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Las naves del destino | Robin Hobb
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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Book three in the Liveship Trader trilogy and this book pulls everything together wonderfully.

The world and plot are too big for me successfully put into words but just know, this is an epic journey with traders, pirates, slaves, royalty and many other sections of society tackling many issues that we face today. It gives you such a lot to think about.

Deifio The series is wonderful! Really heart wrenching though! I read them twice. Are you going to read the other Farseer books? 5mo
Michellesibs @Deifio I've read the first trilogy (Farseer) and now Liveships so 2024 I shall move onto the next trilogy. Have you read them? 5mo
Deifio @Michellesibs yes, I read all of them. I like how the story is told over several trilogies. So you're up for the Tawny Man trilogy next 5mo
Michellesibs @Deifio Yep, and I'm looking forward to it! X 5mo
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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October 2023 Wrap Up!

I haven‘t finished documenting September‘s stats. Another busy month!

3 Readathons. No burnout.

I finished 41 books and here are 16 I really enjoyed.

I‘m not sure if my Non-Book Life kept me from enjoying stories more but I only had three 5-star books this month & they‘re all a bit different.

Ship of Destiny - The Liveship Traders 3️⃣

Hunted - Iron Druid 6️⃣

The Exorcist‘s House

What was your favorite OCT book(s)?

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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I want more Liveship Traders!

There were some TWs but i got past them & loved it!

Everything and everyone splits apart, comes together, lives, dies, etc. a typical HOBB book! And SO long! I loved characters & loved hating others!

I could talk talk talk but it‘s book 3 so I won‘t. This book doesn‘t need a critique, it begs to be read! Do it!

Another awesome 5 ⭐️ read!

#31by31 … 41/31 🎉

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author

1) Tagged

2) 18 months - War & Peace

3) A few years ago, I was very unwell. I thought my career was over. But I managed to get back to working as a GP (albeit on a very part-time basis). If there's anything I should feel proud of, it's probably that. (And getting my medical degree and GP qualifications in the first place.)

I'm quite proud of my poetry too 😄

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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The final book of the Liveship Traders series, which is a fantasy series with enchanted ships, pirates, sea serpents and dragons. I have enjoyed the series over all and this is an epic, action packed conclusion. Robin Hobb‘s characters are so nuanced and well written. The villain of our story especially, as he has a traumatic past that we often feel sorry for him and at first he seems heroic. However, he does some truly horrific things.⬇️

Nessavamusic I really enjoyed the journey and do want to check out the next series in the Realm of Elderlings world. 4.5⭐️ 11mo
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟A perfect ending to a brilliant trilogy!

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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Help!!! I just finished the Liveship Traders and I don‘t know what to read next!

PO-TAT-OES Read Fools Errand!!😁😁 1y
BonjourYall That‘s what I wanted to read! I miss fitz and the fool so much!! 1y
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#Pity 🐉 🏴‍☠️ #InQuotes “🗣️💕”

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs 🧡👏🏻🧡 1y
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Robin Hobb's books are as close to perfection as any author is likely to get. An incredible finale to an incredible trilogy.

Such quality writing, such character development and such a creative concept. The world Hobb writes feels organic and real. Truly epic.


Now to find out what happens next to Fitz...

julesG I got Assassin's Apprentice the other day. It's your fault, and @TrishB's. 🙈 1y
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Robin Hobb is 10/10 amazing, but if you don't like epic... let's just say I won't be held responsible! 😄😅 Hope you enjoy! 1y
julesG Well, guess we'll see how epic it's going to be 1y
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Strong finish to a great trilogy, loved it all the way through. Personally preferred it to the farseer trilogy.

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Sometimes I love to just lay on the floor in my library and stare at my books 😍 #ILoveBooks #ILoveMyLibrary 📚

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Nessavamusic You have some gorgeous editions there! 2y
Soubhiville I do that too! 2y
Megabooks 🤩🤩🤩 2y
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GondorGirl You're not alone! 2y
DivineDiana Those shelves! ❤️ 2y
Christyco125 Are your Funko Pops shelved by their corresponding books? 2y
JuliaTheBookNerd @Christyco125 when I have a book Funko pop I try to keep them with their books 😊 I wish they had more book Funko pops 🤪 2y
CoverToCoverGirl What a perfect view! 2y
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My current read is a multiple POV but I still love a good single POV too 🥰

#WonderousWednesday ✨ 🌸✨ @Eggs

Random tags: @Zahra @Yalitbit @Wan.der.love

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Thanks for joining in 📚💗📚 2y
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Met my #20in4 #Readathon goal of 20 hours 🥳📚🥰 @Andrew65

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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I was really happy with the third book in this Trilogy. Lots of action and adventure but with also plenty of heart and grit. And how fantastic to read fantasy that has more than one female character! The Liveship Trader books are a fascinating addition to the larger Realm of the Elderlings series and I will definitely be diving into the Tawny Man books in 2022.

Andrew65 This is next up for me in the Robin Hobb world. 2y
Ruthiella @Andrew65 Excellent! 👍 2y
Tamra Happy New Reading Year to you! 🥳 2y
Ruthiella @Tamra Thank you Tamra! ☺️ 2y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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Jumping back into some Robin Hobb 😊

Mitch You lucky thing! One of my favourite series of all time! 4y
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While I didn't love it quite as much as The Mad Ship, this was certainly a stupendous conclusion to an excellent trilogy. Featuring dragons, pirates, a little romance, some cracking sea battles, a breath-taking death & the most impressive 180° turnabout in my estimation a character has ever performed (I'm looking at you Malta Vestrit). But I was very dissatisfied with the resolution of several characters' story arcs. So only almost perfect.

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Amazing conclusion to the trilogy! I couldn‘t put it down.
All the characters were amazing and they came such a long way from start to finish.
The story lines all seamlessly wove together to a satisfying ending.
I‘m sad to be finished. I‘m going to miss the characters. This was epic.

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‘Woman is more than mother, more than daughter, more than wife. Those are the facets of a full life, but no single facet defines the jewel.‘

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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My kids, ages 4 and almost 2, are finally old enough this spring to play in the sandbox on their own and let me read my book! I've been waiting for this day! 😀

SauerPatch Oh, GIRL. Earlier this week my 3 y/o and 18mo boys played together with their wooden train set for 45 MINUTES or more with almost no issue. I didn‘t read quite the whole time, but still, I felt like I won the lottery. 😂 Here‘s to some of our hard work starting to pay off! 🙌🏼 4y
smilingshelves @SauerPatch 45 minutes?? That's like heaven! There's hope for our sanity if more moments like that are in our future! 😄 4y
BucklingBookshelves This is amazing! 😍 Mine are just starting to play together a little (inside, or the little one would be running for the road without constant supervision 🤦🏼‍♀️) — it doesn‘t last long, but it‘s still been so nice. 😊 4y
smilingshelves @BucklingBookshelves Yay! Yeah, mine don't do this often, but it's wonderful when it happens! 4y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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What a ride! This third volume in the Liveship Traders trilogy brought things to a satisfying end. I am blown away by Robin Hobb‘s world building and character development—just excellent epic fantasy. This trilogy is the first I‘ve read by her, and I‘m looking forward to more!

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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The theme of the above collage is: “books I‘ve finished in the last almost-month but still haven‘t reviewed on Litsy.” I‘m planning to get some reviews posted today, but in the meantime I‘ll let this be catch-up for 2-3 weeks where I missed posting a #BookReport!

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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🌳Finish the final section for #ATreeGrowsInBrooklynBuddyRead
📚Continue with Word by Word and Thirst
👗Finish 3 chapters of Wearing God
🛋Get to p. 420 in View from the Cheap Seats
⚓️No page goal for Ship of Destiny yet—just started and am enjoying getting into the final volume of this series!
🌵Just might start and finish Momentous Events in the Life of a Cactus... spontaneous library checkout!

Daisey Fun post with the themed emojis. 😀 4y
Ruthiella I need to read Ship of Destiny too! I don‘t know why I often stall on the third book in a series! 4y
Cinfhen Love the emojis 🥰great plan 4y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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I kind of have a perpetual goal to finish reading series that I‘m in the middle of. This year, I‘m planning to focus on finishing at least five:
⚓️ Liveship Traders (1 book left)
⚡️Matthew Swift (1 book left)
🌊 Earthsea (1 book left)
🌍 Broken Earth (2 books left)
🏹 King Raven (2 books left)

I will also no doubt read further in the Chronicles of St. Mary‘s, and my husband wants me to read ALL of the Dresden Files, so...we‘ll see.😆

Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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Read completely out of order but that didn't make it any less enjoyable. This one gives you lots to think about as you read. At the moment I find myself contemplating the way we shape ourselves and possibly people and events around us by which parts of ourselves we decide to hold on to our let go as we journey through life.

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My number 1 spot was a no brainier - but there was fierce competition for the other 2 spots! Starless by Jacqueline Carey and Fever by Mary Beth Keane just missed out....

Do you have a number 1 that I should read in 2019? Tag below!

Itchyfeetreader I loved the Gollum and the Djinni ; have gifted several copies ! 5y
MicrobeMom So hard to choose! My favorites were A Man Called Ove and 5y
Mitch @MicrobeMom I know, I agonised! Madeline Miller was in the shortlist for sure! 5y
Mitch @Itchyfeetreader I love the period NY setting, it was really charming. 5y
AlaMich I loved the Liveship Traders Trilogy!! (edited) 5y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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Have you guys ever used this..... you put in an authors name and it generates a word cloud of authors other readers read who like that author....the closer name is to the one you searched for is the strongest link....


LazyDays Cool! 5y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
EastWind76 Very cool! I see my favorite author in that cloud, so maybe I should use this for reference! 5y
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JoScho Very neat! Thanks for sharing 💜 5y
Soubhiville Huh, that‘s cool. A new toy to play with, and add to Mount TBR! 5y
Mitch @Soubhiville I know, I‘d not seen this before! 5y
Mitch @JoScho my pleasure! 5y
DGRachel That sounds like a great way to discover new-to-you authors! 5y
Mitch @DGRachel yeah, I‘ve had great fun plugging in lots of different authors...I‘ve gone down some deep rabbit holes! 🤣 5y
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Wow - congratulations on the milestone and for all your fab contributions to this amazing community.


TheLibrarian Thank you and thanks for entering! I heard amazing things about Robin Hobb but have yet to read one her books. 6y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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1- I had 5 others lined up for the number 1 spot! It‘s been a great reading year!
2- 52... met my Goodreads target this week!
3- I‘ve spent lots of time walking mountains, cliffs & moors.
4- We‘re redesigning the garden - adding a greenhouse, veg patch and some new lawn.
5- 👋🏻everyone... @LazyDays 👋🏻


wanderinglynn Congrats on reaching your reading target! 👏🏻🎉🙌🏻 And thanks for playing! 😀 6y
Mitch @wanderinglynn last year it was in the closing hours of NY eve that I hit 52! So I‘ve got 2 extra months to play with! 6y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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@Mitch thank you!!! I love the Tintaglia postcard! This is my favorite Robin Hobb trilogy (so far- haven‘t read them all) and I‘m planning to frame this for my library wall. I also really like the book mark. You rock!
#jb #bookishfriendsarethebestfriends

Mitch I thought of you the second I saw it - so glad I got it right! 😘 6y
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What a fantastic end to a brilliant trilogy! Liveship was even better than I remembered overall, if not a bit wordy. Going to take a break from Hobb for a bit before starting my Tawny Man re-read.

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So many diverse women-from wise & bargaining grandmothers & adventurous sea faring daughters, to determine serpents and cunning dragons. They each develop greater empathy, become more politically motivated & influential, learn how to love themselves & others.

Add to that a cracking conclusion to the story, a fitting end for everyone that is paced soooo well - this is nothing less than fiction at its best - read it! #fangirl

Linsy Beautiful! 🐉 Stacked!! 6y
monalyisha Great review! 🙌🏻 6y
wanderinglynn Robin Hobb is such a great author. Love her work! 6y
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Kalalalatja Perfect review for a perfect book 👌 6y
DuckOfDoom Malta is one of the perfect developing characters. I started hating her, but she continued to grow.. I love Robin Hobbit for her characters ❤️ 6y
Mitch I agree @DuckOfDoom they genuinely develop and react to circumstances. I was really cheering for Malta ! 6y
xicanti YES. Malta is one of my favourite literary characters because of how beautifully she develops throughout the series. 6y
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So....it‘s over...I‘ve completed the trilogy. The third book was just amazing! Review to follow...but first I have to mourn the ending of this journey...🤧

Image by John Howe

Cathythoughts Great image 💫 6y
GypsyKat I have this trilogy waiting on a TBR shelf. This image makes me want to read it now! 😍 6y
Soubhiville Wow, great picture!!! It‘s pretty much exactly how I pictured Paragon. I really loved these books! I actually ought to read Dragon Haven soon. 6y
Kalalalatja ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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“ You are caught up in a grand sweep of events, culminating in the changing of the course of the world”

Book 3 of the Trilogy, P701......200 pages to go. Guess I‘m now going to bed tonight!

Cathythoughts Sounds like destiny alright ❤️ 6y
laurieluna Aren't we all! Such an intense series, glad you're enjoying it! X 6y
Kalalalatja It is sooooo gooooooood! 6y
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Mitch I‘m trying to slow the reading down to savour these last few hours with these characters! Is there a word for “ anticipated end of series withdrawal “ ??? @Kalalalatja 6y
Kalalalatja I don‘t know, but there should be! The struggle is way too real 😩 6y
TrishB Wonderful stuff 💕 6y
Melissa_J I loved this trilogy! 6y
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Evening plans - curling up on the sofa, with home made mac n cheese (topped with left over pulled pork!) and the wonderful world of the liveships. Thank you Ms Hobb‘s #lifeisgood

BiblioTori Hmm... I think I need a shirt like that. 😂 6y
Reviewsbylola Amazing sweatshirt. 😍 6y
Cathythoughts Fab sweatshirt ❤️ 6y
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LeahBergen Awesome shirt! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Mitch It‘s super soft over sized and perfect for nights on the sofa with books and cats! @leahbergen @Cathythoughts @Reviewsbylola @OnlyMeJustT 6y
AmyG Great sweatshirt! 6y
larah17 Ohhh I love and want that cozy jumper 😁 6y
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I‘m 10 books ahead on my Goodreads challenge - so as a treat - I‘m diving right into all 900 pages of book three of this trilogy! I‘m going to read slow and savour every word! #masterpiece

thereadingowlvina Wow! 😮 6y
thereadingowlvina Wow because you're 10 books ahead and wow because your next read is a 900 pages book! I'm impressed! 🤗 6y
Mitch Sadly it will go too quickly I think! @thereadingowlvina 6y
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Sophoclessweetheart Oh! I can‘t wait to get to the Liveship Traders! 😍😍 6y
wanderinglynn I ❤️ Robin Hobb‘s books! Enjoy! 6y
AmyG I am a future fan. ;) 6y
Mitch I started the Hobb books with this trilogy ( not the right order I know!) and love them! 6y
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“A manner of speaking becomes a manner of

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚😀👍Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
santaniere @DebinHawaii Thanks! I shall! 😻 6y
RaimeyGallant Nice quote. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it.
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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Wow Robin Hobb, you sure can write some killer exciting fantasy! I loved this series! Live ships, with animated figureheads, sea serpents, dragons, poisonous rivers, ancient cities, and pirates! So much to love here! And the story continues in The Rain Wilds trilogy 😊🐉🐲☠️

laurieluna I have so much love for these books 😍 6y
Soubhiville #chunkster at 789 pages! @miralunasbooknook I have come to love Robin Hobb and look forward to every new book of hers I pick up! 6y
SpeculativeFemale Love that series! Have you read the Rain Wild Chronicles yet? Great follow up to these! 6y
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Soubhiville @SpeculativeFemale I‘ve read Dragon Keeper because I owned it and didn‘t know that it was a follow up to this series. But I have the other two still to read! 6y
GondorGirl Her writing is always fantastic and she's such a sweet person to boot. I had the pleasure of meeting her a few years ago and she was so excited because people in her panel were cosplaying Fitz and the Fool. 6y
Soubhiville @GondorGirl that‘s awesome! 6y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb

Oh my god, Amber!

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Okay, I am seriously loving this series. So many fierce female characters, intersecting stories, and crazy twists. I can't wait to see how it wraps up, but I'm also sad I'm so close to finishing!

GypsyKat I have this series on my TBR shelf, I need to read it! 7y
briski @GypsyKat Yes, do!! Seriously such a pleasure to read. 7y
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Ship of Destiny | Robin Hobb
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I had a really great reading month in June! I gave four books 5🌟which does not usually happen and I got all of these books off my TBR 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

My favorites were Ship of Destiny (best fantasy book I've ever read), Spinster (if I could write, I'd want to create something like this), and Americanah (I haven't stopped thinking about it).

I hope you had a wonderful month of reading! 🤗📚


MinDea What is Spinster about? Americanah has been on my TBR forvever... 7y
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#Riotgrams Day 4: Voldy and Kyle

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I don't know how to put into words how much I love this book and the series as a whole. Lots of strong, kick-ass women, dragons, talking ships and pirates! This third book was such a good ending to the series, but it has left a little hole in my heart because it has ended. The only remedy must be more Robin Hobb books. 📚❤

I really can't recommend this highly enough!

#LRC8 #LitsyReadingChallenge

TheLondonBookworm I got this set for Christmas!!! Half way through Mad Ship. Absolutely stunning series 💙💙💙 7y
Kalalalatja @TheLondonBookworm lucky you! It only gets better the more you read 👌 7y
CrowCAH Your review has me wanting to read this right now, instead of sticking to the list of TBRs! 😁You said it: strong women, adventure, and Pirates; all up my alley! 7y
Kalalalatja @CrowCAH it really is worth dropping all else for (imo). 😄👍 7y
TrishB Love her too 💓👍 7y
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Train time is reading time 📚 only 200 pages left of this amazing book. I want to know how it ends, but I don't want the series to be over #booknerdproblems

#currentlyreading #LRC8 #LitsyReadingChallenge

Bookworm-Bobbie I know that feeling well. I think Hobb's needs to be bumped up my tbr list! 7y
Sarah83 Is it the last book of the serie? 7y
Kalalalatja @Bookworm-Bobbie she is amazing! 7y
Kalalalatja @Sarah83 it is, but luckily there is a lot more books out there set in the same world, but following different characters 👍 7y
Sarah83 So it is only a little farewell 😉 7y
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Oh. Hell. No. The little sympathy I had for this character is definitely gone now.

#currentlyreading #LitsyReadingChallenge #LRC8

Dolly 😡 7y
TheBookAddict 😳😠😤😡 one of those times when I want to climb into the book and give someone a piece of my mind and fists 👊🏽. 7y
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readinginthedark 😵🤐😡😡😡 7y
LazyOwl I know, I was so angry reading this. 😬 7y
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1, 2, 3 - off we go! I have the whole day to read and an un-put-downable book 👌

#LRC8 #LitsyReadingChallenge

Bookscatsandcountry Sounds perfect! I must start reading Robin Hobb this year! 7y
Kalalalatja @Bookscatsandcountry she has risen quickly as one of my favourite fantasy writers. I cannot recommend her highly enough! 👌 7y
TrishB @Kalalalatja agreed 👍 she's amazing! 7y
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Bookscatsandcountry @TrishB @Kalalalatja Where would you recommend starting? 7y
TrishB @Bookscatsandcountry @Kalalalatja Definitely The Farseer Trilogy 👍 7y
Bookscatsandcountry Great! I think I'll buy the first one. I'm more likely to read it if I can see it sitting on my shelf 7y
Kalalalatja @Bookscatsandcountry I agree with @TrishB - the series are indepent, but some things can get a bit spoiled, if you don't read them in order 😊 7y
TheLondonBookworm Such a brilliant trilogy !! I wish this was my plan today :) 7y
Bookworm-Bobbie Robin Hobb is on my list to read this year! @TrishB thanks for the recommendation for where to start. 7y
LazyOwl Love Robin Hobb 7y
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Very good. This book es awesome.