I read this for book club. It is written so well in a young mans vpice you are carried away into his tumultuous world. It‘s just so good.
I read this for book club. It is written so well in a young mans vpice you are carried away into his tumultuous world. It‘s just so good.
I felt about this book the way I feel about Ted Lasso (on AppleTV, if u haven‘t seen it, check it out) — it‘s so darn sticky sweet, I don‘t want to like it, but I do. I really do. A lovely, uplifting book. #ARC #Netgalley
Michael is 14 and going through some tough stuff. His dad has died, he‘s acting out at school, and he thinks his mum has been replaced by a not-mum imposter. Being a teenager he‘s guarded in what he tells us, and for that reason I think it‘s written in quite a simple style from his perspective. But as the story unfolds we slowly learn more and, by the end, I was more than a bit emotional 😭 #ARC
Dicks has a great ability to write from a child‘s POV. Charlie is 14, has lost his Dad, and believes his mother is not his mother, but some strange interloper. But he‘s also the best big brother you could ask for, is heartbreakingly lonely, has anger issues, and is a hero who stands up to bullies. It‘s impossible not to root for this kid. As he falls in love, struggles with trauma, and finds new confidantes, I was completely charmed by his story.