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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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Everly moves back to her home town of Charm, NC, buys one of the town's historical oceanfront homes, and opens an iced tea shop in it. Mr. Paine is on a campaign to keep people from opening businesses in the historical homes. When his death is ruled foul play and it's determined he's been poisoned, it's suggested that Everly and her sweet tea are the culprits.
#SeasonalCozies @julieclair

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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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julieclair Have fun with it! 😀 2mo
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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I totally enjoyed this first-in-series cozy mystery. I liked all the characters, especially the main character, Everly. I loved the coastal North Carolina setting. The mystery kept me guessing up until the end. I‘m looking forward to reading the next book in the series, and hoping that Everly‘s friendship with the new police detective, Grady, turns into something more!
Thanks to @Avanders for putting this one on my radar!

Karisa What a title! 😂 Now I have Guns and Roses in my head! 😅 2mo
TEArificbooks Loved this series 2mo
Avanders Yay I‘m glad you liked it!! ☺️♥️ 2mo
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julieclair @Karisa 🤭 Yup! Earworm. 🎶🐛🎶 2mo
CoffeeNBooks I think I'll read this one for August- it sounds good! 2mo
julieclair @CoffeeNBooks Yay! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🤗 2mo
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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@Avanders enjoyed this summery book as her June #SeasonalCozies pick, so I‘ve decided to read it for July. A few of you have already posted your July choices. What will everyone else be reading?

Librarybelle I‘m behind on reading my choices, but it won‘t stop me from picking the July one! 😂 I am selecting this one: 3mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m still reading my June pick and with school, work plus my part time job, I haven‘t thought about July yet. 3mo
JessieKB I am so behind but I am aiming for this one. 👙❓☀️🕶️ 3mo
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BarkingMadRead Ohhhh this is so fun, how did I miss this?!? 3mo
sblbooks I'm not 100% sure what season this one is, but the setting reminds me of Summer. 3mo
Avanders Yay hope you like it!! ☺️ I thought I‘d already announced my July, but apparently not! I‘m planning on reading this one: 3mo
TEArificbooks @Librarybelle I liked that one so much I read all the books in the series except the first one so far 3mo
Librarybelle @TEArificbooks I‘ve read the first one and liked it! 3mo
julieclair @Librarybelle @JessieKB @sblbooks @Avanders These all look like fun choices! 😃 3mo
julieclair @Graciouswarriorprincess Goodness! I‘m impressed you have time for any reading at all. 💙 This is such a low-key challenge… feel free to make your June pick your June/July pick! 😘 3mo
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Want to join us? It‘s never too late for me to add you to the tag list! 😃 We also have a StoryGraph challenge if you like those: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/eea8f8fe-5afb-495b-8c57-9c1c5be... 3mo
BarkingMadRead Yes!! Please add me! I don‘t have story graph but I‘ll follow along here! 😍 3mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @julieclair Thank you but I am almost finished with the June pick 3mo
Allylu I'm planning to read “S'more Murder Camping Girl“ by Josephine Beintema since many people go camping in July. Hope it's good. 3mo
julieclair @BarkingMadRead Okay, you‘re now an official SeasonalCoziette! 😆 So glad you‘ve joined us. 3mo
julieclair @Graciouswarriorprincess Good for you! 😀 3mo
julieclair @Allylu That sounds like a cute series! 3mo
DebinHawaii Continuing with the second book in the series for my June choice as it‘s set in July! 3mo
julieclair @DebinHawaii No one has posted about that book on Litsy yet. You‘re a trailblazer! 😀😘 3mo
julieclair @Graciouswarriorprincess I really do need to read some of that series. I love the Outerbanks! 3mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @julieclair It‘s one of my favorite places to visit. I had never been there prior to moving to NC and now I love it. Plus, I have visited Bode lighthouse multiple times which is one of the book settings. 😊 3mo
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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Progress! 🙂‍↕️

Read/finished the 3 smaller ones:
Murder Your Employer ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Marsh King‘s Daughter ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tagged: a strong ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - just all the right elements to a perfectly enjoyable cozy! This also satisfied my summer/June cozy read for #SeasonalCozies @julieclair 😄

Now reading Weyward for #ReadLifeBookGroup #rlbg

julieclair The tagged would also work for July. Stacked! 3mo
Avanders @julieclair 👏🏽👏🏽😘 3mo
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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Captured: Buggy sitting in his book nook (closet), reading 4 books at once 😂😍

Also, received this new long-anticipated book (I‘ve met Vladeck on numerous occasions and find him intelligent and engaging… let‘s see if he‘s also a good writer ;))

And the tagged is my chosen book for June for #SeasonalCozies (summer). 🧊🍹☀️🌸🪻

Soubhiville Oh my gosh that‘s adorable! 4mo
TEArificbooks Love that cozy series 4mo
Ruthiella So cute! 😊 4mo
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Texreader Now that‘s a child that‘s being raised perfectly! A book closet! 💜 Four books at a time! ❤️ 4mo
julieclair Oh my goodness, that little cutie pie!!! 💙💙💙 4mo
mabell Love it! 🥰 4mo
Gissy Hi Buggy🖖!❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
Avanders @TEArificbooks can‘t wait to read it! I have a 5-day weekend coming up… 🤔☺️ 3mo
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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Such good fun! I loved the community of Charm, Everly and Grady‘s will they won‘t they vibe, and the Swan family history. Will read #2….. once I‘m done with these. 🙃

CoverToCoverGirl Fabulous slippers! 🤩 3y
BarbaraBB Great pic! 3y
Ddzmini I feel you I just took a picture of all my tbr books and it made me anxious… wish I could share my picture with you so we could both laugh 😂… nice picture 🤗 3y
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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Another round of storms in BC. Nothing for the day but to stay as cozy as possible. This delightful series starter helps.

ShyBookOwl Sounds perfect, given the circumstances. 3y
TEArificbooks This is a good series 3y
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Live and Let Chai | Bree Baker
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Book 168 of 2020.

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Untitled | Unknown
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