Knitting an Emotional Support Chicken and watching The Masters today. #litsycrafters @Catsandbooks
Knitting an Emotional Support Chicken and watching The Masters today. #litsycrafters @Catsandbooks
One of my favorite moments of the past few years was the completion of my Masters degree. It was a full circle moment for me. A moment I‘ve never regretted. If only I had a nice cushy job in my field....kicking ass and taking names. Even without the job I don‘t regret one moment of my Grad education. #bookbabe35 #masters #bloggerlife
Happening now at our house ... T..I..G..E..R wins the Masters again! We are ecstatic for him, after all the sh*t he‘s been through. (Of course, plenty was his fault.) But to overcome all of the back injuries and so much more, makes the victory so much sweeter.
Plus, we watched the Masters together on our first date—25 years ago. Hard to believe we‘ve watched so many together.
#golf #masters #tiger #sportsdrama #hefinishedfirst
Back to the grid of required reading and a new semester of grad school. Last one and then I‘ll have my Masters by May!
#umn #requiredreading #graduate #masters #student #environmentalpolicy #mpls #twincities
Finally made it through this book! Super happy I pushed through because it really made me think about the types of calculations I want to conduct for my professional paper for grad school. Makes you also really appreciate high quality data sets.
#UMN #gradlife #research #masters #student #mpls #twincities
Sat in the garden doing some reading for my lecture on Thursday. Such glorious weather, can't believe it's October! #justice #socialjustice #masters #student #sociology #sun
#nonfiction #bigbooks left over from my #masters... I'm glad I haven't got rid of them yet as I might check them for background information for #UdolphoRead!
Thought I would share my battered copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses, it has colour coded tabs in it for easy access to the bits I need for my masters thesis. 📖 I am only kind of okay with breaking the spines and writing in etc. in school/uni books, is that odd?? #Ovid #Classics #Masters #Metamorphoses #Chaos #Rome
I‘m so excited to announce that in September I will be starting my MA in Creative and Critical Writing with the University of Gloucestershire! It‘s an online program that is connected with Humber College. I‘m so excited!
#bookstagram #bookblogger #bookblog #bibliophile #acceptance #masters #universityofgloucestershire #creativewriting #amwriting #amreading