If you're looking for your next fantasy novel to read this summer this is it!!!
If you're looking for your next fantasy novel to read this summer this is it!!!
I had a lovely relaxing weekend and picked this book up on a whim - and it's perfect. Villages of trees, nature spirits gone rogue and an unlikely champion whose affinity with nature spirits take her from working with the village hedgewitch to being trained as an heir to the queen - the one person who can keep the spirits happy. And the spirits are not happy. The perfect book to read in my hammock under my maple tree. 🐿🌳🌿💕
Even when a book has almost no life left, even when it would take a true act of love to read through the unbound and crumbling pages - it is still a work of art. A well-loved book is a thing of beauty.
I spied My favorite translator hanging out on a window ledge today. Well, her book anyway. I love browsing the books in other people's homes.
I bought 10 boxes of books at the library sale (they go to the store) but these 4 go home with me 💕
I listened to the first Agatha Raisin on audible and then immediately when out and bought THE COMPLETE COLLECTION. #bookproblems
Taking a break from my Best of the Booker list to refresh with some Barbara Pym.
This one is a definite so-so read. Gordimer has talent and crafts some beautiful images while managing to be both inscrutable and boring. I'm so glad I've finished and can move on to something else. 😒
My daughter is old enough that we can start a Mother/Daughter book club with books I'm actually excited to read! First up - I Capture the Castle - one of my favorites!
"She sits reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on the iPad for about the twelfth time. It's the Harry Potter book she likes the least; that's why she's read it so few times". ?
A big fat, Scandinavian historical novel spanning the streets of 18th century Copenhagen to the frozen villages of Greenland. Just waiting for my kettle to boil then I shall plop down with my lemon tart and tea and I will read and ignore the my whole world while I sink into Leine's beautiful creation.
My request to read The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street just came through this morning and though I have only just started it the story features a house bunny AND a boy named Oliver! I have a house bunny and a boy named Oliver!!!! The joy! The serendipity! 💕
Finally cracking into my boxes (packed away these last 2 months) it's like meeting old friends 💕
My obsession with reading about the cold continues....(from the comfort of my cozy warm home)
What do you do when it's -1 degrees Fahrenheit outside? Read books about places EVEN COLDER.
It's bluebird, it's powder, it's -3 degrees. And I'm in the lodge reading....
My Christmas Day reading commences in a nest of pure COZINESS. Fire, coffee, popcorn....Merry Christmas to all and to all a good read-in. 🎄
My Christmas gift to myself 😊🍾 A Modern Library Of my favorite Austen stories!
"A wise man once said that next to losing its mother, there is nothing more healthy for a child than to lose its father." That is a hell of an opening line!
Mulled wine, 3 feet of snow, Ella Fitzgerald singing Christmas songs and me rereading Outlander for the 5th time. I'm in my happy place. #godblesssnowdays #hygge
"without a doubt, it was a book for when the birds have flown south, the wood was stacked by the fireplace, and the fields are white with snow; that is, for when one has no desire to venture out and one's friends have no desire to venture in"
This is my make-shift shelf until renovations are complete and my bookshelves are up and my books can come out of their boxes! I've never had such a scant quantity of books in my home before...
A book on the history of dental care and class in America certainly caught my eye when I heard about it but now I'm bumping it up my TBR pile with this emergency trip to the dentist for the little one (who is thrilled as you can see). At least we are fortunate enough to even visit a dentist (which many Americans are not).
So excited to curl up with this book...the coziness that awaits me is distracting me from my work.
I am loving this book. I'm at an especially crazy time in my life and seeing how the body can somatize stress is really forcing me to be present with the chaos and not just soldier on. Fascinating book!
If I have to be at work today at least I can read about walking around "the city".
Picked this up last night at a new Indie bookstore in our town. Still feeling the election hangover, coffee a book and a warm fire are all I can handle right now.
Inkblots is so fascinating!! I rarely e-read except for advanced copies and SOMETIMES they are so good my DRC's make it to the dinner table. Chardonnay pairs very well with Koala btw.
All my babies are packed away (the orchids are being babysat by my sister-in-law) and will stay packed until my library is built. I can only imagine their joy, and mine, when we are reunited in a month!
These Melville House 'Art of the Novellas' are a beautiful addition to my library (maybe some day I'll even read them 😂) #bookhoarder
Got my signed #indiespensable from Powell's today. I loved this book and am delighted to have a signed copy for my shelf...I will however devour all this chocolate and the get back to packing my house up...I will not get sucked into rereading. I will not.
Got my print ready to frame and hang in my kitchen at the new house!!! Squeeeee!
My rabbit hates D. H. Lawrence apparently. She stole this book out of a box that I had packed up 😳!
This whole book is about people winning at wood. I am now motivated to have the best damned stack of wood on my hill.
This was a book I picked up when trying to do a reader challenge where you read an author with the same name as you...This is the only book with either my first or last name in the author name. Turned out to be a good one though!
The first time I read Great Expectations I though it was "OK". A decade later I reread it and was blown away, some books speak to LIFE no matter how far through time they come to us. I found this crumbling edition and had to take it home and love it.
I shouldn't drink and read book reviews at the same time...I think I ordered a massive biography of Frans Liszt and a Caribbean refashioning of Homeric poetry last night. Two things I didn't know I wanted to read. 🤔
A customer brought me his personal copy of this book for me to read, and then told me he was envious of my getting to read it for the first time. I had never even heard of it before! I am excited.