Sex,drugs and rock and roll. You end up caring about the band and beyond.
Sex,drugs and rock and roll. You end up caring about the band and beyond.
Brutal, vicious are just some of the attributes author Camilla Bruce offers up in this dark story.
I enjoy Coates immensely. This was a fun one. I wish however the references to the protagonists mouth wasn‘t so repetitive, it became distracting.
I do love Stephen King. This book kept wandering for me.?I did enjoy it however and cared about Radar and Charlie right to the closing.
It‘s a very quick read that I enjoyed poolside. A family full of greed and love.
Crazy story about a virus that shows up after Covid.
Violence ensues.
Quite an adventure. I was thrilled to receive this advanced release copy of Silver Under Nightfall from Simon&Schuster. It‘s a blood spatter thriller full of vampires and creatures aplenty. A little interest romance thrown in for good measure.
I do love historical fiction so it was a win for me.
I had heard a mix of reviews about this story. Actually enjoyed it more than anticipated. Not gruesome horror but thought provoking.
What a delightful read! Historical fiction blended with gorgeous clothing descriptions and a growing NYC.
What a fun read. A story within a story.
I enjoyed the storyline once I got through the first few chapters.
I think I was expecting something very different here.
All told though the story kept me interested to the end.
It‘s hard to explain how you can fall in love with a bad man.
The story was interesting , I just kept getting distracted.
I read this for book club. It is written so well in a young mans vpice you are carried away into his tumultuous world. It‘s just so good.
Received a copy from goodreads giveaway and at. Martins Press. The writing is extraordinary and lush.
A story containing many worlds and lives.
I wasn‘t sure what to expect having not read the first in this series. Certainly happily surprised.
Delightful historical fiction. You can practically feel the fabrics described.
Loved the story based surroundings, but felt the ending was a bit flat
I certainly learned a lot with this read.
I was not thrilled with many of the characters but loved learning more about death Doyle.
I am so grateful@to have read this story. Having learned a great deal in these pages.
I loved Station Eleven, this novel took some getting into but I love how she draws you in.
Come on! This was a fun read for sure.
Filled with lovely details of Fred!!
It took me a while to get into this novel, but really.. what a amazingly touching story.
What a fun world created by author seaman McGuire. A beautifully tragic blending of Fae and Humans.
Based on a true fact this story is told beautifully.