Captain Kidd laid out the Boston Morning Journal on the lectern and began to read from the article on the Fifteenth Amendment.
Captain Kidd laid out the Boston Morning Journal on the lectern and began to read from the article on the Fifteenth Amendment.
My #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin books for June are the tagged book and Ralph Coffee Jazz Poetry, which has been on my bookshelf for roughly 20 years!
Captain Kidd had experience traveling uncharted lands as he read his newspapers in different towns to spread the news, but not with a child.
Beautiful, descriptive writing that pulls you in. I truly enjoyed it mainly because of the characters and definitely the warmth and “KINDNESS” of Captain Kidd.
I tried really hard to read this one for #LMPBC and it didn‘t work for me. Sorry to my team for being so late, I picked it up and put it down and wanted to finish it. That‘s the great thing about #LMPBC though - you get a chance to read something you wouldn‘t normally pick up and sometimes you find a new fave and sometimes you don‘t! I appreciate @suvata putting this bookclub together several years ago. It‘s always fun! @Kimzey @arubabookwoman
#LMPBC Loved the snippets of history as "Kepdun" Kidd read the "news of the world" while retuning a young girl captured by the Kiowa four years previously to her family. On its way to you @Kappadeemom --perfect antidote to the bleakness of The Post Office Girl. Good choice @Kimzey @Maggie4483
Book club, not book club, book club. #FirstSaturdayReaders #BooksWithBeth
Enjoying my morning coffee with the book club mug my sister designed before she passed last year. I miss her every day, but I know she is still with me. #BooksWithBeth #FirstSaturdayReaders
Up next for book club. One of the remaining selections my sister Beth added before she passed last year. #BooksWithBeth #FirstSaturdayReaders #bookclub
Me waiting for Amazon to deliver my next book club selection so I can get started.
What a beautiful book. I really loved it. Reading about a much quieter Texas than the one I‘m in now, the author really nails the landscape.
Great characters! Of course I fell in love with Johanna just as quickly as Captain did.
Putting this movie close to the top of my to-watch list.
This was my local book club's pick for March. I've only ever heard good things about it so I was happy to finally read it.
Captain Kidd is a character that I doubt I will ever forget. This is a beautifully written story about an incredible journey that will forever change the lives of both main characters.
I might have to watch the movie now. 💚
My fingers are crossed that I got this right. Here is the tracking number. Delivery on Wednesday.
I am terribly backed up with books. My groups are desperately behind bc I‘ve gone MIA. I can only apologize. I‘m sending them out tomorrow morning when the ice clears.
I listened to this book last weekend and was absolutely hooked! This was the most enjoyable fiction that I can remember reading/listening to over the past several months!
#bookspin #bookspinbingo
I bailed on this one years ago because it doesn‘t have quotation marks, but #LMPBC brought it to me again. I‘m so glad because it was a beautiful book. @Tattooedteacher @Crazeedi @slategreyskies
#LMPBC round13 @Bookwormjillk @slategreyskies @Tattooedteacher
The book is coming your way Sarah! I hope you enjoy as much as I did. A civil war veteran who travels around Texas giving readings from newspapers is charged with taking a captive back to her family. The author weaves words together in beautiful ways. The friendship between 'Kepdun' and 'Johenna' touches the heart
I enjoyed the narration of this audiobook, which I listened to for October‘s senior book club. It‘s a heart-warming Western told from the POV of a serious, conscientious older man (mostly) as a relationship grows between him and the recovered captive child he is tasked with returning to her relatives. A nice story about love, chosen family, and loyalty. I also really appreciate a shorter book that leaves you wanting just a little more.
#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain
1 tagged book for #LMPBC
2 I just downloaded the Storygraph app, thanks to @Megabooks , I think I'm going to love it. I also use goodreads and a notebook
3 Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelly
The results are in my friends. Here are our group picks for #groupg #LMPBC It looks fantastic! Can‘t wait to get started. 💜
@Tattooedteacher @Bookwormjillk @slategreyskies #LMPBC #groupG #round13
So I've chosen this one!! We have a great selection I think.
Christine, you will add to your photo? Thank you!!
Slow and beautifully descriptive. Loving the characters so far.
The Audible deal of the day. I‘ve read, listened, and watched the movie and I can vouch for all of them. Excellent. One of my top ten fave books.
I don‘t usually read western books but I couldn‘t put this one down! I‘m behind on my Literati Book Club selections and this one was a pick in December. I realized it was made into a movie and I have to watch it. I loved the story and found myself sucked into it! 🌟🌟🌟🌟!
Felt a bit like a cliché read about a grumpy old man whose ways are changed by a fearless and spirited young woman. I enjoyed the historic background of sharing news by traveling village to village reading papers from around the world. Listened via audiobook and found it interesting but not fully fleshed out.
April 2021 - audiobook listen before I watch - interesting and sort of like True Grit but not as grim. Well read
Really enjoyed this - Captain Jefferson Kidd makes a living reading newspaper stories in small frontier Texas towns. In Wichita Falls he is entrusted with a "rescued" Kiowa captive whom he takes on a long trek across Texas to her remaining family.
I really liked this Western - especially loved the way characters talk and the interactions he has with Johanna. Definitely worth picking up.
I‘ve just started this for my IRL bookclub which will be meeting (online) this Thursday. Just a few chapters in and I‘m thoroughly smitten!
This had been on my TBR so long I'd forgotten what it was about. So I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a Western, something outside my norm. This reminded me so much of an old movie I remember watching. It's the story of Captain Kidd returning Johanna to her family after she is released by Kiowa raiders.
This was a really gentle tale despite being a Western. The characters were well rounded and the scenery was described beautifully.
I. I finally finished the tagged — with some audio-book assistance (in this case, recommended!). So —> I Wanna Be A Cowboy ... 🤠🤭😂
II. Favorite? 🤔 I think bookish-themed teas and candles. Couldn‘t pick just 1. 😁
III. I don‘t think it matters to me... except with cozy mysteries ... I tend to prefer those in their 30s and 40s, but also it‘s not that big of a deal. 😁
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView ! 😘
I bought this on a whim and I‘m so glad I did! The growing bond between Kep-dun (Captain) and Johanna was such a delight to read about. But gosh, it‘s so heartbreaking to think about what Johanna had gone through and must go through again. My only complaint about the book is there are no quotation marks! I don‘t understand why you wouldn‘t use them ?? But after awhile I got used to it and moved right along.
At first, this story felt too much like Charles Portis‘s True Grit, with shades of Cormac McCarthy thrown in, but ultimately its eloquence and compact story won me over. Two thumbs up. Wish I knew more about the politics of 1870s Texas—the contentious schisms feel eerily familiar.
I don‘t normally like movie-covers... but Tom Hanks, so I‘ll let it slide 😁
#unpopularopinion I did not enjoy this even though it apparently is a moving starring Tom Hanks and has amazing reviews. It's a quick read, and I'm glad to have another #bookspinbingo down. The lack of quotation marks drove me crazy and made it difficult to follow at times. I also felt like the story lacked transitions; it just went from one crazy event to the next. Definitely an interesting concept for a novel though.
I only had a couple of chapters left, so it just seemed right to knock back some Prosecco and finish it before the year‘s end. My mother-in-law loaned this to me saying it was one of her favorite books. We don‘t often agree on books, but I definitely see why she likes this so much. This book has a great sense of place and I really loved the bond that developed between Captain Kidd and Johanna as they traveled across the Texas plains.
Last book of the year! This also completed the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge.
Book 190 of 2020.