This lovely book contains a selection of Emily Dickinson‘s nature poems, beautiful illustrations, and blank pages for writing and sketching. The perfect book for springtime. #EmilyDickinson #poetry #nature #spring
This lovely book contains a selection of Emily Dickinson‘s nature poems, beautiful illustrations, and blank pages for writing and sketching. The perfect book for springtime. #EmilyDickinson #poetry #nature #spring
This book is stunning.
I enjoyed learning from this book about the Kakapo, a flightless, endangered parrot living only in New Zealand, and about the conservation work being done to save this bird from extinction. (Also, I was happy to learn from the Kakapo Recovery website that there are now 151 Kakapo in existence, as at the end of Kakapo Rescue it is stated that there were only 91.)
The stories in this book about Father Christmas, the Polar Bear, and other characters are quite fun and funny, and the calligraphy and artwork are lovely. #Tolkien #LettersFromFatherChristmas
I've been wanting to read Little Women for quite a while, so I'm glad that I finally started it today! 📖
I thought that the poems in this book were beautifully written, and I really enjoyed reading them!
"Would that there were kings in Gondor, as there were once upon a time, they say! For it is said in old lore: The hands of the king are the hands of a healer. And so the rightful king could ever be known."
I started reading this a few days ago, and I'm really looking forward to finding out how The Lord of the Rings ends! #thelordoftherings #lotr #Tolkien
I was flipping through a copy of "J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator" when I came across some pictures of the sketches that Tolkien made for the covers of the three volumes of The Lord of the Rings, and I decided to try to find an edition that had those covers. After some searching online I found this set, and I think that the covers are really beautiful! ? #lotr #Tolkien