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Never Trust a Guy With Fangs
Never Trust a Guy With Fangs | Mia Monroe
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This series isn't getting any better but I can't stop reading it for some reason 🙈 The characters are all blurring together bc there are so many and each new couple is written so much like the last. In terms of plot, each time some answer is revealed I just have ten more questions. The mythology of magic in this world is so confusing. And yet. Fated mates are cute and this is the perfect palette cleanser if you don't take it too seriously 🤷🏼‍♀️

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage That‘s a shame. I love her Tattoos and Temptations series. 1y
TheSpineView Bummer... Great job though on toughing it out. 1y
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I decided to give this 2nd book a shot after reading the first with #littensloveromance and being underwhelmed. This one was better enough that I'm giving it a soft pick. The story was easier to follow and there was more action to move the war plot along. The two love interests didn't have any conflict between them and felt instalove once again, but I was expecting it this time and they did have a bit more depth to their characters. ⤵️

Kshakal This is good to know… thanks for the review! 2y
peanutnine I'm cautiously optimistic for the next book, as it seems the next couple will maybe have a more enemies to lovers vibe. We'll see... 2y
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LiseWorks You had courage to read the next one of this series lol 2y
peanutnine @Kshakal you're welcome! @LiseWorks glad to take one for the team 😅 2y
MoonWitch94 I read this one, too. And while I liked it definitely more than the first one, I don‘t think I will continue the series. I do think they have more depth and chemistry, though. 2y
TheSpineView Great job sticking with it. 2y
Andrew65 Well done, sometimes it pays to persevere. 🥳 2y
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I thought this had an interesting premise but the characters weren't very developed. Witches and vampires aren't supposed to be together but the two men fell together awfully quickly without many obstacles. I was honestly a bit bored with the romance and was more interested in the external war with demons, but that was still unresolved by the end. I'm gonna give the second book a go since I'm curious of the story
#littensloveromance @StayCurious

Andrew65 Brilliant, well done 🥳 Just a shame it wasn‘t a bit better. 2y
TheSpineView Great job! 💙📖📚📚📚 2y
Clwojick Great job! 2y
BookishMadHatter Hopefully ilthw storyline will pick up in the next book. I find it's been very hit or miss for me with her books 2y
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I almost bailed on this book but because i was reading it for #LitsyLoveRomance I kept reading it. I also read it for Vampires for the #NSR23 @Nessavamusic and for a new Series #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView I will not read book number 2. The Author needs to go learn about Gay Romance and she needs to read sex scenes from other writers. The characters were immature and childish.

Andrew65 Well done on finishing 🥳 Given the review I‘m not surprised you won‘t be continuing with the series. 2y
Nessavamusic Good job, good to know to not bother with this one! 2y
TheSpineView I didn't care to read this one once I read all the reviews. Good job on finishing. 2y
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About halfway through, I was already tired of the dialogue between the 2 MCs. They‘d profess their love in nearly every conversation - and not just a quick “I love you” - which isn‘t necessary. My main gripe is that what tension there is in this book (and it‘s not a lot) is external. There is a war between supernatural beings going on, which wasn‘t all that exciting. There‘s zero tension between the MCs, which I think in a romance is necessary.

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#LittensLoveRomance first read of 2023 was “Meh”. Great bones & potential. Characters need development, lots of hard to follow action, and the sex scenes (while spicy) were lacking something. I‘m going to read the next one & see how it is. #Vampires #Witches #SeriesRead2023 #Meh #LitsyLoveReads

TheSpineView Bummer that it was disappointing. Kudos for finishing. 2y
Andrew65 Shame this one wasn‘t better, but well done 🥳 2y
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#LittensLoveRomance this was our first group read. What I loved about it…the title. Otherwise it felt rushed, disjointed (I often felt I‘d skipped chapters when I‘m fact I hadn‘t) and I would‘ve like a little more depth with POV‘s and story development. This is book 1 in a series but I won‘t be finishing it. @StayCurious

StayCurious I agree with you completely 2y
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#LittensLoveRomance Review: Sadly, I didn‘t end up connecting with the characters, the romance or the author‘s confusing (at times) writing style. I‘m not interested enough to continue the series. Disappointed that this was our first book of the year but hey, we can only go up from here! Further discussion will be next Sunday. My chapter ramblings are 👇:

StayCurious Ch.29: Leo calls up his familiar, who turns out to be a crow named Nox. He says it‘s time for Leo to embrace his vampire side and to do that he needs to bond with Auggie.

Ch.30: Auggie finally makes Leo a vampire and the mating ritual is complete. I feel like I should be more invested in this ending (or beginning) for the characters, but sadly I‘m just not.
StayCurious Ch.31: Leo is now going to take control of his coven and Auggie will stand by his side as they continue to fight the war. Although I am a bit curious about who / where the other hybrids are and how things will play out, I probably won‘t continue the series. 2y
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LiseWorks I totally agree with you. The story line is good, but the characters are so shallow, the sex scenes were horrible and all one sided. This author needs to read some vampire sex scenes lol. I wanted Leo to do it to Augie the same way. It seems so dominating. I am not going read the series although I want to know who was behind it. 2y
KristiAhlers I don‘t 100% agree with you. But I did have fun discussing it with everyone. 2y
OriginalCyn620 For me, this book started out good but went downhill. I‘m in agreement with you @StayCurious. I never connected with the characters, and if this book is any indication of the others, it‘s a hard pass for me. I don‘t need to hear a profession of love every time the MCs open their mouths! And yes, @LiseWorks, the sex scenes were pretty bad! For all the supernatural happenings, this book was pretty boring. 2y
MoonWitch94 I agree with you all! @StayCurious @OriginalCyn620 @KristiAhlers @LiseWorks But, because it‘s on KU, I‘m giving the series one more installment before I decide to write it off. I‘m not getting my hope up. 2y
willaful Ah well, they can't all be winners. I feel like the title promised more fun than it delivered? 2y
Read4life I‘m in complete agreement. It definitely wasn‘t engaging and I agree with @OriginalCyn620 about the dialogue between the MCs. 2y
CarolynM @LiseWorks @OriginalCyn620 I bailed immediately after the first sex scene - just dreadful. I appreciate your commitment to group @StayCurious Your chapter summaries were much more entertaining than the book deserved. 2y
StayCurious @willaful yes absolutely! 2y
KristiAhlers @MoonWitch94 let me know if it‘s worth downloading! Sometimes a first book is not the winner and the series picks up. I just have my 20 allowed right now with KU so that‘s why I‘m not currently bothering. 2y
MoonWitch94 @KristiAhlers I will! It‘s Beto & Pres‘s book. Apparently, Beto is submissive 🧐 A vampire sub? It peaked my interest….. 2y
willaful @MoonWitch94 Hmmm, that could be interesting. 2y
Kshakal I felt the same way! 2y
MeganAnn Yep I also felt the same way about this one. I think the world building and author‘s ideas had potential but weren‘t well executed. And I‘m really sick of the word “hole” after reading this. I probably won‘t keep reading the series and I‘m not sure I would try anything else by this author either. 2y
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.25: everyone has dinner and plays nice. You‘d think after centuries of war there would be more animosity? And Leo overheard Sylvia say she loves him and she‘s dying soon.

Ch.26: Sylvia is taken by the demons who somehow broke through the spell guarding the clearing. I wonder if a witch is working with them. The covens gather and follow the demons through a portal, and quickly fall into a trap. 👇

StayCurious Ch.27: there is a vicious battle with the demons and Sylvia is rescued but dies shortly after, transferring her powers to Leo. He is now in charge of the coven. Is he ready to take on that responsibility? Turns out the demons got the witches‘ book and can‘t read it without Leo. Now he‘s even more of a target.

Ch.28: while Leo deals with the loss of his aunt, Auggie tells Beto he will be changing Leo. We already knew that but His brothers didn‘t.
Laughterhp I was definitely confused about how they all of a sudden got the book and were basically just waiting for Sylvia to come out of the barrier so they could snatch her. Like how did they get the book? 2y
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KristiAhlers @Laughterhp I agree. I think that‘s one of the issues I‘m having with this book because it‘s making me feel like I skipped a chapter or two you know? 2y
MoonWitch94 @Laughterhp @KristiAhlers I absolutely agree. The whole trajectory feels rushed and just when things begin to be fleshed out—BOOM! Another confusion. 2y
OriginalCyn620 This book is kind of a hot mess! It started out strong but now Auggie and Leo can‘t have a single conversation without professing their love for each other. We get it! And now the demons broke through the barrier and have the grimoire that only Sylvia knew the location of? It‘s too convenient! 2y
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This book was just ok for me… definitely hot and heavy but it lacked any real substance… overall, not my favorite.

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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.21: the training begins with the primary goal to protect the witches. We get the strong impression that something bad will happen to Silvia soon.

Ch.22: nothing much is happening. Leo and Auggie love each other and never want to be apart. But we knew that already. 🥱 👇

StayCurious Ch.23: There‘s a lot to process in this chapter. Sylvia finally lays some truth on Leo and we learn all sorts of things about Leo and his parents. It‘s all a bit confusing. 2y
StayCurious Ch.24: So, Leo‘s actually a super vampire hybrid - and his real power will awaken once he bonds with Auggie. Cool. Cool cool. Auggie takes the news surprisingly well. Also, using a witch who‘s chummy with ghosts, they summon Monrose, Auggie‘s former love, so Auggie can get some closure. I think now Auggie can finally move on with Leo. 2y
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Laughterhp Chapter 22 comments 🤣🤣 2y
OriginalCyn620 Agreed! The explanation was a bit confusing. I read that part twice and just moved on! I have to admit, the scene where Auggie got to talk to Monrose was touching and sweet! Closure is always a good thing. 2y
OriginalCyn620 And also, @StayCurious, I am laughing so hard at today‘s memes 🤣🤣🤣 2y
peanutnine These memes are everything 🤣 @OriginalCyn620 I felt the same way! Too confused and finally decided to just go with it 2y
KristiAhlers Chapter 22 for me was why? Like you said there was nothing “new” there. But I do love these two together 2y
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.17: Merfolk and Dragons and Reapers - oh my! Eaton Falls is getting crowded and they‘re all coming together to fight the demon threat. Leo‘s trying to convince Auggie to turn him - good luck Leo. Presley is coming back - good luck Beto. 👇

StayCurious Ch.18: Beto gives Auggie a pep talk about his feelings for Leo. I feel like Auggie is a bit too mushy and gooey around Leo. I kinda wish he was more…alpha? Does that make me a bad person? I‘m not 100 % feeling their romance only because it happened so fast. I don‘t feel like I fully know them as characters, let alone a lovey dovey couple. 2y
StayCurious Ch.19: Leo has a dream that Sylvia is attacked - he prays it was a dream and not a vision. Only time will tell. Leo and Auggie better be on guard - just because they have found their bliss doesn‘t mean they can ignore the war. 2y
StayCurious Ch.20: it seems Sylvia might sense her impending demise - she basically asks Auggie to take care of Leo if she‘s not around. Auggie decides that if there‘s to be a war, they need to train everyone- some have never fought and for others it‘s been awhile. The threat looms and they have to be ready. 2y
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Laughterhp Omg! I love that iPhone/Samsung meme 🤣🤣🤣. It‘s so true and hilarious 2y
KristiAhlers Your memes are perfect for these chapters. I love these characters and I love this fast paced storytelling. Of course something dark this way comes. I hope it‘s not too ugly. 2y
LiseWorks I am not too happy about the fact that there are not many women vampires. And now the males all have to be gay. I love female vampire characters, they are really strong. I am disappointed in the authors portrayal of the vampires here. I also wish the witches would show more of what they can do. I really wish this author would read Cassandra Clares portrayal of the dynamic between to males in love, eg Magnus and Alec. 2y
Laughterhp @LiseWorks I agree about no women vampire. I think it‘s weird that they basically just killed all the women and then just refuse to make anymore. Because it‘s their fault of course 🙄🙄 2y
StayCurious @LiseWorks I agree with you in some ways - I‘m not a big fan of this book so far only in that the characters are all lovey and mushy but I don‘t feel like I went on the journey properly with them. 2y
LiseWorks @StayCurious Thank Goodness, I thought I was the only one. Wait until I do my review 2y
willaful I confess, I stopped reading the book because I really wasn't feeling it. But I'm enjoying reading the commentary! 2y
OriginalCyn620 @StayCurious I‘m totally with you on Auggie being way too lovey-dovey! But Leo is too, to be fair. I know this a romance, but really, it‘s a bit much. Also 💯 in agreement that the romance is fast. 2y
CarolynM @willaful I bailed too, it just wasn‘t doing it for me. But your commentary is very entertaining @StayCurious 😀 2y
StayCurious @CarolynM aw thanks! Tbh if I wasn‘t leading this buddy read…I probably wouldn‘t continue. But you can‘t like everything right? 2y
OriginalCyn620 And another thing I‘m not digging about this book is that all the tension is coming from the war with the demons. In romances, I like the tension to be between the characters. And as we‘ve established, there‘s virtually no tension between Auggie and Leo. There was a tiny bit when Leo wanted Auggie to turn him, but even that was weak. The romance between them isn‘t all that realistic. Couples disagree and argue, and none of that is going on here! (edited) 2y
StayCurious @OriginalCyn620 👏 I couldn‘t have said it better myself! 2y
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It kept me entertained, so it‘s not a pan. Did they actually ever have a conversation that wasn‘t “I love you” or “let me love you”, etc.? If they did, I missed it.

There was a bit of a story and fight, but it was mostly instalove and sex. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And then it ended so you have to read the next book. But I think I‘ll pass.

Thanks to #LittensLoveRomance for putting it on my radar and glad it was free on KU.

StayCurious Yeah I‘m feeling meh about it too tbh - you win some you lose some 🤷‍♀️ 2y
Laughterhp #Nobuy2023 - first book in a series @PuddleJumper 2y
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I live the little detail of the lips and fangs scattered throughout this book! @StayCurious

StayCurious Yeah me too - it‘s fun! 2y
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#LittensloveRomance Ch.13: With Presley‘s help, Leo makes a tea so that when he and Auggie get together no one will know. He even casts a spell to make Presley forget he helped make the tea. Then well…things get intense. Their feelings are so big after mere days. How will they both handle that?

StayCurious Ch.14: Leo learns about Auggie‘s painful past. He still wants to be immortal and be with Auggie forever, but Auggie has sworn never to change another mortal. And yet Auggie fears he would not survive losing Leo. So what‘s the answer here? Because he will lose Leo to old age if nothing else. 2y
StayCurious Ch.15: a lot to unpack in this chapter so I‘ll just go to the important bit: they admit their love for each other. I will say I was hoping for a bit more story before that happened - a bit more resistance. But if they are indeed fated mates, I suppose it makes sense.

Ch.16: it seems as though Leo‘s powers are back and stronger than ever. Perhaps awakened by finding his Fated Mate?
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OriginalCyn620 There‘s a lot going on here! If Leo‘s powers are now stronger, what caused them to weaken in the first place? And why are the demons so determined to get to him? Leo is the key to all this, but I can‘t figure out how, and it‘s driving me crazy! But in a good way. 2y
KristiAhlers Yeah I mean I love when they admit their feelings but this just felt to me kinda rushed. I would‘ve like a little more interaction. Maybe a little more push/pull 2y
Laughterhp They definitely fell in love way too quickly for me! Though I guess they‘re using the soul mates, thing… I‘m definitely intrigued as to why the demons want Leo so badly! 2y
julesG I completely forgot about this one. I'm trying to catch up to join the final discussion. 2y
LiseWorks I totally agree with the too quick in falling in love. I wanted more intense scenes. Not the giving in so fast. 2y
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

1. What could go wrong
2. No
3. I Will Find You by Coben

Eggs Thanks for playing 🥳 2y
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.9: So if Leo and Auggie mate, Leo will become a badass vampire witch. It‘s clear that vampires and witches have been kept apart for a reason. And now, the demons have arrived at the club…Bleeping Brimstone! 👇

StayCurious Ch.10: the demons are after Leo and no one, not even Leo, knows why. They seem to think he‘s something special…but then why is his magic waning? Leo and Auggie (yes, I‘m calling him Auggie now) have - let‘s say a weak moment - and things get spicy. Will their seduction lead to their demise? At least Auggie‘s coven is standing by him and Leo - for now. But how long will that last? 2y
StayCurious Ch.11: Leo and Presley perform a seeking spell and finally talk to Sylvia, who still won‘t tell them where the coven is. Leo is understandably hurt but Auggie assures him he‘ll protect him. So why do the demons want Leo, and who is behind this whole thing? Things are getting interesting. My guess is the half witch half vampire baby didn‘t really die long ago. He‘s alive and well and looking for revenge. What do you think? 2y
StayCurious Ch.12: I like these getting to know you chapters. We learn a bit about Leo and a bit about Auggie. We learn that Leo‘s magic started fading 2 months ago without explanation. And we learn that the two are done resisting each other. Uh oh. Better make tea. 2y
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MoonWitch94 Auggie 😂🤣😂 I think it‘s adorable Leo nicknamed him. I think the vamp-witch is absolutely still alive & has a hand in this chaos. I think Beto & Pres will be a thing, too. 2y
OriginalCyn620 This book is so much fun! I have no idea what‘s going on, but I too think that the hybrid vamp/witch has something to do with it. I‘m just here for it, whatever is going on! 😂 2y
peanutnine I love your prediction - can definitely see that possibility! @MoonWitch94 love the nickname 😂 and for sure Beto and Presley! Maybe Book 2? 2y
MoonWitch94 @peanutnine @OriginalCyn620 This book is so much fun! I do love the nickname. I‘m going to have to read the rest of this series, for sure! 2y
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#LittensloveRomance: Ch.5: Augustus brings Leo to his club - more like into a nest of vipers. Good thing Leo‘s spell seems to be working. We meet a solitary vampire named Remy who seems to have an grudge against Augustus. But you can‘t be a few thousand years old without making an enemy or ten. 👇

StayCurious Ch.6: Leo and Augustus head back to the scene of the crime as it were - the bar where Leo was before everything went blank. The bartender says Leo seemed drunk and left with a man. But Leo has no idea who this was and figures he was drugged. Later, they find another member of Leo‘s coven and take him in - I smell trouble with this one. 2y
StayCurious Ch.7: Presley, Leo‘s friend, is allowed to stay against Augustus‘ better judgement. Leo and Presley determine that their coven left them out to die. So far I like the vampires better than the witches. They also believe a demon might be behind this. Leo and Augustus share a forbidden kiss (and what a kiss!) - things are dangerously heating up. 2y
StayCurious Ch.8: An ominous note is delivered to the manor and basically says that there will be a war and it will involve all covens. Interesting - but who is behind it? 2y
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LiseWorks I am kind of disappointed that Leo abandoned his coven so quickly. Presley kind of reminds him that the witch coven is his family. And who drugged Leo? 2y
MoonWitch94 I am really liking this story! It reads super fast and is fun. 2y
Laughterhp I‘m really liking the book. It‘s definitely I quick read. I basically can read the 4 chapters while I‘m on the bike! I‘m assuming Presley came along to set up the next book in the series! 2y
peanutnine @LiseWorks family is complicated, I kinda get why Leo feels like they abandoned him first. I do think he should let them know about the note though @StayCurious I agree that I like the vampires better so far. I don't know how I feel about Presley yet... 2y
KristiAhlers I agree @MoonWitch94 I wasn‘t sure I was going to enjoy it. But these two characters are so very dynamic! And I totally get where Leo feels let down or abandoned. Family is such a complex organism. Those closest always know how to hurt you the worst. 2y
OriginalCyn620 Okay people, please take this with a grain of salt, because full disclosure, my father abandoned me and my mom, so I totally see where Leo is coming from. Trust me, it‘s hurtful! And it seems to me that Aunt Sylvia is being real cagey. Too cagey. And in light of that, Presley‘s appearance seems sus. Very sus! It‘s too early to get a real handle on what‘s going on and why (at least for me!), but I‘m hooked. And yes, I‘m liking the vamps more rn! 2y
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So far today has been delightfully relaxing finishing #bulletjournal spreads for 2023 reading & challenges.
Top row:
* #pantone2023 I love the idea of matching books off my shelves to the colors. I‘ll write in the titles of each book under its matching color.
* Books purchased in 2023. I‘ll write those in a numbered list as I buy them.

Bottom row:
* #serieslove2023 I‘ll add more series as I go & color in each box when that book is finished.

MeganAnn Bottom right: * left page is for the #noshamereadathon23 @Nessavamusic I‘ll fill in titles on the bingo board as I finish them. Lots of great categories here! 📚 Right page is to track all the #littensloveromance picks for the year starting with the January book tagged for the post. I caught up on reading the first 8 chapters today and then couldn‘t stop so I kept reading a few more chapters. Might just finish this one quickly @StayCurious 2y
MeganAnn I‘m also doing #roll100 and #bookspin this year to help check off those TBR bookshelves. Posted those pages earlier. 2y
Nessavamusic Love it!! 2y
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FlowerFairy Oh these are wonderful!!! 😍 2y
Velvetfur Those pages look great! I love the organisation 😍 2y
TheSpineView Pretty! Love all the colors! 2y
mabell Love your Pantone pages! 2y
Andrew65 Plenty to keep you busy, good luck with all the challenges. 2y
Clwojick Stunning! There‘s just something so pleasing about looking at all those colours! 💗 2y
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.1-4 Happy New Year! I was eager to start on this one and I hope it‘s a fun read for our first book of 2023! You can see my chapter ramblings in the comments. I‘ve tagged those who expressed interest but please let me know if you want to be added or removed from my daily posts. And as always, I can be emailed at littensloveromance@gmail.com for any book suggestions or life advice 😄

StayCurious Ch.1: Leo is a witch. Augustus is a vampire. Leo wakes up in Augustus‘ bed with no memory of how he got there - which is bad because witches and vampires don‘t mix - like ever. When Leo makes it back home, his coven has scattered and he‘s on his own - and Augustus offers to help. Can they trust each other long enough to find out what‘s going on? I‘m intrigued as to why Leo‘s power is waning and how he ended up at Eaton Manor. 2y
StayCurious Ch.2: Augustus calls his coven together and they reluctantly agree to help the witch - if they can see him. Against his better judgement Augustus agrees. I‘m eager to learn more of the history between witches and vampires - why are they enemies? And why is Augustus so attracted to Leo - is it simply because he is forbidden? 2y
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Kshakal These first 4 chapters have sucked me in and I can‘t wait for more! 🤓 2y
LiseWorks Thanks for the reminder, I have to start this one, 2y
StayCurious Ch.3: Leo isn‘t safe among so many vampires so he tries to do a spell to hide his scent - it works on everyone- except Augustus. But the spirits tell Leo he can trust Augustus - so that‘s something, right? Wait…look at the title of the book! Hey, we‘ve been had!
We also learn that Augustus is really old - and there‘s an underlying sadness to him.
StayCurious Ch.4: the history between witches and vampires is complicated to say the least - which makes Augustus‘ feelings for Leo complicated to say the least. This is interesting world building. I was sad that Leo‘s coven wasn‘t more concerned for him. What a family. 2y
Read4life Looking forward to this one. Not one I would have chosen on my own which is why I love buddy reads. Starting it tonight. 2y
willaful I've started, seems fun! 2y
Laughterhp This book seems like it‘ll be fun! Just finished the first 4 chapters! 2y
OriginalCyn620 Yes, we‘re definitely off to a good start! I too think the story between the vampires and the witches is interesting. Good world building for sure! I feel bad for Augustus now that we know a bit of his back story. And there‘s nothing like forbidden romance for steam…so bring it on! 2y
KristiAhlers I started this one at lunch today. I didn‘t want to have to go back to work 🤣 2y
MeganAnn I started this one last night and caught up today… and then I couldn‘t stop reading! So far I‘m intrigued by Leo and Augustus, wondering if there‘s more to their attraction and if the title is going to prove to be too true. 2y
peanutnine Loving this book so far and I love your commentary 😂 2y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick We're off to an intriguing start. I'm happy to have gotten the backstory out of the way early about the animosity between vampires & witches. 2y
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repost for @StayCurious:

Here is the January Read for #LittensLoveRomance - it‘s a MM romance and it‘s on Kindle Unlimited for those of you who have access to that. Let me know if you want to read along with me and be tagged in my daily posts. I‘d also like to take this opportunity to introduce our group‘s new logo, designed by the fabulous @Catsandbooks ! I‘ll be making some swag with it in the coming months to give away as prizes.

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Here is the January Read for #LittensLoveRomance - it‘s a MM romance and it‘s on Kindle Unlimited for those of you who have access to that. Let me know if you want to read along with me and be tagged in my daily posts. I‘d also like to take this opportunity to introduce our group‘s new logo, designed by the fabulous @Catsandbooks ! I‘ll be making some swag with it in the coming months to give away as prizes.

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BethM I was just going to say I need a mug and a bag- that‘s so cool! 2y
LiseWorks I'm excited about this one 2y
Laughterhp Love the logo! Thanks for letting us know it‘s on Kindle Unlimited (since I usually don‘t get the books in time to read along). 2y
KristiAhlers Sign me up! 2y
MoonWitch94 Oh fun! I‘m in. Kindle Unlimited—even better! Love the logo! 2y
OriginalCyn620 The logo is awesome…nice job @Catsandbooks! The shirtless cover is also awesome. 🤣 At any rate, I‘m in! 2y
Catsandbooks Thank you all for the kinds words!! 🥰💕 2y
Catsandbooks I don't think I'll be able to get this one. One suggestion for the future is maybe the final discussion could be at the end of the month so even if people don't read along each day they can still join in the discussion more in real time. 2y
Kshakal I love the logo!! 2y
Read4life I‘m in. Love the logo @Catsandbooks 💙 I‘ll have to use that on my #BookSpinBingo board instead of the one I use. 2y
BookwormAHN Love the logo and the fact that it's on Kindle Unlimited is fantastic 🖤 2y
rubyslippersreads I think I‘ll sit this one out. As usual, I‘m overwhelmed by my TBR. 😂 ❤️ the logo! 2y
peanutnine Ooh yay excited for this one! And the logo is great!! Awesome job @Catsandbooks ☺️ 2y
PageShifter I am trying to join! 2y
julesG Love the logo! Awesome @Catsandbooks! 2y
StayCurious @Catsandbooks that‘s a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion 💜 2y
TheSpineView Love the logo! I need to sit out January but will be back in February. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Love our new logo!!! I won't be reading this one, but please do tag me when it's time to pick out February's book!! 2y
peanutnine Also, just looking at a calendar - Jan 11 is a Wednesday...? 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Count me in. 2y
tdrosebud Love the new logo. I won't be joining this one since my library doesn't have it and I'm on a book buying ban for a little while. Please tag me for Feb. 2y
StayCurious @peanutnine yes it is! I was looking at wrong month - Jan 15 2y
peanutnine @StayCurious cool, putting it on my calendar 😊 2y
Gissy Yes! Sounds interesting! 🤗❤️ 2y
willaful May I join? I definitely love romance. :-) 2y
StayCurious @willaful yay! Absolutely ♥️ 2y
CarolynM Looking forward to this one🙂 2y
MeganAnn I‘m joining in for this one as well. Even better that it‘s on Kindle Unlimited so I don‘t have to wait for a library copy! 2y
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