Ch 22: yikes #dracbrokerenfieldsneck #vanhelsingtriestoprotectmina #thatleftamark #thecrewgoesonaspree #destroyingdracshideouts #isittoolate #timewilltell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 22: yikes #dracbrokerenfieldsneck #vanhelsingtriestoprotectmina #thatleftamark #thecrewgoesonaspree #destroyingdracshideouts #isittoolate #timewilltell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 20: whoa, that escalated so quickly!
#maxneverlovedrebecca #rebeccawasawildwoman #thebabyplantookittoofar #whatamonster #anddanversknewall #somaxisamurderer #willhegetawaywithit #timewilltell #howdoistopreadingnow #impossibletoputdown #booknerdproblems #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Chapter 15: Price is back #ithinkheprefersGeorgiana #poorKitty #theballisapproaching #timewilltell #shortchapter #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 9: Georgiana meets Price #whatcouldgowrong #kittywantsprice #georgianawantsprice #whodoespricewant #timewilltell #thatyatesguythough 🙄 #poorfitzwilliam #nobodyishappyrightnow #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 16: sorry I‘m late! Lydgate likes Rosamond but…. #fiveyearplan #notreadyyet #timewilltell #pemberlittens
Chapter 11: I loved this quote! #rosamondisasnob #fredislazy #lydgateisaprig 🤣 #lydgatelovesrosy #doeshestandachance #timewilltell #pemberlittens
Chapter 23: 🔥🔥🔥 #vashti #theaternight #isthisadate #firebringsoutthebestinsomepeople 🙄 #didwejustmeetpollyagain #timewilltell #pemberlittens
Chapter 9: cattiness abounds when rumors fly about Mrs G, and Gil is mad at everyone! #butaretheytrue #timewilltell #pemberlittens #chapteraday
I am working on writing a Christmas novella in May and June so I am reading Christmas books. This one is cute so far... #timewilltell #writinglife
On track in January, will 2021 be the year to smash early, or will there be a slump?? #timewilltell #goodreadschallenge2021