Moving along on my summer reading list! Book for the week 👓
Moving along on my summer reading list! Book for the week 👓
I found time this weekend to finish reading this story. I enjoyed it and how well developed the characters are. Delphine is, without a doubt, my favorite character! Delphine is brave, diligent, and phenomenal. I don't think I've ever grown fond of any character as much as I was fond of Delphine. Williams-Garcia skillfully sketched history into her novel, and created images of moments we've heard of but never experienced. A job well done, indeed!
"Thank goodness you can't see cherries in a chocolate bar." LOL! I love EVERYTHING about Delphine's sass and bravery! What an incredible character, and an incredible picture being created through her perspective! YES to young girls reading this and taking a liking to some of Delphine's character traits. I'll have to encourage my nieces to read this!
Cecile. Cecile. Oh dear, Cecile. Please, someone, tell me that I'll start liking her character as the story develops? I teared up at the end of Chapter: Green Stucco House.
Monday I'll "begin" my post-grad life! I'll be starting my new, full-time job! I'm looking forward to starting on this new journey, but I'm well aware that there will be days that kick my butt! I've written a list of books I want to read this summer. I'll definitely need the mental break at the end of the day! Here's a look at what I'll be reading this week ☀️ #SummerReadingList #postgradlife
Jacqueline Woodson is publishing two new books! Yes! Not just ☝? but ✌?NEW BOOKS — Harbor Me and The Day You Begin. No details on TDYB but lots on Harbor Me! "Harbor Me explores the minority experience in the United States by introducing a group of classmates who form a bond as they discuss timely topics — everything from their fears of deportation or being racially profiled to being judged by their accents, skin color, or parental heritage."
Independent Bookstore Day! I'd like to thank my mom for introducing me to my first independent bookstore, Stevens, at a young age! A lot of books in my personal library were purchased from there. Although it's a little hard to find the most recent titles there, Stevens is a great asset to my community.
Here is what independent bookstores mean to me! Littens, what does supporting local bookstores mean to you? Share your experience below ⬇️⬇️
Here's a look at the novels on my summer reading list! I can't wait to read these novels 📖 #summerreading
I'm itching to purchase a new book to read, but with graduation in a few days I won't have time to. Luckily, summer is near which means a SUMMER READING LIST. I'm starting to compile a list of books to read this summer. My goal is to read at least 15 books this summer, as well as add to my personal library! Littens, what books are on your summer reading list and what's your reading goal?
My thoughts on this book can't be put into words, but if you ever get the opportunity to read The Mothers please do. One of the best books I've read this year! I'd suggest purchasing the hard copy! If you're anything like me you'll be gripping the pages leaving creases on your paperback copy.
I LOVE the direction of this novel. Bennett is dropping hidden gems. Can I just quote the entire book?
I try to control myself when shopping for books, so I usually go to a shop with a book already in mind. I spotted these beauties while searching for "The Mothers." It was so hard not to pick these up too! I'm definitely adding these to my TBR list, as the summary of each interested me.
"In all that living, we have known men. Oh girl, we have known littlebit love. That littlebit of honey left in an empty jar that traps the sweetness in your mouth long enough to mask your hunger. We have run tongues over teeth to savor that last littlebit as long as we could, and in all our living, nothing has starved us more."
I set a goal of shopping at independent bookstores more. I think it's really important to support local businesses because they are such an asset to the community. While I'm still trying to stick to my goal, it can be quite hard to purchase all my books from independent stores. A lot of bookstores in my area don't have the titles I'm looking for. Does anyone know any independent bookstores that ship worldwide?
I dedicated my Sunday to doing everything that brings me joy — a new book was one of those. I've heard so many great things about this novel, so I'm excited to read it! I SO needed a mental break 🌸
Real friends let you pick from their library before donating old books to Goodwill!
HELP! I'm taking any suggestions! I'm looking to read something that is quirky, fun, and relatable. A novel that'll make me fall in love with the characters. Preferably a story where the characters are a little complex. I love African American literature and Young Adult Fiction!
It was my boyfriend's idea for us to read the book before watching the movie. I LOVED the book! I really connected with Meg. While I loved the book, I find myself on the fence about the movie. I get it was a modern twist to a classic, but I think a lot of details that, to me, made the story were missed. Overall, I loved the book. Don't know where I stand with the movie.
Has anyone read or heard reviews about this novel? I went out to get some last minute items today, and I happened to come across Copycat on a shelf. The synopsis is intriguing, and the cover looks so nice! I will definitely be putting this on my TBR.
Today was the first day of classes for the spring semester. I'm enjoying all the time I have on my hands. I know I won't have idle time in the weeks to come, so I'm trying to squeeze in as many books as I can. I've heard a lot of great reviews about this one, so I'm excited to start it. #fdoc
A friend recommended this book to me and I loved it! Dear Fahrenheit 451 is a quick read! This novel is perfect for avid readers, or those who haven't read a book since high school English. Annie Spence reminds us why the public library is so important, and suggests books for every reader — while breaking up with a few books along the way. You'll definitely finish this book with a list of new books to read!
I want to finish this book but the more I read it the less I like it. I know it's an unpopular opinion for this novel. YCTMH is modern — Phoebe uses humor & slang to tell the story. That's okay but there's a balance. It can't be too much or too little that it overpowers or dilutes the story. In this case it's too much. It's not entertaining to me. I want to stop reading and say, "this book isn't the book for me," but I'm hoping for a nice finish.
Congratulations to Jacqueline Woodson on being named National Ambassador for Young People's Literature! Jacqueline is more than deserving of this honor! I've enjoyed reading your work over the years!
My first read of 2018! I'm becoming quite the fan of Jacqueline Woodson's work, and in 2018 I want to add more of her novels to my library. I enjoy reading her style of writing!
After Tupac and D Foster is a great novel! I love how Woodson connected the life of Tupac and his music to the growing friendship of three girls in Queens. It was quite the play on fiction! This was a short story but each character was well developed.
I found out this was going to be released back in March. I honestly don't like reading autobiographies but Radric Davis was an exception. Before 2017 ended, I had to get my hands on it and I finally did. Much love for you!
Went on a book haul this afternoon! These novels were on my "To Read" list this year, but I never got a chance to read them. I'll be closing out the year reading these selections! #GucciMane #AnnieSpence #PhoebeRobinson #JacquelineWoodson #goodbye2017
I enjoyed reading most of the stories in this novel. I didn't know it was a collection of short stories prior to checking it out, so I was surprised. Glory was hands down my favorite story!
+ The Sun And Her Flowers • Nothing short of amazing. Both. Especially if you've experienced storms in your life that you thought would break you. A perfect reminder that life is a process — one that gets better with time.
This is one of those books that I thought I'd enjoy, but no matter how much I kept reading I couldn't get into it. I definitely plan to revisit this story (hopefully soon) because I really want to like it rather than deem it as, "meh."
"I feel most colored when I am thrown against a sharp white background." — Zora Neale Hurston •• Citizen by Claudia Rankine explores the unsettling moments of black men and women living in America. You'll want to finish it all in one day.. and then reread it.
Hope is echoed through each story. This drew me towards TWLOHA.
This is a great book to gift to someone transitioning — a recent graduate, etc. It's a quick read but refreshing nonetheless.
If I could annotate this entire book I would! It's inspiring no matter how you view your role(s) within society. "There is no greater threat to the critics and cynics and fearmongers than those of us who are willing to fall because we have learned how to rise."
"She gave herself to Christ, and through him to her neighbor. This was the end of her biography and the beginning of her life; in abolishing herself she found herself, by virtue of that unique Christian transformation, manifested in the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, whereby we die in order to live."
I found out Steve Martin wrote a book and I had to sample one. Daniel was strange. Daniel was quirky yet fun. During certain situations, Daniel felt like me. Or at least I put myself into his encounters and thought, "Yep, that's probably what it'd be like for me too." The friends that accompanied him made the story even better — perfect additions to his "magic square."
Take your time reading this and don't be intimidated by its length. Wilkerson created a masterpiece! Such raw emotion and powerful imagery! I connected with each character's story and cried as much as I smiled flipping through the pages. Their triumphs felt like my triumphs. Their fears felt like my fears. And their losses felt like my own. This book will forever be in my mind.
I'm definitely a fan of J. Woodson's work! Such a quick read! I want to read it all over again!
"Feminism doesn't mean subscribing to a certain magazine or marching on the Mall three times a year. It doesn't mean listening to one particular kind of music, or dating one particular kind of person, or reading one particular kind of book, or forcing yourself not to hate-watch The Bachelorette. Your feminism can be self-defined."
"She was questioning then, as she does now: what makes you empty and what makes you full?"
5 out of 5 stars! I didn't want to put this book down once I started reading it! This is definitely a great book to read! I recommend it to everyone!
"Most women are amazing. They just need the right person to express it. I think it's called respect."
I've heard great reviews about this novel! This will be my next purchase very very soon! #womenwhowrite
By the end of the year I will own all of these books! I already have "Song of Solomon." #socialjustice #history #neverforget
This book contains a LOT of information so I am reading it little by little. However, I recommend it to anyone who is interested in History and reading Nonfiction. This book is now a very popular read. There are even classes taught that use this book as the required reading.
"Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not." Luke 18:16 ♥️