One March #bookspin down; one more to go.
It was as good as I remembered.
One March #bookspin down; one more to go.
It was as good as I remembered.
Tepid pick for IRL book club. The narrative starts out strong and the ending is good, but the middle meanders with descriptions of other worldly beings and landscapes without much character development or plot.
The best line was the MC realizing he couldn‘t trust alien shepherds because after all, the cyclops were shepherds too. 🤣
Was using the foil of sci fi for spiritual philosophy a new thing? (1938)
If I‘m in a reading slump, I usually go to an old favorite, like the tagged or a favorite genre (cozy mystery or golden age mystery). With any luck, one of the two will kick things back in for me.
Great question @BookmarkTavern I enjoyed seeing the different ways readers deal with a slump.
#SundayFunday on Monday (again 🙄).
Delightful! I‘d definitely read more of the series!
#bookspinbingo - free space
#pop25 - book containing magical creatures that aren‘t dragons
#LitsyAtoZ #LetterL
Watching this remake of #chroniclesofnarnia I always thought it was a pretty good representation, and the level of sass is on point! What do you think?
#childhoodmemories #princecaspian #narnia #returningtonarnia
I had just purchased this tagged book for my brother when I read this in A Letter for Mary.As a very young precocious reader,my brother was wild for Tolkien & owned many first editions.He lost everything in a fire when wild fires in CA burned down his house,garage, brewery.His family got out;he suffered burns on his arms. Fortunately I had borrowed his letters from Father Christmas, so he has this original book.We sibs celebrate #Jólabókaflóðið
I've been meaning to re-read this book.
Enjoyed it just as much this time around, with the added bonus of Screwtape's speech.
#sundayfunday @BookmarkTavern
Tagging @LeafingThroughLife @Karkar @Decalino @Clare-Dragonfly and @Jari-chan
Found this interesting. Some of C.S. Lewis's arguments could be difficult to follow. While I might not agree with every point, I still found the book thought-provoking.