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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
In the fields of western New York State in the 1970s, on the grounds of a decaying mansion called Arcadia House, a few dozen idealists set out to live off the land. Abe and Hannahs only child, Bit, is born into the commune soon after its creation. He grows up there, becoming deeply attached to Arcadia's way of life and everyone within it, in particular the beautiful but troubled Helle. While Arcadia rises and falls, Bit, too, ages and changes. He needs to find a way to live in the world beyond Arcadia, but can he let go of the past to forge a new start?
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Such varying views on this one. It's the story of a striving-to-be utopian commune in western NY in the 60s, where our protagonist, Bit, takes us through his childhood to adulthood-- to a futuristic, dystopian pandemic in the city. My first book by Groff, the writing is lush and poetic, sometimes overwhelmingly so. However, that didn't stop me from caring about Bit and his journey towards peace. I'll read Groff again.

lil1inblue What a good review - I'm intrigued. Stacked. 😉 3mo
dabbe @lil1inblue Yay! I truly enjoyed it. 🤩😍😃 3mo
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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“The women in the river, singing.“

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I still have a stack of books that I used up renewals on to read through. Yet here I am checking out two more books. Both new to me authors Lauren Groff for #authoramonth and out of view Kiersten White for a fable bookclub.

Soubhiville I hope you‘ll enjoy them 🙂 1mo
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Groff explores a man‘s mixed feelings about the commune he was raised in as he ages from childhood to 50. While I liked some of the characters, I strongly disliked the first 25% where Bit was a child narrator. Those rarely work for me. His later life as a teen and adult were more interesting, but overall this isn‘t anywhere near my favorite by her.

Sorry I haven‘t been around. Prep for Dad‘s cancer surgery tomorrow has been rough. 🙏🏻💙

Megabooks #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville I‘m going to try to finish her whole list I haven‘t read. I think I only have this left. 4mo
5feet.of.fury I‘m contemplating DNFing this one, but I am still in the first section…. It‘s not really hooking me 4mo
Megabooks @5feet.of.fury it gets better but it definitely wasn‘t great. 4mo
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MallenNC I‘ll be thinking of you all tomorrow! 4mo
Prairiegirl_reading I hope all goes well tomorrow. 4mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
Ruthiella Hope all goes smoothly tomorrow. ❤️ 4mo
CBee Thinking of you all and hoping all goes well tomorrow ♥️♥️ 4mo
squirrelbrain Sending love and best wishes for tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
Chelsea.Poole Thinking of you!! Hoping all goes well tomorrow with surgery. 4mo
zuzia Sending best wishes for tomorrow! 4mo
Deblovestoread Sending best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for your dad. And some relief and peace from worry for you and your mom. 4mo
Jess Thinking of you and your family. Sending tons of positive vibes that all goes well tomorrow. 4mo
UwannaPublishme 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 4mo
Jas16 I didn‘t love the first section either and it took me forever to get through. Will be keeping you and your father in my thoughts. 4mo
willaful Best of luck to your dad.

BarbaraBB Will be thinking of you and your dad of course tomorrow 🍀💚 4mo
youneverarrived ♥️♥️♥️ 4mo
Megabooks @youneverarrived @BarbaraBB @willaful @Jas16 @UwannaPublishme @jess @Deblovestoread @zuzia @Chelsea.Poole @squirrelbrain @CBee @Ruthiella @Librarybelle @Prairiegirl_reading @MallenNC thank you all so much for your support!! Dad is home from surgery, and the doctor said it didn‘t look as bad in the OR as it did in the office. He is resting comfortably and not in pain. Sending tumor off for biopsy and hoping for the best!! 💕💕💕🙏🏻 4mo
Librarybelle Thinking positive thoughts! 4mo
MallenNC @Megabooks I‘m glad things went well and your dad is able to rest. I will keep you all in my thoughts. (edited) 4mo
willaful I'm so glad! Will keep the good thoughts going for the results. 4mo
CBee @Megabooks ♥️♥️♥️ 4mo
Prairiegirl_reading 💐💐💐💐 4mo
squirrelbrain That sounds more positive! ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
BarbaraBB That is the best news for now ❤️ I hope the waiting won‘t be too stressful 4mo
zuzia That is good news! 4mo
Chelsea.Poole Thank you for the update! The waiting is never fun, but glad to hear it‘s better than they thought initially. 4mo
Centique Best wishes for your Dads results Meg 💕 And i pray his recovery goes well xxx 4mo
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Taking place in four periods, this book focuses on Bit, first born child of a late 60s commune. We see Bit‘s life both growing up in Arcadia and dealing with the aftermath of commune life. As a result of his chaotic childhood Bit spends his life wanting to care for everyone around him. He idealizes the past despite seeing the toll it has taken on everyone. Yet through it all many stayed connected despite wildly diverging paths. #authoramonth

Lauredhel You're making great progress! 4mo
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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@Soubhiville Here's another Kindle deal for Groff.
#AuthoroftheMonth. $2.99

dabbe 🤩 4mo
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Thanks to #AuthorAMonth, I finally got this one off the never ending TBR!


Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Lush depictions of commune life in 1970s upstate NY through the eyes of 5-year-old Bit as he ages & leaves their attempt at utopia. Sensitive & tender, beautiful depiction of young narrator POV, maternal attachment. Slow burn & lulling, but ultimately the poetic prose made me feel like Bit‘s first taste of Sugarbush taffy: “His piece is so sweet that Bit gags, but to not hurt their feelings he swallows it anyway and pretends to want more.” 2012

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I received this book as a gift years ago. I picked it up now because I‘m looking forward to Groff‘s new book, Matrix.

I loved everything about this! It span‘s Bit‘s life from a child growing up on a hippie commune, to an adult living in a city and starting a family, into middle age as he moves back to his parent‘s house to care for his ailing mom.

Heartfelt and so real, Groff writes characters I feel all the way through. Great debut novel!

Cathythoughts I‘m reading Matrix at the moment.. it‘s brilliant 💫.. stacking Arcadia 👍🏻 3y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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This gorgeously written book - seriously, every sentence is a wonder - is a deliciously slow burn. I finished it days ago and am still thinking about it.

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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🍦The Unlikelies
🌈Juliet Takes a Breath
⛺️With the grandbaby we read Peter Pan
💜Poetry prompt from summer reading guide- The feminist poetry movement
Book by Kim Whitehead
✌🏻TBR FOREVER Arcardia tagged book


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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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While I had a really hard time reading this novel because it is so dense with description and doesn‘t have a lot of plot, I did enjoy the prose and journey in the end. I was torn on what rating to give the novel since I had to force myself to read it, but I settled on around a 3.5 or 4 stars. I apologize that this took me so long to read, but I‘ll be sending this your way tomorrow @Mccall0113 #lmpbc #groupZ

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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This #lmpbc book is such a nice, slow burn. However since there isn‘t too much plot, I have to read it in small chunks to enjoy it. @Mccall0113 I‘m working on it; it‘s just taking me much longer than expected to get through! #catsoflitsy

Mccall0113 No worries! Thanks for the heads up. :) 5y
Leftcoastzen That‘s how I felt about it as well 5y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Finished this while waiting for the ferry to take us home from vacation. Lauren Groff consistently makes me feel things I‘ve never before felt. This book is brilliant. ❤️

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Excited to read @Reggie pick for #lmpbc!

Reggie Yay, it showed up, hope you like it. 5y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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We follow Bit as he grows up in the commune, Arcadia and later in his life as he struggles to adapt to the Outside world of Arcadia. To know such happiness and to have it end and to have to get up with the daily struggle of looking for a piece of it. Only to have to repeat this cycle when we find it again and lose it again. Groff is a great writer who has such silky sentences that awaken all the senses. What a melancholic pick. 😔

merelybookish I loved this book! (And then was so disappointed by Fates & Furies) 5y
Reggie @merelybookish Really? I really kinda want to read F&Fs but I hear it‘s a love it or hate it book. Yeah, this one was just slowly raking me over the sadness of loss and beauty of life coals. I still liked it, though. 5y
merelybookish @Reggie I think I was won over by the fascinating commune world she created, which was both beautiful and rotten. And then the ending was so poignant. But Fates & Furies, idk, it seems to demand the reader accept an affected look at marriage. It was too weighted down by its own importance. I couldn't do it. But Obama liked it, so what do I know?! 5y
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Cinfhen Great review, as always!! 5y
Reggie @Cinfhen Thanks!!! 5y
TrishB Stacked 👍🏻 I can‘t resist melancholic.... 5y
Suet624 I loved this book especially because I lived on a commune with my daughter. She hits the nail on the head in this book. Once I read it I had to contact all of my old communers to compare notes. 😀 and I loved Fates and Furies, by the way. (edited) 5y
Reggie @Suet624 Was it a good experience or a bad experience because it was kind of funny how Bit‘s memories glammed it up, and I don‘t discount them for a minute, but then you also have Helle‘s memories. Side note: I was scared this was gonna turn out to be an apocalyptic book. 5y
Reggie @TrishB this is chock full of melancholy. Lol 5y
Suet624 It was the best. Until it wasn‘t. And I miss the land and the folks I lived with. 5y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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So...I felt like this book would be right up my alley. Cults, strained family relationships, beautiful language, and it was recommended by a person whose taste I normally trust. But...bleh! It was sooooo sloooowwwww and the voice of the narrator in the parts where he was a child was completely ridiculous. The beautiful language just wasn‘t enough. This was my recommended by book for the #MMDchallenge

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Monday feels. I got off work yesterday and felt the need to stop by my favorite bookstore and pick up something new (even though I have a huge stack of unread books on my shelf). Wasn‘t feeling well and thought this would pick me up.

#currentlyreading #tbr

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I wanted to love this 😩 but Groff was really on an ego trip when she wrote this book... The writing is so ostentatious and the present tense is killing meeeeeeee. Glad I made this a #borrownotbuy!

DreesReads I read this with a GR group when it was new. Everyone loved it but me. I almost didn‘t read Fates and Furies because I was so “meh” on this one. Haven‘t read Florida because I don‘t know which it is more like lol. 6y
saresmoore Oof. Good to know. 6y
marianese Good to know I chose right in avoiding this one after disliking the piece that ran in the New Yorker around the time this one came out. (Not sure if it was an excerpt or what.) 6y
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Megabooks I bailed on this one too!! 6y
Megabooks Same reason 🙄🙄 6y
ravenlee I. Hate. Present. Tense. Writing! 6y
Reviewsbylola Dodged a bullet with that one. Nothing worse than bailing on a book you bought. 6y
Mdargusch Darn I thought it sounded good. 6y
Mdargusch Like me @Reviewsbylola Not only did I buy Less the book but I also used an Audible credit. 😣🔫 6y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I first came to Lauren Groff through her 2015 bestseller, Fates and Furies. I loved it, so I decided to see if her previous books were equally good. I started with Arcadia by Lauren Groff because I figured her take on a hippie commune would be interesting.

I liked Arcadia much more than I expected! While it was not quite as good as Fates and Furies, I genuinely cared about what happened to the main character, Bit. Highly recommended!

Crystalblu I loved Fates and Furies! I‘ll have to give this a try. 6y
Pruzy @Crystalblu And I‘m going to give Groff‘s other novel and short story collections a try! (edited) 6y
cariashley Arcadia was my first Groff and I loved it, but then Fate and Furies totally exceeded it. She‘s so great. 6y
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Pruzy @cariashley She is fast becoming one of my favourite authors 6y
kgriffith I HAAAAATED F&F 😂 I‘m still mad about the amount of time I gave that damned book, though I will absolutely acknowledge her writing skill. 6y
Pruzy @kgriffith Yeah, not every book will be loved by everybody. What didn‘t you like? Feel free to mark it as spoilers. 6y
kgriffith @Pruzy I found every character to be miserable, self-absorbed, and conniving, except the one queer character, who was (of course) killed off. I get that some folks can deeply appreciate a book that doesn‘t have a MC with whom they connect, or which doesn‘t offer some kind of redemption, but I read to forget about a past of miserable narcissists, and a present of dangerous people in positions of power. She‘s excellent at her craft, but I need hope. 6y
Pruzy @kgriffith Fair enough! I‘ve heard that criticism levelled at The Magicians by Lev Grossman as well (which admittedly I also really enjoyed). 6y
kgriffith @Pruzy That‘s a big part of why I‘ve hedged on reading that one! I‘m all for a good gut-wrenching novel but... Oh, and I also keep not-so-accidentally stalling in my read of 6y
Pruzy @kgriffith It‘s on my bookshelf waiting to be read, too. And I‘m sure we‘re not the only ones. 6y
kgriffith @Pruzy I got well past the point where others in my trusted book circle fully broke down before I asked when I was supposed to be in full-on sob territory, so maybe my sensor is broken? It‘s not that I‘m not enjoying it, or that it‘s not emotionally compelling, it‘s just not yet SO compelling that I want to read it instead of whimsical fantasy or clever spec fic. 6y
Pruzy @kgriffith Well I‘m glad to hear there is at least one person who hasn‘t literally broken into tears while reading it, so I won‘t feel bad if I don‘t. 6y
kgriffith @Pruzy I am liberal with the tears; it doesn‘t take much for me to go off with the waterworks. So it could be that my lived experience is enough different from folks I know who‘ve read it and had strong reactions, that we simply aren‘t going to have the same feelings. 6y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Just started this. I haven‘t read anything more than the news in about two weeks because I‘ve just moved and I feel like my brain is about to atrophy. I generally read at least a book a week and I‘m sorely off target this month. I‘ve read two other Lauren Groff books, and I‘ve been looking forward to this one, so I feel this is a good book to get me back on track!! 📚❤️📚

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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These are my TBRs. I just moved about a month ago and my reading has suffered bc of it 😔. I‘ve got to get back on track!! I think Lauren Groff is a good place to start 🤗📚.

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I recently bought these three together, and love the contrast between the title fonts. They‘ve been sitting on my shelf in a stack because I love looking at the spines all lined up! #beautifulwriting #readingresolutions

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Overall I liked this. Though not as unputdownable as Fates and Furies.

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I loved Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff. I bought this hoping it is just as good! #onmybookshelf #tbr

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Leah! How lovely to come home from an early Saturday class and find surprise bookmail! You‘re so sweet!

There‘s something so neat about ARC‘s. I‘ve not read Arcadia, and it sounds right up my alley! I have read The Sundering, but you know I love to reread, so maybe it‘s time to do that!

You‘ve made me smile this morning. Thanks so much. 😊❤️

Foragingfantasy Well darn! I was hoping it was one you hadn't read yet. Oh well! I hope you like the other! Happy weekend! 6y
Soubhiville Oh PS @Foragingfantasy your next #owlpost went out yesterday! 6y
Foragingfantasy @Soubhiville yay! Unfortunately I bailed on the last one. I just didn't have the time to dedicate to it. Excited to see what this one will be! 6y
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Soubhiville @Foragingfantasy it‘s much shorter 😊. 6y
Foragingfantasy @Soubhiville well, I'm excited about the chocolate... Thank you. 6y
Soubhiville @Foragingfantasy you‘re welcome! Enjoy it! 6y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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With its slightly unhinged vocal delivery, #FillYourHeart makes me think of cults & communes. Forget the past, clean your mind, love will make you pure? ✌🏼✌🏼

🎶Fill your heart with love today
Don't play the game of time
Things that happened in the past
Only happened in your mind, only in your mind
Oh, forget your mind, and you'll be free
The writing's on the wall 🎶


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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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mrozzz Would love to know how this reads... 7y
mrozzz Or... sounds? 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Yet another book from my shelves, just waiting to be read #cursive #fallintobooks @RealLifeReading

merelybookish I really liked this one! 7y
WanderingBookaneer This is one if my #MountTBR reads 7y
RealLifeReading This was a great read! 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Summer of Love 2017 display at the Burlingame Public Library!

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I started this one last night. I didn't think Lauren Groff would be my type of novelist, but I thought I'd give this book a try. I'm often surprised by what I like when I branch out from what I think my taste is. I'm enjoying the pretty writing so far, but I'm not far enough in to judge the story. A 1970s hippie commune that potentially goes wrong is usually right up my alley though.

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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A wonderful, detailed, character driven novel about the inhabitants of a 1970s commune in New York. It follows the idealistic beginnings until its end and the scattering of the members, centering on Bit, only a child when the community was founded. As the world changes and grows, so does Bit as he navigates life outside of Arcadia. The vibrant prose really envelopes you into the story.

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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My #maymostanticipated, including two I'm #currentlyreading. Hopefully I'll get to more, but these are the ones I'm most excited about. #TBR #maybookflowers

Chelsibno I love that fox pillow! 7y
Reviewsbylola Loved Fingersmith! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Fingersmith is so good! 7y
Brie @Chelsibno Thanks, I got it at Target 7y
Brie @Reviewsbylola @erzascarletbookgasm I'm really enjoying it so far! 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Hardcover used bookstore find! I loved this book!

merelybookish I loved it too! 7y
kendrastephaniekaryn I have this on my Kobo! I need to get around to it soon. 7y
shanebeth love this cover so much! 7y
Indoheart That cover is awesome!! 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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** spoiler alert ** Having watched my own mother wither and die a mere five months ago, the last part of this book was really hard to get through. Groff's writing is beautiful and doesn't get maudlin when dealing with this subject. Damn, I hate when books make me cry!

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I've always not-so-secretly wanted to live on a commune, so I was intrigued by the setup. (I think the picture above shows my girl-child apple didn't fall far from my tree.) I really enjoyed following Bit as he grew from a tiny baby to an adult with his own family. I wasn't sure how I felt going into the last section, but was pleased to read how this sprawling story wrapped up.

BookBabe I loved this book too. I agree with you about the last part. Awesome book! 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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@bookriot #riotgrams #mycurrentread Catch up! After I had my first child my reading format switched almost exclusively to digital. It's hard to read paper in the dark while nursing a baby or pumping at work. As my kids have grown and I can again read in the daylight I'm purchasing more print. But, I can't pass up the daily deals, and now have a huge digital backlog. It's a wonderful surprise when I remember I have treasures like this stored away.

Arcadia | Lauren Groff

I enjoyed this book. It's about a boy who grows up in a hippie community and all the drama that goes with it. It was a pretty quick read and not super heavy.

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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I have enough titles. #LitsyAtoZ

rachelm Amaaaaazing 7y
brilliantglow That's a good idea. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan I'm doing mine with ebooks so I say go for it! 7y
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Chessa Nice! 7y
jessdean That's awesome! Go for it!:) 7y
BookMusings Yes! Mine is mostly audible!! :) 7y
ReadingEnvy Love it 7y
RiotMom Do it!! 7y
Copwithabook I can't wait to see what you come up with! 7y
GlitteryOtters That is awesome! (Also, I am glad I'm not the only one who could do this--my audiobook TBR is massive!) 7y
Kimzey Great plan! 👍🏻 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Oh, Lauren Groff. Your purple prose. Your absence of quotation marks. Your writing is actually quite beautiful, but that isn't good enough for you, is it? What does it mean for a girl to have a "sweet cupcake face" anyway?

I went back and forth between feeling like this was a total slog and finding it utterly compelling, and I enjoyed the second half much more than the first. A profound, fulfilling read if you can endure the ostentatious prose.

merelybookish I thoroughly enjoyed this but found Fates and Furies unbearable. 7y
Gleefulreader Love the review! 7y
L_auren Yes! Almost abandoned the first half, but hugged it during the second half! 7y
Flaneurette I like some of her short stories but her novels irritate me 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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When your date tells you how much she loves Ayn Rand's philosophy and you know this isn't going to end well. 😂 Unless you're Paul Ryan, of course.

Libby1 ?. Someone once said to me, "Wow. You think a lot." Ixnay on the ateday. 7y
Hobbinol 😂 7y
LauraBeth Lauren Groff's Ayn Rand soapbox 😂 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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merelybookish This book was SO good! 7y
BooksForEmpathy Oh gosh. This has been on my shelf for a while. I wonder if you think it would be a good book club choice!? 7y
mauveandrosysky @BooksForEmpathy this is my second Lauren Groff book and I personally find her prose to be rather purple. It's not necessarily a horrible thing—I'm certainly not disliking this. But I can see people having a hard time with it. I'm pretty sure if I had picked this for my book club, some people would have a hard time with it. I'm alternating between finding it very compelling and feeling like it's a slog. 7y
Ericmanciniwriter I read one of her stories in the New Yorker and found the prose to be a little too look-at-me. My pet peeve lately has been writing that is challenging in place of being good 7y
mauveandrosysky @Eamann I know what you mean. I actually laughed out loud at some of her (not intentionally funny) sentences in the first chapter of Fates and Furies. I wound up liking the book overall, but her prose was pretty eyeroll-worthy. 7y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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All done, but still going strong!

Bookzombie Congrats!!🎉🦄 8y
LauraBeth Nice! 🎉🍾👏⭐️ 8y
Merethebookgal Yay!! 🎉 8y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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One... ONE coffee!! Muwah ha ha! Count's helping me read all about communes this lazy Sunday.

Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Ebook on sale today. Yay, I've been wanting to read this one.

courtney Woo! I just bought her short story collection, and I've been wanting to read this one, too. I loved Fates & Furies. Thank you for sharing!! 8y
KrisConstantReader @courtney you're welcome! I've only read Fates & Furies and I really loved it. 8y
LauraBeth Awesome - buying it! Thanks for the head's up 😀 8y
KrisConstantReader @LauraBeth you're very welcome 😊 8y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians! #longweekend

BookishTrish Back at you from North Vancouver! 8y
Ange44 @BookishTrish Thanks, I'm just down the road in Surrey! 8y
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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Finally checking this one out! @Kosugi is at the other end of the couch reading Stephen King. A nice way to spend a rainy evening.

Arcadia | Lauren Groff

It was brutal and beautiful. I'm not sure like is the right word, but I'm glad I read it.

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Arcadia | Lauren Groff
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Arcadia is an interesting book, even though Bit is the main protagonist and it is written from his perspective, I felt that the character most powerful was his mother Hannah. I wonder if that was the intention? I never felt that Bit had much control over his life, even as an adult everything happened to him, it never felt that he was more than a participant. This book was a good insight into a commune life (and the potential for failure) Recommend