I swore, many times, that I would never go home. But now I know better. Any self-help book in the world will tell you that you can‘t just run your past away.
Barrens has his roots in me. If I want it gone forever, I‘ll have to cut them out myself.
I‘m hoping to finish this for a #bookcrossing release in June. I have never read it, and while it is totally #YA, it‘s not bad... Does anyone have any favorite quotes from this book? Did you like the film?
‘You don‘t think you could change Darth Vader?‘ I say.
‘Nah, Girl, Padmé tried.‘ #maythefourthbewithyou #starwars #uppercasebox
To the readers who look up at the stars and wish...
#goodchoicereading #ACOTAR #ACOFAS #Feyre #releaseweek #enamelpin #autographedcopy
Got this from #hoopla and excited to read it. #slipjig #dancingbooks
First check in for #deweys24hr readathon and I promise I‘ve been trying to read this for two hours... but life keeps happening. Lol.
Picked up a barnes and noble #exclusive edition of #theprincesssavesherselfinthisone by AmandaLovelace today. My first real poetry collection and it is soooo good, and sooo hard to read at the same time. She is a fiery, soulfull collector of words.
Thank you so much to @mgiroir for the lovey #retellingswap goodies! I have never read but totally want to read these. Did you get your goodies yet? #litsy #litsyswap #ya #awesomemail
The world is a flame burning in a dark glass.
-Sheila Watson #BlindAssassinBuddyRead
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... #ivebeenwaitingforthis #StarWars #shortstories #recoveringfromacrappybirthday
As a rabid Real Housewives fan, I was excited to read this book, but it really turned into a mess. I enjoyed her first memoir, but this one felt forced and a little out of character for the table flipping Italian. There are better Housewives memoirs out there...
When you're jonesing hard for more Game of Thrones you start looking for licensed source material...320+ pages awaiting my reading.
My 2nd generation Kindle died this weekend, so I replaced it with this 8th generation one. I miss the old one terribly, and I wish there was a way to get mine fixed cheaply. So far, I can see a lot of differences, and will definitely share those with you.
When you're awaiting Stranger Things season 2, raucous humor and brilliantly orchestrated mayhem, you obviously choose Meddling Kids.
'My husband, Han Solo, is missing.' #geekreads #starwars #chuckwendig #thesagaisneverover
Got a signed copy of #theartofzootopia at #the last bookstore in #losAngeles today. I know who signed on the left, who signed on the right?
Just picked up at #thelastbookstore in #losAngeles and I cannot wait to read it!
Starting this book and I see this amazing quote. This is going to be so inspiring, I can feel it!