3✨ This was a bit less on the danger side. We deal with a child abuse case, and kidnapping. One character thinks he‘s above American laws. Very interesting story. #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle
3✨ This was a bit less on the danger side. We deal with a child abuse case, and kidnapping. One character thinks he‘s above American laws. Very interesting story. #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle
Shocker, behind on book reviews. Read this one earlier this month. My least favorite Nancy Drew book so far, which is saying something because I didn‘t like the last book either.
So close between So-So and Pan. I chose So-So for those who want to read the entire series. But, whoah! Racist, tedious, and poorly written. While there was danger, hidden tunnels, kidnappings, and arson, none of it felt urgent. Nancy even goes to a weekend party at her boyfriend‘s fraternity even though the young boy she‘s “protecting” has been kidnapped. WTF, Nancy? Hard not to eye-roll throughout this one. #oy #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle
I didn't like this one, but this was the line that made me want to pitch it across the room. This poor kid is being taught "correct grammar," but "it is me" isn't incorrect, it's just informal. Poor Rishi spent almost as much time in Nancy's trunk as he did safe in her house. No one seemed worried enough about him, certainly not enough to keep him safe.
#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024
Finished earlier in the week for #NancyDrewBR & I will echo what seems to be most of the group & say this was my least favorite so far of the books. Very disjointed plot & downright weird in spots, I don‘t remember reading this one as a child (I think there are some gaps in my Nancy Drew reading). There were no noggin knockouts for Nancy & the #NNK counter but a side character got smacked over the head really hard ⬇️
I think this would have been a nice detective story if it had been placed in India with Indian characters. Being situated in River Heights makes it unbelievable. The character of Mrs Allison is definitely over the top, somehow it is funny.
But even though a lot of stereotypes of India are displayed in this book, at least it is done in a positive way.
I continued Sovereign #ShardlakeBR
I finished both The Mystery of the Ivory Charm and Aftermath
I read Amy and Isabelle
I DNFed Orbital, I just wasn‘t in the mood for it
I‘ve just started Monsters
I know the incident was not funny at all, but this picture made me laugh a lot. 🤣
This is the weakest of the Nancy Drew series I've read since starting from the beginning with #NancyDrewBR. It's got a bit of everything -- elephants, a charm with mysterious powers, a kidnapped boy from India -- and most of it unbelievable.
Alright #LittenDetectives : It‘s time for our #NancyDrewBR discussion!
I‘ve posted 5 questions as spoilers. You can find them on my feed, the book‘s feed, or by searching the group‘s hashtag.
Next month‘s book, The Whispering Statue, is another one with big differences between the texts.
In 1937, Nancy finds a statue that supposedly whispers & looks like her.
In 1970, Nancy is involved in a mystery around rare books & a stolen statue.
5. Tunnels, elephants and monkeys gone wild...we have a few instances of Nancy in danger. The professor (at least in 1974) gets clobbered over the head. What did you think of the suspenseful situations in this one?
Personally, I thought the whole story was weak. Even as a young reader, I don't think this would be a favorite of mine. #NancyDrewBR
4. As for characters in this one, Nancy sleuths with her usual crew. She also spends a day with Tommy (at least, in the 1974 edition), and really gets to know Rishi (Coya in 1936). Admittedly, Bess's apprehension kind of annoyed me--it seemed more dire in this one.
Any thoughts on the characters this time? #NancyDrewBR
3. Time to take a step back and look at a bigger picture. There are references to Indian culture in this one, and with a storyline based around Rishi's (or Coya's) identity, it's good to get a background on what it means. A link to the Wikipedia entry on Maharaja is in the comments.
Note that when this book was originally published, the British Empire still ruled India; this did not end until 1947. #NancyDrewBR
2. Let's talk plot. What did you think of the story? Personally, I felt it was a bit convoluted! The lost son of a maharaja? A traveling circus and a house that was converted for circus acts? A woman who appears to go into trances? So strange to me!
Any standout moments for you while reading? #NancyDrewBR
1. One good thing about this month's book: the revisions are minor! Originally published in 1936, this was written by Mildred Wirt Benson (we've seen her a lot so far on our journey). It was revised in 1974 by Priscilla Baker-Carr (who also worked on several Hardy Boys books).
The 1974 condenses the 1936 edition and changes the name Coya (1936) to Rishi (1974).
Which edition did you read? Overall thoughts? #NancyDrewBR
I think the ghost writer made a list of everything they thought kids wanted in a mystery and jumbled it all together in this book. What a slog. @Librarybelle #NancyDrewBR
I agree with @DGRachel …this is my least favorite so far. While it has tunnels and a few hits on the head, this just seemed to lack some of the sparkle in other Nancy Drew books. It also seemed a little convoluted, and I know we have to suspend reality at times with these novels. Younger me did not read this one, and I think younger me would have a similar reaction.
Discussion tomorrow, #LittenDetectives ! #NancyDrewBR
#LitSolace #Naturalitsy #HyggeHourReadathon
My #HyggeHour is hanging out with Nancy for a bit along with some chocolate I picked up in Maui. This one is chocolate, mac nuts, marshmallows & Rice Krispies.😋🍫
I really wish I had tomorrow off but it‘s back to work & another busy week. Health wise, I am feeling better, stronger each day. Mental health wise, I feel like I am going through the motions just to get by. 😵💫
It has been next to impossible to read this week, but I picked up the next #nancydrewbr book because I knew I could power through it in about 90 minutes. Sadly, my efforts were not rewarded. Honestly, I think this is my least favorite of the series so far. It‘s filled with annoying characters, and while the plot made me roll my eyes, as usual, it just wasn‘t nearly as much fun. Even Scooter is like “why did we bother?” 😂
Continue Sovereign #ShardlakeBR
I‘ve just started Aftermath and the tagged book #NancyDrewBR
I started Orbital last night, but I‘m not really feeling it. The winner of the Booker Prize is announced on Tuesday, and if it wins I might pick it up again
Then I‘ll see what I‘m in the mood for
It's finally the weekend! Now I can read and enjoy the crazy snowfall we've gotten the last few days. 😊❄️
We‘re two weeks away from the next #NancyDrewBR discussion! What is the mystery of the ivory charm? How will Nancy solve the mystery? Let‘s find out, #LittenDetectives ! Discussion on the 15th.
Repost for @Librarybelle
#LittenDetectives : Our next Nancy Drew adventure involves an ivory charm (imagine that)!
Thankfully, both versions are similar with a few changes, not like the vastly different plot lines in the last two books!
Discussion will take place on November 15th. Everyone is welcome to join! Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list! #NancyDrewBR
#LittenDetectives : Our next Nancy Drew adventure involves an ivory charm (imagine that)!
Thankfully, both versions are similar with a few changes, not like the vastly different plot lines in the last two books!
Discussion will take place on November 15th. Everyone is welcome to join! Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list! #NancyDrewBR
The wild animal show asks Nancy to investigate one of the performers who may be involved in some mysterious illegal scheme, possibly involving murder…
#MarvellousMarchReadathon Day 6
#MarchMadnessReadathon Day9
#middlegrademarch @megnews
Scored these for $1 each!!
A circus, a child, and a mysterious ivory charm that holds the power of life and death.
Bah. I hate to give Nancy a pan, but I have to. Blatant racism, a nutty American woman who‘s into Indian mysticism and engineered a revolution in a wealthy Indian province while stealing the maharaja‘s riches AND kidnapping his son, a magic charm that holds the secret of life and death...sorry, too much for me.
Number 13 for #nancydrewchallenge done.
“En route” used twice in two pages?
I‘m having real trouble with this one. The stilted speech of the Indian boy, yet his almost-fluency of ideas (does that make sense?) is tough. I usually try to do accents or voices for important characters as I‘m reading to the kiddo, but gave up this one rather than be a caricature. The usual coincidences and suspension of disbelief are causing some strain, too. Definitely not my favorite Nancy.
Suddenly she became #aware that the ivory charm was no longer around her neck. Had she removed it the previous evening before retiring? She could not remember doing so.
❤️My newest additions and a few treasures found within.
-photo of owner‘s grandparents?
-Fountain Square State Bank 1945 and 1946 pocket calendar.. and ad for Travelers cheques
-Car dealership phone number: Franklin 4242
-shopping list: peanuts, silk, cotton oils, varnish.
I just love finding treasures in books.
#NancyDrew #Sleuth #GirlsGirl
Unboxing my #1930s #homemadedecades box. I love everything in this box. I read Nancy Drew books when I was younger but I've never read this title. I color to relax so the Wizard of Oz coloring book is great- I really like the poster in the back. My favorite things- the book sleeve and the keychain. So happy I chose Q as my initial. If I had known I was picking a Scrabble tile I would have picked Q, the queen of Scrabble tiles. Thank you.
#booktober day six #fullofadventure. Loved Nancy Drew as a girl and still do! One of my most prized collections.