My first attempt baking a chocolate Yule log plus hot chocolate bar!
My first attempt baking a chocolate Yule log plus hot chocolate bar!
“Chocolate es un asunto muy serio“
I love the Startrek food scenes, and with the consellera Troy are almost everytime chocolate about.
I like chocolate, but not anyone, my favourite one is the white chocolate...
#startrekfoodquote #startrekquote
-18 here in Kansas, what a delight. 😑🥶 We haven't been part of rolling blackouts yet but our city did have some yesterday. The threat of power loss finally forced the university I work for to close for today, they never close for anything!
As always thank you so much for your kindness @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks you are an amazing friend and I value you so much! I am excited to jump into the tea and hot chocolate soon .. I love the mug :)
So it may not be a STRICTLY #holidayrecipe but I made some hot chocolate tonight which 1) I only crave around Christmas and 2) is that first thing I‘ve made from scratch in at least a week, so I‘m counting it for #wintergames !!
Snagged this off of IG ( 📷: brb_reading ) 🍫 ! #chocolate #flyhighjuly
Ok y‘all I‘ve been posting some emotional stuff after reading Still Alice. So here‘s a hot chocolate break. Even though the fam all had dinner together we all gathered round for hot chocolate again this evening and it was nice to spend more time together with the people I love so much. I strongly recommend family time as often as possible. No really, that book leaves one a bit needy.
My query: what book can possibly follow Still Alice?
💜 Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows
🧡 Chai tea latte
💚 White hot chocolate
💙 Hot milk with anise or honey
Um, has anyone else smelled this Hot Cocoa and Cream candle from Bath and Body Works? It smells so delicious that I got distracted from reading and had to make some brownies.
1. Hot Chocolate
2. Tea
3. Scarves
4. Candles
5. Chocolate
6. Burnt Orange
7. Bubble Bath
9. Jack Skellington
10. Ghosts
#FallSwapSurvey @Clwojick
Some of these answers change occasionally but right now...
Color: Blue
Season: Spring
Genre: absolutely, positively YA
Hobby: besides reading? Family tree research
Snack: just one? Um.....chips and dip
Drink: tie between hot chocolate and Starbucks' smoked butterscotch frap
Bookish item: I collect bookmarks
@TheDaysGoBy @Insearchofbooks @kamoorephoto @erinreads @callielafleur
This weekend at my parents might be bad for my exam preparation but it‘s definitely good for my heart. Enjoying a hot chocolate ? at one of our favorite Cafés. #hotchocolate #saturday #student #drink #winter #february #aesthetic
@Lucas.Rencher and I occasionally do things other than read (key word: occasionally). If you freeze the left over whipped cream from the recipe I posted last night, it makes bomb hot chocolate. Just saying. 🤓😋
Got stuff to make hot cocoa although Wal-Mart didn't have the brand I was looking for
You guys, matcha hot chocolate. It's a thing and it's everything. Judge me for being basic if you want, matcha is freaking delicious. This is definitely going in my #secretsantagoespostal box! Now if I could only choose the books...my match has the perfect combo of books I love and books I've been dying to read on her TBR. Trying to decide which ones to go with has been so difficult!
@JoeStalksBeck I got the hot chocolate in my Eeyore mug and was ready to settle down with my book. Then my hubby put Furious 7 on. I'm a total sucker for not only the Fast & Furious movies but anything Paul Walker was in. So much for reading. #paul #gonetoosoon
Because of @BookishMarginalia 's post I had to move my morning reading to Starbucks to get lemon cake. My daughter is working again this morning...can you tell? 😊
#12DaysofBookmas #HotChocolate
We've been enjoying a holiday gift from our neighbors: a tin of Williams-Sonoma hot chocolate. Nice to indulge in something we would probably not buy ourselves. It's delish!!!