy but from the murderers POV.
Currently reading and maybe I‘m too new as a mom but so far a lot of the judgmental stuff it touches on is very fresh. I don‘t breastfeed and I did have to go back to work after 7 weeks and I feel terrible about it all.
Charming little book and was a perfect read for when you want a little romance, fantasy and mystery. I look forward to the rest of the trilogy
So I haven‘t been around cause I made this!
I kind of want to have a year of Stephen king challenge. Are there any read a thons or #buddyreads that I can jump in on
*flails* I‘m excited to start this!!!!! Will be reading this at work so please don‘t bother me with work questions
Does anyone have an recommendations for a fantasy that‘s based on Egyptian mythologies? I‘m surprised that there are not more
Anyone else down for the discworld buddy read?! It‘ll be epic
So my only reading goal for this year is to finish all the books in my kindle library before buying a new book.
Fantastic vacation read. It‘s like reading about Buffy if Buffy decided to make her alter ego Anne a ball room dancer instead of a waitress. Fun stuff!
I loved crimson peak and can watch it all day so now I'm in the mood for some gothic horror/romance. What do you recommend?
When you're looking for a work lunch read and realize you're super behind on #BOTM from June-August. You got the juice now...please what should I read
Alright book buddy let's get this party started. Maybe the first week try to read through chapter 9? But I'm super lax and if you're behind it's cool or ahead even better.
A feminist horror story. Why yes I am here for it.
What could women accomplish if they did not have to continually mind their skirts, keep them from dragging in the mud or getting trampled on the steps of an omnibus? If they had pockets! With pockets, women could conquer the world!
1) drink all the white wine and/or sangria
2)based on the first page (or last paragraph)
3) at a beach under an umbrella
4) fantasy novels...most are still about very realistic matters
5) mr Darcy. I think Rochester was a bit of a dickweed. If Jane was a friend IRL and said she was talking to Rochester I would say girl you can do better and love yourself #bookishwouldyourather
I imagine if you're a fan of John Dies at the End and/or twin peaks this will be right up your alley. Fun, fast, brain candy type of read
Not sure why I didn't think of this but thank you but would anyone be down to do a buddy read with any of these books:
Behold the dreamers
The boy on the bridge
Kings of the wyld
Final girls
The strange case of the alchemist's daughter
Are there any buddy reads or book club things going on right now? I just want to talk books with other people...reading can be social too
Change of plans...going to #slaythatseriesreadathon with lady Trent.
Okay what should I read next:
The stand- stephen king
The gunslinger- Stephen king
Melody is kind of a beeyotch
1. DFW, Texas
2. Out of print sent it in a newsletter and I've been here ever since (on and off during reading slumps)
3. Gone girl. I actually prefer the movie
4. No. I've had a guinea pig and 2 gerbils though. #welcomelitten
Nice surprise on a particularly sucky day.
Shadow moon is such eye candy. Can he be my book boyfriend? Will I like him less while reading the book?
Stay tuned
War was men's business, not ladies', and they took her attitude as evidence of her femininity.
Oh wow. I think my eyes almost got stuck cause I rolled them so hard. Guys I don't know about this #gwtwreadalong
Should I join the #GWTWReadalong? It will be my first time reading it...I do remember being pretty annoyed at the movie but I can't remember why
I think Peele will make an engaging series with this work. Does anyone else have a recommendation for a book that's similar: mix everyday horrors like racism, sexism, etc with the supernatural
Bitches be crazy. I think this sums up the book
I enjoyed it. It was a fun read and it is a bit dark. Interestingly enough even Belle touched on Stockholm syndrome...and solved the problem of me liking the beast way more than the human prince by just having my stay a beast so yay but also poor sexless Belle
On page 50 and I've cried twice
So I haven been out of HS for about a decade but this is still relatable coming from another girl that went to predominantly white schools
Okay y'all have convinced me. Starting this today
Pretty excited for my #BOTM reads