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The Blind Assassin: A Novel | Margaret Atwood
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F I N A L L Y 👏👏👏 another Atwood book I loved! Since reading and loving The Handmaid‘s Tale I haven‘t been as lucky with my Atwood-reading. But this book was amazing! Intricate, delicately hinting of dark secrets, beautifully written, and full of interesting musings about age, marriage, women‘s place in society and so much more. I‘ll be thinking about this for a long time!

Also, it works for #Booked2018 #MCover70

Cinfhen Great choice!!! And I agree, a brilliant read💕💕💕💕 beautiful edition 😍 6y
BarbaraBB I agree too, I loved this one. I am not always happy with her books either but I loved The Handmaids Tale as well as Alias Grace, have you tried that one? 6y
Emilymdxn This is my favourite Atwood!! I also adore the Penelopiad 6y
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sebrittainclark I love the cover! 6y
zsuzsanna_reads Robber Bride, Cat's Eyes, Bodily Harm, The Heart Goes Last, Lady Oracle, Penelopiad. Or is it quicker to list the ones I didn't like 😁? Yet to read the maddaddam trilogy somehow. 6y
Avanders Beautiful edition! 6y
alisiakae Have you tried The Robber Bride yet? That‘s a good one since you liked this one. 6y
JennyM Beautiful cover, and always a treat to see your selves. Hope you‘ve had a good week 😘 6y
LeahBergen One of my favourites! 6y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen it was so good! I went back to the #BlindAssassinBuddyRead posts from last year after I finished and it almost felt like discussing it with you all, only in my head 😂😂 @BarbaraBB @Emilymdxn both are very high on my list! @sebrittain @Avanders it is quite stunning! 6y
Kalalalatja @zsuzsanna_reads I have read Robber Bride and The Heart Goes Last from the ones you list, and both were fine, but they didn‘t blow me away. I definitely want to try the Maddaddam trilogy! @4thhouseontheleft I did, and it didn‘t wow me. I read that after Handmaid‘s Tale, which just set the bar really high for Atwood, imo, and I didn‘t feel like Robber Bride could live up to that 6y
Kalalalatja @JennyM thank you! 💕 my mood has definitely been better this week, hope you have a good week too! @LeahBergen it really is something, isn‘t it? 👏👏 6y
Cinfhen I‘m happy you went back to the buddy read questions!!! @JenP did a fantastic job with hosting ~ I‘m waiting for her to lead the Alias Grace buddy read 😜 6y
Centique I‘m so glad you loved it! It blew me away too. I‘m worried about which one of hers to read next now because I‘ve only read this one and Handmaids Tale! I‘ve got Hagseed on my shelf so it might be that. 🤞🤞 6y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen I would definitely join that buddy read! 👏👏 @Centique Hagseed was okay for me, and I really liked the interpretation of The Tempest 👍 6y
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I'm so psyched for this #LitsyBuddyRead! I had just picked up a used copy when it was first announced. Thank god it's short, though, I'm so behind in my scheduled reading! Oh well--I'd rather read this book than complete a reading challenge TBH.

MinDea Yay! Glad you are joining. Thanks for sharing! 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @MinDea Absolutely! I was sad to miss LFE so now I get to jump in on the Ng fun and I'll get to that book next year! 7y
MinDea I really liked LFE. I hope this one is good too! 7y
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GPJ @Natasha.C.Barnes what‘s a buddy read and what do you have to do? 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @exploraborealis Hey! So a buddy read is just like a virtual book club--people join in by just reading the book along with the posted schedule (if there is one) and joining in on discussion posts (usually weekly if they have them). Sometimes it's a one-off with a host or more of an established book club that picks a new book monthly or just people deciding to read a book together randomly. 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @exploraborealis There are many established ones, here are some I've joined in on: @litsybookclub @LitsyFeministBookClub @LitsyBuddyRead #booktoscreen -there is also an untitled #buddyread run by @Tiffy_Reads and some other ones I don't know well like #impossibleread --sometimes we'll pick a hashtag for a specific book like #blindassassinbuddyread or #lonedove so we can find eachothers' posts. 7y
LaLecture Amazing book! I hope you‘ll enjoy it :). 7y
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The Prize | Julie Garwood
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Sorry for the delay #blindassassinbuddyread participants. I had to tally all the entries for the prize. The randomized picked... Connie for the Folio prize. I believe Connie only participated over at goodreads but I wanted to post the winner here too so everyone knows the outcome.

I hope you all enjoyed reading along together. I‘m swamped with work now but am working on planning the next buddyread. More to come after Dec 8

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great job organizing everything, I really enjoyed our read along....and congratulations Connie (even though you‘ll probably never see this here)! 7y
JenP @Riveted_Reader_Melissa thanks! I@posted over there too. I loved seeing all your posts. You were very creative! 7y
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Kristelh A great readathon, thanks to all who participated and made it fun! 7y
Currey It was great fun and helpful to have everyone together. Thanks to you for pulling it together. I also had not participated on Goodreads before so that was a happy first for me. 7y
JenP @Currey that‘s great. I really enjoyed your comments over there and here 😁 7y
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FINALLY!! My #bookmail is here! And damn what a tome. Carpenteria is also a tome so now I'm back to slightly anxious "how will I finish all this reading", only a few days after getting out from under my unfinished October books (or some of them anyway). Trying not to think of reading like homework, because I really want to be doing it! ? #botmbuddyread catch up maybe? Seems impossible, but at least I'll get to read the spoiler posts soon!

bookloo For sure! The discussion Q‘s will be always be there for you while you catch up. We still have Littens responding days after to them. 😉💞 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @bookloo Yay! And thanks for hosting discussions, it makes buddy reads so much more fun. @JenP did such an awesome job with #blindassassinbuddyread that now I'm spoiled. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes! You can definitely check out the questions after you catch up!! 👍🏻😊. 7y
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TricksyTails My library copy still hasn't arrived! 😖 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @TricksyTails oh I know that happens to me constantly--I never used to have a problem bc I just read books ~9 months after publication, but all these awesome Litsy buddy reads are changing my habits. I'm going to have to be judicious not to spend too much money. 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @TricksyTails For instance--I've had the audiobook of Lincoln in the Bardo on hold since February--I have in suspended bc I don't have time to read it right now and I have been first in line for a while, but I'm first of ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX holds right now. 😱 I live in fear of accidentally removing my hold. 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @TricksyTails I used to only use overdrive but I just got hoopla and it weirdly doesn't look like it has holds? Do you know what's up with that? I didn't realize it had a limit though, so I used up all my loans for the month with little comics volumes overdrive didn't have. 😭 7y
TricksyTails Hoopla doesn't have holds which is awesome! Whatever you see, you can download immediately. They've got some good audiobooks, graphic novels, even movies. BUT you only have a limited amount you can borrow/mo which is more than enough (if using for audiobooks, esp). Selection isn't as good as OverDrive but …no holds! Yeah, I'm excited about Litsy buddy reads but my joining depends on my place in line. Bummer. 7y
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Kubla Khan | Samuel Coleridge
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This is what I thought of for the #Underground prompt for today‘s #QuotsyNov17, it also came up recently in Margret Atwood‘s The Blind Assassin...so much darkness underneath the surface, “through caverns measureless to man”, hidden below a glamorous exterior. #BlindAssassinBuddyRead

Or reminiscent of Gandalf‘s journey down through and past the mines, down to a sunless sea, and back out the other side. #LOTRChapterADay

The Blind Assassin: A Novel | Margaret Atwood
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Better late than never, I have finally finished this awesome book. I wasn‘t able to keep up with the #blindassassinbuddyread last month due to work craziness, so I finished the last half today.

Atwood never disappoints - she is amazingly talented and with this book has woven together something special. I adore older Iris, and the way the story builds slowly to a satisfying twist.



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The Blind Assassin: A Novel | Margaret Atwood
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So Who is finished? What did you think of the book? Post your questions so we can all discuss

JenP I will announce prize winner tomorrow! 7y
jhod Loved it. So complex with multiple layers and themes. I think I finally get why people re-read books! 7y
Cinfhen Loved this book! Thanks again for hosting... 7y
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emilyhaldi I loved this book and the interwoven stories. So much fun to analyze and discuss with this group!! Thank you for hosting ☺️ 7y
tricours Didn‘t love it, expected something more 😕 7y
CafeMom Loved it. 5 stars and a favorite. Really enjoyed discussion with this group. 7y
batsy Loved it, but with reservations. I wanted more Alex, more Laura, more about the politics and the writing of the novel... #greedy 7y
Kristelh Finished. Best book of the month but buddyread May have made it that 7y
jhod Yes, thank you so much @JenP for organising - it definitely made me read a book which i would have probably been daunted by otherwise (because of size!) What will the next one be?! 7y
Simona I like the first part of the book - the growing tension; I love, love Iris‘s narration when she thinks about being old, but I missed some backstories ... the second part, where some of the mysteries are revealed, feels a little bit flat for me ... villains becomes more villain, and victims are just more victimized. 7y
Currey Agreed, this was a great buddy read book and I really loved all the interwoven stories and not quite honest representations of the past. I also love Iris writing about nature and getting old. Thank you JenP 7y
Lissa00 I really enjoyed this book. I may have to do a reread because I‘m sure there are subtle Atwood points that I completely missed. Thanks for hosting this! 7y
JenP @jhod I agree, I think this is a book that I will want to reread one day! 7y
JenP @Cinfhen I‘m so glad. Thanks for reading along! 7y
JenP @emilyhaldi thanks for joining in. I too enjoyed reading with everyone and like you, I loved the book 7y
JenP @tricours that‘s too bad. What were you expecting that you didn‘t feel you got from the book? 7y
JenP @CafeMom so glad you found a new favorite! 7y
JenP @batsy ha, love the hashtag. I didn‘t have the reservations you did but I would have been okay with a little more Alex and Laura too 7y
JenP @jhod hmm, not sure yet 7y
Cinfhen Suggestion for a new buddy read... 7y
JenP @Cinfhen hmm, that‘s a good one and one I have yet to read (unbelievably) 7y
Cinfhen Oh, me neither!!! That‘s a sign.... 7y
Cinfhen And @emilyhaldi wants to read it as well 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Finished last weekend, and I really liked it. Atwood‘s writing is always unique and unusual. I really need to work my way through more of her back catalog. Thank you so much for hosting this great buddy read. 7y
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The Blind Assassin: A Novel | Margaret Atwood

@JenP #blindassassinbuddyread I am continuing my love affair with Margaret Atwood, this my third book by the author and by far my favorite. An intricate family tale surrounding the girls Iris and Laura Chase. The story is non-linear, told from both past and present. Additional information is gleamed through articles and a story called The Blind Assassin. I loved the experience and journey of the novel and it will stay with me for some time.

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My first month of my new (coloring book) Book Journal with multiple read alongs I was keeping track of...and it‘s finished! And even more exciting for me, all on track except 1, I have to carry over Rest in Power (again). I‘ll try to put a push on that one and finish it out yet this month (I have a few days left) and I really need to stop dragging my feet with that sad, but necessary, read. Plus look for pens that don‘t bleed through the pages.😂

Riveted_Reader_Melissa #LOTRChapterADay #TheNixBuddyRead #LWReadAlong #BlindAssassinBuddyRead #BleakHouseBuddyRead and the #LitsyFeministBookClub AND for the second half of the month joining up with #HPChapterADay. (Thank goodness it was Bombadil poems and short stories for HP for most of the month!😉) 7y
Gezemice This is so beautiful! So cool. I did not know there was a Blind Assassin buddy read, but I read it earlier this year and it totally floored me. I think I need to read it again. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice Yes! I was a total fail at bullet journaling and craftiness, but I can color in the pre-printed pictures. Hopefully I‘ll keep up with this better too. 😉😂 7y
Gezemice @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have a bullet-journal of sorts, although it is merely an adoption of some of the organization on a messy notebook (like page numbers and an index). I write in it occasionally... I would not say it was a resounding success. I hope you will keep yours up, I love the colors and patterns! 7y
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