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David Copperfield (Illustrated And Annotated Edition)
David Copperfield (Illustrated And Annotated Edition) | Charles Dickens
This is the illustrated and annotated edition including an extensive biographical essay about the author and his life as well as a wealth of original illustrations. You will also find a detailed introduction (which is not included in other editions) regarding the history of the title and many insights. "Of all my books," says Charles Dickens in his preface to this immortal novel, "I like this the best. . . . Like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child. And his name is David Copperfield." When "David Copperfield' appeared in 1850, after "Dombey and Son" and before "Bleak House," it became so popular that its only rival was "Pickwick." Beneath the fiction lies much of the author's personal life, yet it is not an autobiography. The story treats of David's sad experiences as a child, his youth at school, and his struggles for a livelihood, and leaves him in early manhood, prosperous and happily married. Pathos, humor, and skill in delineation, give vitality to this remarkable work; and nowhere has Dickens filled his canvas with more vivid and diversified characters. Forster says that the author's favorites were the Peggotty family, composed of David's nurse Peggotty, who was married to Barkis, the carrier; Daniel Peggotty, her brother, a Yarmouth fisherman; Ham Peggotty, his nephew; the doleful Mrs. Gummidge; and Little Emily, ruined by David's schoolmate, Steerforth. "It has been their fate," says Forster, "as with all the leading figures of his invention, to pass their names into the language and become types; and he has nowhere given happier embodiment to that purity of homely goodness, which, by the kindly and all-reconciling influences of humor, may exalt into comeliness and even grandeur the clumsiest forms of humanity." Miss Betsy Trotwood, David's aunt; the half-mad but mild Mr. Dick; Mrs. Copperfield, David's mother; Murdstone, his brutal stepfather; Miss Murdstone, that stepfather's sister; Mr. Spenlow and his daughter Dora,David's "childwife"; Steerforth, Rosa Dartle, Mrs. Steerforth, Mr. Wickfield, his daughter Agnes (David's second wife), and the Micawber family, are the persons around whom the interest revolves. A host of minor characters, such as the comical little dwarf hair-dresser, Miss Mowcher, Mr. Mell, Mr. Creakle, Tommy Traddles, Uriah Heep, Dr. Strong, Mrs. Markleham, and others, are portrayed with the same vivid strokes,
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Pulling out this gorgeous edition for a read today! I've read some Dickens before, but not this one 🥰

David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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This scene just broke my heart. Poor innocent gullible David Copperfield

#whattheDickens @Cuilin

BarbaraBB Oh I remember this scene! 2w
Cuilin Davy is the sweetest, how could he do that to him?? Ugh 2w
Texreader @Cuilin @BarbaraBB I‘d previously read part of the book before and I find it harder to read now. At least up to the point I read it before, I know he just keeps getting taken advantage of, and that just shouldn‘t happen to wee ones. It almost physically hurts me for him to go through these things because he is the sweetest. I really hope things eventually turn for the better for him. And I‘ve seen the movie! But terrible memory. 2w
BarbaraBB It‘ll be quite the ride, this book 🤍 2w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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Peggotty‘s buttons! 😢

#whatthedickens @Cuilin

Cuilin The buttons are a leitmotif at this stage. 2w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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I‘m reading the timeline of Dickens‘ life in the front of the tagged book. It‘s really interesting

#whatthedickens @Cuilin

Leftcoastzen I love when books include a timeline. 2w
Cuilin Yours is a little more detailed than mine. 2w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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The Peggotty button saga continues.

#whatthedickens @Cuilin

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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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Whoops! There go the buttons again!!

#whatthedickens @Cuilin

Cuilin lol I love how Peggoty is so protective. (edited) 2w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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That‘s quite the hug Peggotty!!

#whattheDickens @Cuilin

Cuilin When he told her he could see her beauty!! 😢 2w
Texreader @Cuilin oh I know!! I‘ve been thinking on discussion topics. Do you want to exchange emails to combine our efforts? I‘m kamonsen at aol.com 2w
Cuilin @Texreader absolutely cuilin3 at gmail dot com 2w
Texreader @Cuilin Ok great! I‘ll try to start sending my thoughts this week. I‘m stuck on the chapters with Murdstone. I hate him so much. 2w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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Why I love Dickens. His descriptions of Peggotty just make me LOL!! #whattheDickens @Cuilin

Cuilin Pocket nutmeg grater!! Who else would think of that? 2w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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What a great readathon! Here‘s my wrap up:

-I finished The Alternatives (#campLitsy) and A Town Like Alice (#foodandlit #Malaysia #readingOceania #Australia)

-I continued reading Wolfsong (#authoramonth), and

-I started David Copperfield (#whatthedickens) and The Storm We Made (#foodandlit #Malaysia)

Thanks @TheSpineView for hosting #fortheloveofbooks!!

@Catsandbooks @Cuilin @Soubhiville @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Megabooks

Catsandbooks 👏🏼🇲🇾💕 3w
squirrelbrain A great weekend! 3w
TheSpineView Great job!👍🤩📖 3w
Librarybelle Awesome!! 3w
Cuilin 🎉🫶 3w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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Let‘s get started!! #WhatTheDickens

Sept parts 1 - 5 Chapters 1-15
Oct parts 6 - 10
Nov parts 11 - 15
Dec parts 15 -20

@Cuilin @CaitlinR @raelovestoread @fortifiedbybooks @BarbaraJean @Annececilie @LeeRharry @quietjenn @bookwormAHN @dabbe @alldebooks @Daisey
@bcncookbookclub @TheAromaofBooks

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Cuilin Loving it already!!! 3w
Texreader @Cuilin I do love Dickens so much!! 3w
Cuilin @Texreader me too. I really want to be a Dickens completist. I‘ve a long way to go!!! 😌 3w
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Sparklemn I‘m in! 3w
Texreader @Cuilin it‘s hard given his chunksters!! 3w
Cuilin @Sparklemn fabulous!!! 3w
AllDebooks @Cuilin I'm in! 3w
AllDebooks Yay!! I love Dickens. My first job paid for a new Penguin Dickens a week. 3w
Texreader @AllDebooks ❤️💚❤️💙 3w
BarbaraJean Woohoo! I‘m excited to dive in, but am planning to wait until mid-month—my hold for Demon Copperhead came in, and it‘s a 2-week hold instead of the usual 3 weeks. So my September plan is now 2 weeks of Kingsolver‘s retelling, then back to Dickens for chapter-a-day to take me to the end of the month! 3w
BarbaraJean @Cuilin I‘d love to be a Dickens completist someday as well! I‘ve got a head start given how much Dickens I read as an English major, but there are still so many I haven‘t read. And so many I want to re-read 😆 3w
Cuilin @BarbaraJean great plan and it sounds like we should continue #whattheDickens post Copperfield!!! 3w
dabbe I'm in; Dave's a fave ... and Dickens, too, of course! 🤩 3w
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! I just read this one not long ago so I'm not going to reread it now, but I'm definitely in for the discussions!! 3w
Texreader @BarbaraJean @dabbe @TheAromaofBooks Fun! Looking forward to this!! 3w
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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Halfway through the year and it looks like the one to beat will be ‘David Copperfield‘ by Charles Dickens.

January - Tom Lake
February- David Copperfield
March - Sea of Tranquility
April - Dead-End Memories
May - A Woman Is No Man
June - Waiting
Bonus - Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Bonus - Bright Young Women


PS thank you @CSeydel for this great bracket template— I just realized you are the creator!

CSeydel Nice bracket! 2mo
rachelk @CSeydel Thanks! 😊 2mo
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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I wasn‘t in the mood for The Mystery Writer, and I was having issues with Hoopla anyway, so I listened to David Copperfield on my #audiowalk. It rained this morning and was pretty chilly this evening.

David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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I undertook this doorstopper because it inspired ‘Demon Copperhead‘, which is on my reading list this year and because I enjoyed ‘Great Expectations‘ so much last year. Since the book is long (it was serialized) I liked the idea of going back and forth between written and audio formats. The saga is said to be close to the life and experiences of Charles Dickens himself. I think it was extraordinary in every way. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Finally finished! Doing it mostly on audio helped & it‘s easy to forgive the length when remembering it was first released as a serial. David himself is easy to root for (even as you want to shout at him for his naivety on occasion) & the gaggle of side characters are easy to love: the eternally devoted Peggotty, the bombastic Mr. Micawber, the donkey-hating Aunt Betsey...

Except Dora. I almost couldn‘t stand Dora as much as the real villains.

rachelk Dora was so incredibly frustrating! Ugh! 7mo
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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I‘m so excited my book club is reading Demon Copperhead this month, but the only reason I haven‘t read it already is that I was insistent on reading this first. (Or listening to it, as the case may be — don‘t think I could finish it in time otherwise.)

This is by no means my first Dickens, but it‘s been quite a while. And I keep being struck by how funny this book is. 22% in and, yes, I‘ve cried twice. But I‘ve laughed much more.

Ruthiella I‘m always surprised when I am reminded of just how funny Dickens is! 😃 8mo
dabbe LOVE this book! 🖤💜🖤 8mo
rachelk I just finished ‘David Copperfield‘ in anticipation of reading ‘Demon Copperhead‘. I absolutely loved it, even more than ‘Great Expectations‘. 7mo
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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A good story, but so much longer than it needed to be. We have a literature teacher in my book club who reminds us that this was published in monthly installments. Apparently Dickens even applied feedback from readers to tweak future portions of the novel with this work, so that probably led to more rambling.

David Copperfield | CHARLES. DICKENS
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This is the longest book I‘ve read on Serial Reader. 150 episodes means I started somewhere in April. Phew!

DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻 12mo
Bklover I‘m impressed! I‘ve either bailed on mine or switched to the book so I could read faster! Congratulations! 12mo
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Even if you think you know where Dickens is taking you, you never quite know what you‘ll meet on the journey. I loved every minute of this #chunkster, and now I‘m ready for the Kingsolver retelling (Demon Copperhead). @Amiable

Amiable Great job! I‘m going to dive into “Demon Copperhead” too as soon as I‘m done with my upcoming library hold. 13mo
dabbe I adored Dickens's DC! I need to read DEMON COPPERHEAD, too! 13mo
Lcsmcat @dabbe @Amiable My in person book club is reading it for our September meeting. I‘d love to discuss it with you too after you read it. 13mo
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dabbe @Lcsmcat I'll let you know when I start it! 🤗 13mo
Aimeesue “Janet! Donkeys!” Is my favorite quote ever. Mostly because it‘s so short I always get it right. And it makes me laugh. 😁 13mo
Aimeesue @dabbe Demon Copperhead is even better than DC, imo. Much more depth, especially for the women, which is a nice change. Dickens always irritates me with his poor puppet women. 13mo
Lcsmcat @Aimeesue I love the donkey bit! 13mo
dabbe @Aimeesue Good point. Though I do love the names he comes up for his characters. 🤣 13mo
Lcsmcat @dabbe His names are priceless! 13mo
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“The good Doctor said she was nervous, and, to relieve her, proposed a round game at cards; of which he knew as much as of the art of playing the trombone.”

David Copperfield (Revised) | Charles Dickens
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I really wanted to get this one read before reading Demon Copperhead. It was massive, but I am glad I finally did it. The characters were delightful, and overall it was worth the challenge. I enjoyed the way Dickens used the book to make commentary on social classes and people in general.

Caroline2 Yes! I really wanna read this before Demon too. The size of it scares me tho. 😆 1y
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David Copperfield | Dickens Charles
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So happy summer is here 😊

David Copperfield (Revised) | Charles Dickens
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From @AllDebooks I've just decided to reread some classic books by male authors. #Pemberlittens have got the ladies covered. If interested in joining me, let me know and I'll do a mini #buddyread for each month.

original post : https://www.litsy.com/web/book/29776/David-Copperfield-Revised

AllDebooks Thank you for sharing 😊 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Here is my plan for #ChunksterChallenge2023 hosted by @Amiable

1st David Copperfield - Mini Chunkster
2nd A Leap in the Dark - Almost a Chunkster
3rd The Fiery Cross - Super Chunkster
4th Pillars of the Earth - Chunkster

Amiable Wow! This is fantastic! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎉 2y
Mollyanna @Amiable Here‘s hoping I get to them all 😉 2y
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David Copperfield (Revised) | Charles Dickens
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I've just decided to reread some classic books by male authors. #Pemberlittens have got the ladies covered. If interested in joining me, let me know and I'll do a mini #buddyread for each month.


LeeRHarry Ooh I‘d definitely be interested in Dracula 🧛🏻‍♂️ 😊 2y
BookwormAHN I'm in for The Count of Monte Cristo, The Strange Case of Dr Jeckll and Mr Hyde and Great Expectations 😺 2y
AllDebooks @LeeRHarry @BookwormAHN Excellent, duly noted for later in the year x 2y
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Larkken I have many of these on my list, but I dunno how many I can get to. I‘m trying to start the Count this month, so maybe I‘ll be through it by the time you get to it? And Dracula would be fun, too! 2y
TheBookHippie March April May October December ! 2y
megnews I‘d like to read along in august 2y
AllDebooks @Larkken @TheBookHippie @megnews Yay, glad to have you joining me 😊 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I'd like to do Feb and A Room with a View. 2y
AllDebooks @Crinoline_Laphroaig Yay, I'm really looking forward to this one. E. M Forster is an absolute favourite of mine x 2y
nanuska_153 Lots of this are in my re-read/TBR list, if you could tag me in all of them, will join from next month. Thanks! 2y
AllDebooks @nanuska_153 that's great, added you to the tag list 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 64: A Last Retrospective. We learn that nobody changes unless David is looking at them, which mostly involves minor characters I had forgotten (Julia?) but also includes Rosa Dartle and Mrs. Steerforth— who I had thought implicitly died after her son, but apparently is locked in eternal conflict with her arch-nemesis like in that one Star Trek episode where the they fight in a parallel dimension forever. #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella I wonder if Julia is supposed to represent another life that would have been possible- but it‘s ultimately superficial and empty. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 63: A Visitor. In a continuing effort to tie up every single lose end — both spatially and temporally — we jump 10 years in the future when Mr. Pegotty drops by to tell David, Agnes, and the three kids that everyone in Australia had a relatively happy ending.and Martha got married. #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH Yes, everyone‘s story is all tidied up real nicely! 2y
Ruthiella And don‘t forget Mr. Mell! 😀 2y
Yossarian @Ruthiella I did, in fact, forget Mr. Mell. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Got my copy of Demon Copperhead today! I noticed immediately that it has 64 chapters, just like the Dickens, and begins, “First, I got myself born.” Will the parallels to DC be that close, Chapter by Chapter?

TheBookStacker I‘m getting my copy tomorrow can‘t wait to start it! 2y
CrowCAH I‘ll guess you‘ll have to read and find out! 2y
Ruthiella Sounds like it! How many pages is it? Also long? 2y
Yossarian @Ruthiella 546 pages. So, long. But not quite David Copperfield long. 2y
Yossarian @TheBookStacker You want to join my #buddyread? A chapter per day for 64 days? 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 62: A Light Shines On My Way. So did Aunt Betsey know Agnes was in love with David, or did she think there was another man? If the first, why didn‘t she tell him? If the second, why did she think that? #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH I think she knew that Agnes liked David. I would assume she said there was another man to spur David into action. 2y
Ruthiella @CrowCAH Yes, that‘s my interpretation also. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 61: I Am Shown Two Interesting Penitents. Okay, this is just getting silly. In an effort to tie up lose ends, David tours a prison randomly, where he meets two model inmates — Uriah Heep arrested for bank fraud and his neighbor Steerforth‘a valet, tackled after stealing from his employer by Miss Mowcher. Every loose string is now tied up! #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH Lol I agree. It‘s interesting why Dickens wanted to give conclusions to all characters even minor ones. Such a small world that we keep running into the same people. 2y
Ruthiella This is typical Dickens. He likes to tie everything up in a neat bow at the end. Not realistic but maybe emotionally satisfying. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 60: Agnes. David loves Agnes, but is afraid of losing his sister-like advisor. Agnes loves David, but will not impose herself on him. We all know where this is going, and they have like four chapters to get there, so let‘s get on with it already! #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella Indeed. If characters were more straightforward about things, it‘d be a much shorter novel! 2y
CrowCAH It was such a touching chapter. But I agree, hurry up and confess your feelings!!! ❤️ 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 59: Return. A lot of marriage foreshadowing. David comes home to find Traddles still poor and not famous, but happily married and new guardian of his wife‘s sisters. Meanwhile, the Murdstone siblings are “pulling a Murdstone” with another young bride. Makes you wonder what the young wealthy women are getting out of it. #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella They are getting what they think will be a charming husband. He doesn‘t show what he really is until they are trapped by marriage. What a sick pair they are. I think Heep is a villain too, but at least I understand his motivation. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 58: Absence. David spends three years in Switzerland being sad and realizing he loves Agnes but probably missed his chance. I‘m guessing he didn‘t. #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH It‘s his “dark night of the soul” moment. I was hopeful he didn‘t miss his chance with Agnes… 2y
Ruthiella @CrowCAH You are right about that! 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 57: The Emigrants. I loved combining the sad task of everyone shielding Mr. Pegotty from Ham and Steerforth‘s deaths until they left with the comedy of Micawber getting repeatedly arrested, losing hope, and getting bailed out in a matter of minutes. Beyond that, I wasn‘t really sure what most of them were talking about. #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH Yeah all the arrests were comical! 😆 2y
Ruthiella I think most of the chatter was between Mr and Mrs Micawber and if their illustrious grandchildren and great grandchildren who are bound to be successful in Australia (based purely on Mrs. Micawber‘s belief in her husband‘s abilities) will owe any debt to England. What I liked was that little throw away bit that Martha is emigrating with them! Hopefully to a happier life! 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 56: The New Wound and the Old

So, Steerforth and Uriah Heep are supposed to be the bad guys, but oh my goodness Rosa took the cake here. Mrs. Steerforth finds out her son died, and Rosa Dartle send her over the edge into catatonia by blaming her and saying she was the only one who really loved him. The enemy of my enemy is my . . . bigger enemy. #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH Dartle was harsh to Mrs. From what we saw she didn‘t really show any love towards Steerforth. 2y
Suet624 Everybody okay? 2y
Yossarian @Suet624 Yes. That was the first Google image hit for the Chapter Title. 2y
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Suet624 😂😂😂 2y
Ruthiella I‘m a bit behind and only just read this today. I‘m actually on Rosa‘s side, though she could have been more tactful. James was a privilege and spoiled monster who ruined the lives of Rosa, Emily, the teacher, Mr. Mell and who knows who else. He was good to David once, but only because it flattered his ego, I think. 2y
Yossarian @Ruthiella Steerforth was a spoiled monster, but (a) that can‘t be blamed 100% on the mother, (b) Mrs. Steerforth was still feuding — Dora was ready to forgive everything (past or present), and (c) even if Dora were 100% right, you let the mother grieve for a full 30 seconds before piling on. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 55: Tempest. They criticize Game of Thrones for being too bloody, but David has lost everyone in his family except his Aunt Betsey, is now widowed, his boss died, and then goes out in a storm to watch Ham die trying unsuccessfully to save his archenemy Steerforth, who shouldn‘t have been anywhere near Yarmouth anyway. And the man is maybe 23? Bloody book. #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH This was a rough chapter. Lots of death. 2y
Ruthiella To me this was Dickens at his most excessive. Pages and pages of of description of the storm and then two symbolic deaths, one of which could easily been avoided and was practically suicidal. 2y
Yossarian @CrowCAH @Ruthiella So did Ham know he was trying to save his sworn enemy? 2y
Ruthiella @Yossarian @CrowCAH I don‘t think he could have known? 2y
CrowCAH @Ruthiella I agree. I don‘t think he knew. He was just saving anyone he could. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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The Super Team of ever single character in the whole book who is at least 7/10 good and 5/10 competent in their field (except for the Pegotty family): David (9/7), Aunt Betsey (7/8), Traddles (9/5) and Agnes (10/10) send the Micawbers out of the room and decide their fates like gods among men. The send the Micawbers off with the Pegotty family. #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH To Australia they will go! 2y
Ruthiella Even with Mr. Peggotty looking out for him, I don‘t see how Micawber is going to turn over a new leaf. Yes, he likes speechifying and writing letters and making punch…but is he actually willing to work for a paycheck? (edited) 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 53: Another Retrospective. It is a cliche that you can fool the people, but the dog can sense your true nature. That‘s why I support Jip, a stupid dog who loves and hates fairly randomly. I guess we are left to conclude that Dora and Jip both lived long, full lives in dog years, before slowly fading away simultaneously. #resdalong #buddyread

Ruthiella Poor Jip. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 52: I Assist At An Explosion. Micawber accuses Heep of defrauding everyone and brings the receipts. Aunt Betsey is so happy she might get some of her estate back that she offers the Micawbers a one-way trip to Australia that they accept faster than David accepted her idea for a rando administrative law career. #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella I‘m not sure that emigrating is a good idea for the Micawbers. I guess Mr. Micawber has proved that he CAN work, but that was mostly because Heep was holding his feet to the fire. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 51: The Beginning of a Longer Journey

Mr. Pegotty and Emily are going to Australia. I was thinking about how Emily shouldn‘t have been shamed into leaving, but at least she had somewhere to go. If someone today gets “canceled” by their society‘s norms, they don‘t have an Australia to start over in. #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella Someone somewhere has probably written an imagined follow up of Uncle Peggotty and Emily‘s life down under, but let‘s hope Emily is able to let go of the shame she carries in her head. 2y
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David Copperfield (Revised) | Charles Dickens

Although I didn‘t always understand the phraseology, so much so I let it go over my head 🤯, there‘s a great storyline at this book‘s heart. There are some fabulous and vividly depicted characters with a wonderful villain in the ever-so ‘umble Uriah Heep. The writing is wordy but very evocative of the time and place. I found it heavy going but overall I thought it quite a remarkable but emotional journey. I‘m pleased I read it. #Pigeonhole

David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 50: Mr. Pegotty‘s Dream Comes True

Emily appears, but before our heroes find her, Rosa Dartle appears to rip her a new asshole. All Rosa cares about is that Emily be seen as a slut temptress rather than an innocent victim. Not sure if women are better at supporting each other today. #NotAllMenAreJamesSteerforth #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella When it comes to infidelity, I do think we still tend to be harder on the one who “stole” him or her away while the partner who betrayed is often ultimately forgiven. But I‘m not sure it‘s a gendered thing. (edited) 2y
Yossarian @Ruthiella I was thinking of Monica Lewinsky, Amy Fisher, or other younger, less powerful women who get labeled “homewreckers” rather than the man who actually wrecked the home. 2y
Ruthiella @Yossarian True that! 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 49: I Am Involved In A Mystery

The solution of the mystery is Micawber hates working for Uriah Heep, but the real mystery is exactly why. We know Heep is horrible and deceitful and other bad adjectives, but we don‘t get any specifics to know how he‘s a bad boss. I assume Dickens didn‘t know enough about the law to specify. #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella I‘m pretty excited that Micawber‘s going to give us a big reveal of what Heep‘s been up to later! 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 48: Domestic. I really want to know what sort of illnesses Dickensian women get where they just slowly fade away over the course of weeks or months in their 20s. After his mom, it‘s almost like he Murdstoned Dora by trying to form her mind against her will. #buddyread #readalong

Ruthiella I won‘t be sad, however, to say good bye to Dora. She‘s frustrating. She needed a Peggotty in her life, poor thing. 2y
CrowCAH I was glad to see Dora go. I was always rooting for David to get with Agnes… 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 47: Martha This was another chapter where the text is Martha agrees to help if she finds Emily, but I felt like there was ten pages of subtext that I missed. Also, Uncle Betsey is weird. That is all. #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella Martha is a prostitute. Dickens couldn‘t say that outright. 2y
CrowCAH Very true, he‘s good at alluding to things without ever right out mentioning it. 2y
Yossarian @Ruthiella @CrowCAH Yes, but I don‘t infer that from anything Dickens actually says, but instead from the length of time he spends not saying it. If you wanted to argue that Martha was actually a murderous loan shark, I‘m not sure what I could cite in the chapter to prove you were wrong. 2y
CrowCAH @Yossarian I‘m not so sure that was her profession: prostitution or loan shark. She seemed more crazy and just a loner. She was talking a long walk, seemingly with some intent. 2y
Ruthiella If she were a murderous loan shark, he would just say so. There‘s no shame in that. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 46: Intelligence

Steerforth‘s (ex-)butler reports that Emily ran off after Steerforth tried to pawn her off on the butler himself. Between Mrs. Steerforth‘s son, Mr. Pegotty‘s daughter, and the orphan David, we are invited to consider what it means to be proud of your own child. #readalong #buddyread

tpixie What a coinkydink to see this title. I just heard that this book is loosely based off of David Copperfield (edited) 2y
Yossarian @tpixie Not a coinkydink at all! We are ready a Chapter per day of David Copperfield with the goal of finishing the day that Demon Copperhead is published! We‘re then jumping right into Kingsolver‘s new one! 2y
tpixie @Yossarian awesome! Great planning! 2y
Ruthiella I feel sorry for Emily. She wants more from life than is allowed her. Littimer‘s assumption she should be happy to marry him is icky and infuriating. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 45. Mr. Dick Fulfills My Aunt‘s Prediction. Honestly, I think I missed a plot point. Dick has Mr. Strong leave his full estate to his wife, the Old Soldier overhears, and Mrs. Strong is kneeling before her husband leading to a full reconciliation. Did I miss a step here? #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella I think they never actually SPOKE about it. Just kept treating the other with kid gloves. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 44: Our Housekeeping

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. David marries his self-described “child-wife” and then seems surprised that she continues to act like a child. Aunt Betsey has the right advice, and David stops trying to change her into someone useful. Then, they are happy, if not completely satisfied. #readalong #buddyread

CrowCAH Seems like days would go by super slow with all her idleness. She should have at least tried to apply herself. 2y
Ruthiella I thought Aunt Betsy‘s advice was spot on. 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 43: Another Retrospect

Honestly, the most surprising thing to happen in this book so far is that David and Dora actually got married, even though they‘ve been foreshadowing for ten chapters. I felt like they were on the verge of realizing their mistake before we got to this “fast forward a few years” chapter where all character development freezes. #readalong #buddyread

Ruthiella Alas no. 😱 2y
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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 42: Mischief. Is Mr. Strong better off knowing the truth — that literally everyone suspects his young wife of being in love with a younger man, or is he better off living in blissful ignorance believing that they are just good friends?

#buddyread #readalong

CrowCAH There were times when I thought he already knew. But he must have been ignorant, otherwise the revelation wouldn‘t have hurt him so much. 2y
Ruthiella @CrowCAH I don‘t think it‘s Dickens‘ intention necessarily, but it is interesting to compare Emily and Mrs. Strong…both are doomed in Victorian society, forced (strongly encouraged?) to marry someone they don‘t love. 2y
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