Love love love this show!
It‘s available for seven day checkout on #hoopla!!!
And they wrote a couple books based off the tv show and movies of the same name!!!
Love love love this show!
It‘s available for seven day checkout on #hoopla!!!
And they wrote a couple books based off the tv show and movies of the same name!!!
Yeah, this is one of those #tob25 books that just seems to be obtuse and weird for the sake of it. That said, I found these friends strangely charming. Available on #hoopla. Def a #borrownotbuy!
Two friends are navigating college and the life after when animals suddenly start stalking people on city streets. A billionaire kills all the animals in the world with a sound pulse. Later, one friend finds herself in his thrall. #toblonglist
Returned the #audiobooks via #hoopla
This was an enjoyable book! Totally loved the “Beauty and the Beast” vibes.
The romance was heartwarming 💘
Believable characters, liked their flaws, and how they still had hope
A lot of tragedy is experienced by the characters, yet they still live with the pain and seek justice
I‘ll continue the series. I hear book two is the best of them.
For what this is (an A2-B1 graded reader for Spanish language learners), I found it consistently at the advertised level and written well enough that I wanted to keep reading. It's a single story of a mysterious theft told through 101 short chapters consisting of a contextual blurb followed by a conversation. Available on #Hoopla. #Spanish #gradedreader #languagelearning
#Audiocrossstitching with next month's book club pick - a heavy, insightful #audiobook read by the author (and available on #Hoopla!)
#audiocrossstitch #audiostitching
A charming story with beautiful illustrations and good narration. I liked the authors' note about traditional Mesoamerican stories of the sun & the moon, rabbits & opossums, and ceiba trees & agave. #hoopla #espanol #spanish
Una historia preciosa con bonitas ilustraciones y buena narración. Me gustó la nota de los autores sobre los cuentos tradicionales mesoamericanos del sol y la luna, el conejo y el tlacuache, y la ceiba y el maguey.