Can‘t seem to put it down. The rhythm of this book....
Can‘t seem to put it down. The rhythm of this book....
Can‘t wait to escape into the life of a 1930s British wife and mother living the “provincial” life so like my own.😀 Found this shopping for books in Canada and was recommended as a humorous read which I need right now. Thanks LB
This reminds me of two somewhat serious ladies I know😉
I started reading reading this months ago with my best friend. She finished it, but I put it down and never told her😉 Decided to pick it up and stick with it this time.
My January bookclub is approaching and been putting this one off! We are going to each take a part and read/act it out. Wine will be flowing 🍷🍷🍷 It‘s been decades since I read this in high school and don‘t remember loving it. Maybe because they made us watch the play as well?!?! I feel like lance Kerwin was in it or Johnboy from The Walton‘s.
Had this on my shelf for awhile. My last read of 2018 maybe. *Update* Finished in little more than a day. The characters and story made it hard to put down and have stuck around with me for awhile. Interesting parallels with “If Beale Street Could Talk.”. Not sure how I feel about the ending though. Found it poignant. Thoughts from anyone else?
It finally came and can‘t wait to read it with my Book Bestie😉
started reading it in tub an hour ago and had to force myself to put it down and get out!
Article in NYTimes today about American domination the past two years in Britain‘s literary award. A group of authors and critics are fighting to reverse decision made in 2014 to allow any novel written in English eligible for the Man Booker Prize. Thoughts?
Listening to this on audible, usually while I cook and never a dull moment! Love this girl. She is funny, but also eloquent, witty, sarcastic, crude, sweet, naive, and hopeful. Have rarely read, and definitely never listened to, memoirs of people living or dead. Am enjoying the two I am simultaneously reading/listening to (Gabrielle Union‘s book) and different way I am experiencing this genre.
reading this on kindle and on my phone to boot! bought it when someone mentioned awhile back audible was having a sale. she doesn‘t hold anything back which I‘m impressed with.
Finally done with Middlemarch! Was sad to be done because I am going to miss these people, flaws and all. This last paragraph resonated with me and I got teary....had to sit for awhile. I am excited to move on and read a different genre! Thanks to Leah for her “gentle” prodding to read this amazing book!
The Birds Xmas Carol too Thankfully ready too retire these beauties for another year to my tiny little “Christmas” space on my bookshelf.
It‘s that time of year again. Have to do it no matter how many times I fall asleep through the movie. It‘s a classic! Plus, I need the stress relief during these crazy holiday times. Yes, that‘s a doll given to me by a friend who knows how much I love the movie. Thanks Carol!
Truman Capote‘s aunt. She was hilarious. Watched and re-watched clips of her on the Jay Leno show. Good advice too.
Sadly, it has too late for an authentic fruitcake. Maybe next year.
@LeahBergen Ready to start my second story. Perhaps the one about grim head on the pillow which would be me home sick with the flu barely able to boil water for my last Davids Tea. Sob.
Joined the Food52 bookclub a few days ago and have been waiting for this one. I love reading cookbooks almost as much as i love reading books.
Middlemarching through Calgary for the last time. Sadly, without my best friend beside me but shall read lots on the plane ride home.
“Celia! He is one of the most distinguished-looking men I ever saw. He is remarkably like the portrait of Locke. He has the same deep eye-sockets.”
“Had Locke those two white moles with hairs on them?”
Next bookclub read
My bear obsession