Great book that chronicles the shaky start, rise, and fall of the USFL spearheaded by Donald Trump‘s ego and very poor business decisions.
Great book that chronicles the shaky start, rise, and fall of the USFL spearheaded by Donald Trump‘s ego and very poor business decisions.
Excellent book! Lots of twists and turns and the action starts on page 1 and never lets up!
I really enjoyed reading about following the striped bass migration southward. The author stops in many places and sees firsthand what this migratory path means to the community.
Everything she writes is perfect. This is no exception.
If you enjoy books about sports, check this out. It tells the postseason story of the 2006 Phoenix Suns. I really enjoyed it.
Ready to mark another off my Stephen King list! I‘m almost half way done with this book and I‘m loving it. Great story telling. This will be my 41st King book.
I understand the hype! This was great!
Meh. The introduction was awesome but is never spoken of again. The book follows her on a journey across the globe in search of a fish. But as a read I never really understood why? And honestly I didn‘t care either.
I‘ve laughed so many times already and I‘m only 18% into it.
One of the best sci-fi horror novels I‘ve ever read. Awesome book!
I absolutely loved this book! What a perfect book for this holiday season. I laughed, smiled, and felt warm and cozy at the end.
This was kind of a pointless book with mostly disable characters.
Good book. Fast and enjoyable. I learned a lot.
This is a sequel to The River although I feel like it works as a stand alone as well. Overall I enjoyed it but will admit the build up was paced nicely but the ending felt rushed. I don‘t care for it as much as I did The River but I still found it immensely enjoyable.
The material itself is interesting but it‘s presented in a way that makes it difficult to follow in a chronological order. I still enjoyed it and learned a great deal.
Brutal book that takes place on Halloween night. Lots of fun! Definitely recommend for a spooky read.
Incredibly good, sad, and real. Just a book about not much that gripped me.
This was an interesting book because it wasn‘t very long but it took me a while get through because I was hanging on every word. I admittedly didn‘t know much about this book prior to reading it so I was unprepared for the emotional rollercoaster I was about to embark on. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Awful. Mostly nonsensical. Great idea but horrible execution. I read 150+ books a year and this is bottom 5 of all time for me. Our book club of 8 people (very different people btw) hated this book unanimously.
I was absolutely captivated from page one. Eels are strange creatures that we know surprisingly little about. I had no idea how mysterious they actually were
I enjoyed this book and learned quite a bit. The writing is okay but nothing too remarkable. If you‘re curious about the history of fast food establishments or if you want an easy non-fiction book I‘d recommend checking it out.
It was graphic and gory and weird and original and I was hooked but I‘ll admit it‘s not for everyone.
Christmas book haul!
I like Sanderson but I can‘t say I loved this one. It got boring and a bit tedious at times. I felt like the plot didn‘t really move forward for 200 pages.
Whoa. Incredibly good. One that will stay with me for a while.
I read this book to prep myself for our family reunion in Rosemary Beach and I found the book to be incredibly readable and fascinating. Definitely recommend if you enjoy history!
I‘m a BIG horror fan and consume horror media in many different formats. It takes a lot to creep me out or unsettle me. But this book here… From the opening page you could just tell something was off and Blackwell never takes his foot off the gas. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Peaceful Saturday evening and I‘m reading on my back patio.
Definitely one of the most WTF books I‘ve ever read (and I‘m a huge Palahniuk fan saying that!)
Great book! Loved learning about the history of my state.
Finished this today and for the most post I enjoyed it. There were a few slow parts but I enjoyed reading about his travels to the most remote places on Earth.
This was absolutely incredible. I couldn‘t put it down. It‘s an easy read at 226 pages and I was hooked the whole time.
This was unexpectedly AMAZING! It‘s a tight psychological thriller with a out of nowhere ending! Highly recommend!
This was my second time reading this book and I love it even more now. Don‘t expect to understand everything, just expect to be creeped out. Darnielle takes a less is more approach here and I love it!
This one is a good one so far. I can tell it‘s going to be sad but beautiful book.
This is another one of those Amazon First Reads books I got years ago but am now finally reading it. I‘m 12% into but I‘m loving the historical 1930s traveling carnival vibe.
Because I‘m a literary glutton who reads 3-4 books at a time, I also started this. It‘s been on my shelf for around 2 years now and it‘s just time I read it.
Our book club read this and I was the only out of 9 who enjoyed it. I found it fast paced, engaging, and full of remarkable characters. It took me about three days to read it but everyone said it was boring and slow.
Our book club picked this book and I have no clue what it‘s about and I‘ve never read this author before. Picked it up from the library Thursday and ready to dive in!
Home sick today and reading this odd little book.
This is a tough book but it‘s wonderful. I just couldn‘t imagine and my heart breaks for every person and family that this story is a non-fiction book.
Got this as my Amazon Reads book a few years ago and I‘m just now getting around to reading it. I love it! What a great story even as sad as it is.