Anyone else partaking in the #TolkienBirthdayToast? At 9 pm, I'll have the tagged book in one hand and a whisky in the other! #TheProfessor #BooksAndBooze
Anyone else partaking in the #TolkienBirthdayToast? At 9 pm, I'll have the tagged book in one hand and a whisky in the other! #TheProfessor #BooksAndBooze
Both #TomKitten and #ColeCat are doing their best to thwart my year-end reading. Really trying to knock out a few more titles over here, but cats are gonna be cats, eh? #CatsOfLitsy #BlackCats
Good thing the library is closed or this one would have been renewed quite a few times!
1. Fellowship: the Literary Lives of the Inklings, Love in the Time of Cholera, and When the Moon Was Ours
2. Good Omens (just watched the first ep last night!)
3. Dark Phoenix
"The great thing is to always be reading but never to get bored--treat it not like work, more as a vice!" - C. S. Lewis
So long Oxford 😍
Excuse me while I enjoy some reading on the train
After hearing my lit professor talk about this book for months, I couldn‘t resist buying it at Blackwell‘s on my trip to Oxford!
I thoroughly enjoyed this literary biography! Granted, I was especially interested in the sections about Tolkien, but there is a wealth of information here.
#nonfiction #audiobook
I‘m sure I‘ve read or heard before that Christopher Tolkien actively participated in Inklings‘ meetings, but I had forgotten about it. Sections like this that emphasize his role during his father‘s life are ones that make it clear to me how appropriate it is that he has continued to edit and share his father‘s work.
This seems to be some pretty harsh self-criticism from Tolkien.
It‘s also interesting to me how he does not consider The Hobbit as truly part of his mythology at this point. In reading the different books myself, I have always been amazed by how they fit together even with their differences in style and taking place at different times in the history of the world he created.
#nonfiction #YearofTolkien
This book is again just adding to my desire to read more of Tolkien‘s work. I need to revisit Beowulf (possibly the abridged audio by Seamus Heaney soon) and at some point specifically read Tolkien‘s translation and commentary.
I got to the first chapter about Owen Barfield and struggled to keep my focus today. Then it was back to Tolkien and I downloaded the ebook to go along with the audio so I can highlight specific passages. This section discusses “The Cottage of Lost Play” found in the Book of Lost Tales and the difficulty of the language. Also, I was intrigued by the spelling I would have never noticed listening to the audio only.
#nonfiction #audiobook
I started a new audiobook during my walk a couple days ago, and its subject should come as no surprise to anyone who pays much attention to my Litsy feed. Most of it so far has focused on Tolkien and Lewis, and I‘m finding it fascinating. It‘s especially interesting to listen to details about aspects of Tolkien‘s writing that I‘ve read myself for the first time in the last few months.
#audiobook #nonfiction
#BookNBreakfast! #2030SomethingLongReadsBookClub edition! We're discussing "The Fellowship" today, and I‘m having a long-longed-for bagel with lox and cream cheese, and a coffee. Yum! ? Happy reads & happy eats! ??#NYC
(I can confirm that @MrBook ‘s sandwich is good too, he let me taste it?)
I have an inkling that I am going to enjoy this. #theinklings #philipzaleski #currentlyreading #jrrtolkien #cslewis #inklings #coffee #caffeine #caffeineaddict #booksandcoffee #muswellhill #coffeeandbooks #fantasy #fiction #biography #medievalliterature
Lots of nonfiction at this month's library book sale ❤
#Cheers to this pub visited by members of the literary group the Inklings including C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien to meet, read, and discuss their stories. If I could ever do a literary tourism trip, this would definitely be on my itinerary. I haven't read the tagged book, a biography about the Inklings, but it's on my #TBR. #junebookbugs
Well, @LauraBeth , I may have some insight for you, but first I have to finish crocheting this life-size cat bed.
I dunno what this does for my twit cred, @LeahBergen 🤔
Tolkien. Remember that as we face this changing country.
Trouble sleeping is much better when you have a book. Also, regular breaks to check out http://www.hewillnotdivide.us/ which is keeping me sane right now.
Saw this last night @TheBookmarkPR -- looks interesting! I'm a sucker for bios of writers, and this is a bio/cultural history of a writing circle