Chapter 10: y‘all. I read this morning and forgot to post! #poorFitz #fitzlovesmary #marylovestheoldguy #thatcantbetrue #soundslikewishfulthinking #ontheoldguyspart #didimentionpoorfitz #majorpityparty #ihopeitsarumor #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 10: y‘all. I read this morning and forgot to post! #poorFitz #fitzlovesmary #marylovestheoldguy #thatcantbetrue #soundslikewishfulthinking #ontheoldguyspart #didimentionpoorfitz #majorpityparty #ihopeitsarumor #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Can we all just cry together because this is NOT the same audiobook reader as the others?! 😭 #theworst
Time for the bookish discussion question of the day 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! Here it is: Have you ever rooted against a protagonist? #BookTalk
Starting this one while waiting to get me teeth cleaned #theworst
We interrupt your regularly scheduled bookish broadcast to bring you a picture of my face. I forgot my book again. I guess I‘ll just spend my break taking stymied-looking selfies in front of this stone tower. 🤷♀️🤦♀️ #theworst
“You‘re a most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of not one good quality.”
Lord Dudley held out his hand. “You just don‘t understand politics.”
#dying 😂 You tell him, G!
Also, Lord Dudley‘s response is (sadly) hilarious, too. #politics #theworst #remindyouofanyone?
It's looking Grim. ?
I had red berry tea for my breakfast. No coffee "additives" at home, no almond milk, no milk, nothing. This means I have to drink my coffee black, or face the world and go grocery shopping. ?
#firstworldproblems #theresnothingtocomplain #lifesgood
#audiobreakfasting #stephenfryrocks
When @Litsy be like ^ #booknerdproblems #photoadaynov16