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The Abominable
The Abominable: A Novel | Dan Simmons
23 posts | 25 read | 32 to read
ALA Reading List Award for History, Short List A thrilling tale of high-altitude death and survival set on the snowy summits of Mount Everest, from the bestselling author of The Terror It's 1924 and the race to summit the world's highest mountain has been brought to a terrified pause by the shocking disappearance of George Mallory and Sandy Irvine high on the shoulder of Mt. Everest. By the following year, three climbers -- a British poet and veteran of the Great War, a young French Chamonix guide, and an idealistic young American -- find a way to take their shot at the top. They arrange funding from the grieving Lady Bromley, whose son also disappeared on Mt. Everest in 1924. Young Bromley must be dead, but his mother refuses to believe it and pays the trio to bring him home. Deep in Tibet and high on Everest, the three climbers -- joined by the missing boy's female cousin -- find themselves being pursued through the night by someone . . . or something. This nightmare becomes a matter of life and death at 28,000 feet - but what is pursuing them? And what is the truth behind the 1924 disappearances on Everest? As they fight their way to the top of the world, the friends uncover a secret far more abominable than any mythical creature could ever be. A pulse-pounding story of adventure and suspense, The Abominable is Dan Simmons at his spine-chilling best.
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Abominable | Dan Simmons
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While this was an ok book about mountain climbing and had some good historical information. I found it a bit tedious and was very disappointed that there wasn‘t on single abominable snow man in the whole book. I think I just went into it expecting something different. I like Simmons as an author and know that he likes to be very detailed, but the book didn‘t live up to the description on the back cover

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I love books about people in extreme conditions. This book sounded great. The beginning 1/3, when they were preparing for the trip to Everest, was a little boring. It goes into detail on the preparations and the history of mountain climbing. The rest of the book, once they actually make it to Everest, was amazing. The story was interesting and moved a lot faster. I enjoyed reading this.

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It took me a while to read this book. It is densely packed with details and probably more than I ever thought I could know about climbing Mount Everest, without climbing Mount Everest. But. It is a riveting novel and I actually had to put it in a virtual freezer because I was so invested in the characters that I was having anxiety attacks. If this kind of reading experience appeals to you, I recommend this book. You‘ve been warned. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This was not what I expected. Sometimes that‘s a good thing, but it wasn‘t really in this case. I bailed on this once when it first came out, and only stuck with it this time because it was for my book club. Clearly I‘m not the target audience.

#MarvelousMarch book 3/6

Andrew65 Oh dear 😔 3y
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Yay! It‘s porch reading weather!

Tamra I can‘t for that here! 😅 3y
Cathythoughts That sounds lovely 3y
CaramelLunacy Love the cover 3y
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Finally finished! I feel as if I climbed every step of Everest with the characters. It was much better than The Terror for me, but I was a little disappointed that it didn‘t live up to its scary synopsis. Yetis were a very small part of the story. 4🌟

46 points (book, post, & 2 hours of reading)

@Clwojick #WinterGames2020
@TheSpineView #ReadYourWay

TheSpineView 🤩📖📚 4y
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Compared to everyone else, it‘s a bit low this week. I do have some bingos coming up on the movie cards which should bump it up for Weeks 2 & 3.

@Clwojick #WinterGames2020

Clwojick ♥️❄️Awesome! Way to go! 🌟💚Those bingos definitely helped my points this week! 😊 4y
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I‘ve never before had an interest in climbing or Mount Everest. And then this book happened. Simmons‘ tale of an unauthorized climb gone wrong is terrifyingly accurate. Weaving together history from the historic 1924 Mallory/Irvine climb, I found myself pausing to watch YouTube videos, research if his pieces of detail were accurate (they were) or just to see images of where they faced difficulties (Second Step). I couldn‘t put it down.


Mistermandolin He‘s a fantastic writer. Have you read The Terror? Even better than this one, I thought. And this one‘s great. Excellent pick! 4y
StellaDz @Mistermandolin I have! It was my first read of his and I then went out and started collecting his work! The Terror is probably still my favourite but Simmons is a fabulous writer! 4y
Mistermandolin @StellaDz Underrated, too, I reckon. And versatile. I understand his sci-fi epics are great as well although I haven‘t read any. What are your favourites apart from The Abominable and The Terror? 4y
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StellaDz @Mistermandolin I‘m also currently reading The Fifth Heart but not quite finished it yet. I think my next favourite would have to be Drood. I own Songs of Kali, Ilium and Olympos and Hyperion but haven‘t read them yet. But I also want to find a copy of Carrion Comfort; the premise of mind vampires sounds so interesting! Only one I bailed on was Black Hills. 4y
Mistermandolin @StellaDz Wow! Thanks for the list. He‘s clearly prolific. I‘ve just laboured my way to completing my first novel: a horror/time travel/romance hybrid. Straight non-fiction before that: spirituality mostly. I‘m at www.markfox.co.uk if you‘re curious. 4y
StellaDz @Mistermandolin excellent!! 4y
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I‘m chipping away at this slowly. About 50 pages a day. To say it‘s a slow burn is an understatement but I‘m really enjoying it. Let‘s get to the scary bits!

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Ciara is taking the ‘let‘s take mommy‘s spot when she gets up‘ thing a little too far... #currentlyreading

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Not sure why I need multiple Simmons on the go, but I‘m currently tackling these two! Abominable alone is almost 700 pages! 😳 #currentlyreading #currentlylistening

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Think I did well today. Charity book shop, all 3 for £1. All good condition copies. I just need more time to actually read them! Daisy covered up the tagged book.

TrishB Bargain 👍🏻 5y
Hooked_on_books 🐶💚 5y
squirrelbrain I have the middle one on my TBR shelf, also a charity shop find from a year or two ago! 5y
Nute Cute photo. Hey, Daisy!🐶❤️ 5y
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#TrickyCat likes to hang out with fictional characters. #CatsOfLitsy

8little_paws Ohhh what a sweet little face 5y
Tamra 😻 5y
Leftcoastzen 😻👏❤️ 5y
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When you‘re about to settle in to read, but you can‘t bring yourself to disturb your comfy dog to get a blanket for yourself.

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Thank you @bookcollecter for this awesome #thankfulforbooks package! Capote is a great storyteller, I am really looking forward to this one, and the Abominable has me intrigued! The Ehrenreich that I've read was informative and I'm sure this will be as well. I am inspired to reread Gatsby and follow it up with Corrigan's study! Thank Sara & Emma for me for the feminine touches 😉 Happy Thanksgiving! And thank you @JamieLou for hosting this swap!

JamieLou Awesome 😍 6y
bookcollecter Glad you enjoy 😁 6y
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If you enjoy learning about mountain climbing you will enjoy this book!

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Well not sure if anyone out there has read this but I just started it tonight and wondering if anyone has an opinion good or bad. I just got done with The Terror by this same author a couple of weeks ago, so any thoughts?

ReadingOver50 Sounds like a good one 😄 6y
PirateJenny I haven't and I've only read a few books by him but they were excellent. I would go for it 6y
BookishTrish This looks good! 6y
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#TopTenTuesday this week was a freebie, so I picked the top ten grossest books I have read. You know, the ones that scar your brain for life😁 https://respekt1111.com/2017/01/25/idiosyncratic-top-ten-tuesday-10-books-to-mak...

Joybishoptx Haha! Yeah. Naked Lunch is really really bad. 8y
respekt1111 @Joybishoptx I know. I spent the whole book like WTF. It's not so much the content as the sentiment that sticks with me. 8y
Joybishoptx Haunted was pretty bad too. I need to get around the Bird Box and The Troop 8y
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respekt1111 @Joybishoptx Bird Box was one of my favorites of 2016. I recommend it to everyone I meet! 8y
Joybishoptx @respekt1111 I own it. It's high on the TBR list 8y
tricours I'm reading Bird Box now! How was Abominable? 8y
respekt1111 @tricours Excessively detailed and descriptive, but well worth it! It got me started on a Mount Everest reading kick and I never looked back! 8y
tricours I loved his The Terror, but it was also extremely detailed! 8y
respekt1111 @tricours I loved The Terror too! He's one of the most genre-spanning authors I've read. 8y
LauraJ I love your taste in books 📚 8y
respekt1111 @LauraJ Hey, thanks!😀 8y
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Why I should never be allowed to drink and Barnes and Noble 😐. My TBR pile is 17ft high and I go do sh*t like this.

On the flip- I haven't been reading much this month. My gram grams (aka my world) is sick and I'm trying to find my balance in dealing with her illness. Been a lot of video games (my other guilty pleasure) and wine. But tonight hubs and I bought a book for ourselves and one to donate to a a kiddo. Literacy is power, yall. ❤️❤️

kspenmoll So sorry about your grandmother. You deserve sine new books! 8y
MrBook Oh no! Hope your grandmother's doing better! (I have the Simmons book on my nightstand. He's comparable to SK.) 8y
HotMessJess @MrBook thanks ❤️❤️ she has extremely advanced dementia, sadly, but it's what my great grams (her mom) passed away from as well. It's a fact of life, and I have good and bad days with it, but in general doing ok! 8y
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Well...I think it was about 300 pages too long. The dialogue was clunky in many places and the massive info dumps were exhausting, but the story was interesting. Almost gave up. Mostly glad I didn't.

MrBook Simmons does pretty good work 😊👍🏻. 8y
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My favorite summer reads are books that take place in cold climates. It's hot outside today but I'm freezing with The Abominable!

NadinetheReader It has been preeeetty warm lately this summer where I live- and it's super humid too. Thankfully I can stay inside and read all summer😄 8y
wisebravegirl @Nadinereads staying inside during the heat and just reading is the best! Sometimes I forget it's so hot outside! 8y
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