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Sonnets from the Portuguese
Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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IndoorDame Great book, such a pretty copy! 1mo
Eggs Beautiful 😍 1mo
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Beautifully sad poems revealing EBB's sorrow & resignation to a life of loneliness, her disbelief at becoming the object of RB's ardent love, her low self-esteem & feelings of unworthiness, gradually, and only partially, transformed by hope & constancy of affection.
I don't know enough about their lives, but from the little I do, it seems Elizabeth and Robert did find happiness together, and I hope she came to feel herself worthy of being loved ❤️

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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"Let the world's sharpness like a clasping knife
Shut in upon itself and do no harm
In this close hand of Love, now soft and warm,
And let us hear no sound of human strife
After the click of the shutting."

- Sonnet XXIV

IndoorDame I‘ve been thinking I‘m due for a reread of this ❤️ 2mo
Bookwomble @IndoorDame It's beautiful, sad and heartwarming all at once 💖 and does reward rereading 😊 2mo
quietlycuriouskate How could I not love Litsy, when a proper piece of serious poetry is illustrated by none other than Moomintroll?! ☺️ 2mo
Bookwomble @quietlycuriouskate I had a strong image of Moomintroll putting away his knife when I read these lines. It's not my fault, I blame my brain 🧠😆 2mo
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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This was definitely an indulgence buy! A 1962 Folio edition of "Sonnets from the Portuguese". I already have a nice old copy, but this was soooo prettyyyyy! ? I can't take a photo that does justice to the beautiful cloth covering. The gold-coloured slip case is a little battered, but aren't we all from that vintage?
I have a couple of books on order, but otherwise I *must* make a real effort to pause buying books!

Ruthiella Lovely! 😊 2mo
Aimeesue I have this Folio edition as well, and it‘s absolutely gorgeous. I may, ummm, pet it occasionally when I‘m walking by the Folio shelves. 🩷💜💛 2mo
lil1inblue Stunning! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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dabbe 🩷🩷🩷 2mo
LeahBergen Ooo, I love it! That‘s a Folio I haven‘t seen before. 2mo
Bookwomble @Aimeesue Ha, ha! Yes, I've been gazing at it lovingly and giving the cover a little stroke now and then ? I don't think either of us would be safe with the One Ring, my precious ("gollum, gollum!"). ? 2mo
Bookwomble @LeahBergen You'd love it! 😍 2mo
IndoorDame Gorgeous!!! 2mo
Aimeesue @Bookwomble Yes, best to keep far, far away from such things 😂 2mo
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Recent acquisitions:

📖 Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
📖 The Celts: Conquerors of Ancient Europe

#fREADom #UniteAgainstBookBans

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Dilara So affecting! 9mo
IndoorDame @Dilara ♥️❤️♥️ 9mo
TheSpineView Beautiful!😍 9mo
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IndoorDame @TheSpineView I want to go back and (re)read more of her work in the new year 9mo
TheSpineView @IndoorDame That's a great goal!❤️ 9mo
dabbe 💙❄️🩶 9mo
IndoorDame @dabbe ♥️💜♥️ 9mo
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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TheSpineView Beautiful ❤️ 1y
dabbe 💙💚💙 1y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Eggs Lovely 😊 👏🏻👌🏼 1y
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Sonnets from the Portugese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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TheSpineView 💗💗💗 2y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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I need a literary palette cleanser today. So decided to try poetry for a change of pace. Rainy afternoon and the dishes and laundry can wait awhile.

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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I can appreciate this poet without enjoying the poems, yes? Not my thing, taking a class on EBB would probably boost my understanding. #poetry #poetrymatters #poemaday
Esther assisting #DogsofLitsy
I have used this bookmark/tracker since starting my read-a-poem-every-day project! (2020)

Readerann I love the ‘poem a day‘ idea! 3y
BkClubCare @Readerann - I am loving it! It really has slowly built up such an appreciation of style and poets and LIFE 🤗 (edited) 3y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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TheSpineView Lovely! ❤ 4y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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TheSpineView 💜😊📚👍😍 4y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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The first line of this says everything at the moment!! Though this is a love sonnet, not a commentary in modern life!

#Change #PoetryMatters @TheSpineView

kspenmoll Lovely. 4y
DieAReader This book made me fall in love with poetry. It‘s been a long time since I‘ve read my edition 🧐📚🥰 4y
TheSpineView Beautiful! 😍😍😍 4y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Yesterday the girls and I bundled up in the sunshine and read poetry🥰
The girls: my plants ...I‘ve not been out of the house in 63 days 😳


TheBookHippie @Eggs my indoor plants and my rose! Green grass yay!! 4y
Eggs Beautiful Christine 🌹🍃❤️ 4y
Desha Such a beautiful rose! ♥️ 4y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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I reread these today, probably the first time I‘ve read them straight through since junior high. Such beautiful poems, from such a romantic story. No wonder teenaged me loved them. (My edition is nowhere near this pretty.)

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Final book of the year, #115. Lovely sonnets to savor alongside dark hot chocolate on a cool night. Especially moving when I think about Elizabeth Barrett Browning's life and relationship with Robert Browning.

Happy New Year, lovely Littens! 💕🎉 May y'all read lots of good books and nurture lots of good bookish friendships in the new year. ❤️😊

Andrea4 Good job!!! Sounds like a beautiful way to close out the year!! 5y
Redwritinghood Happy New Year! 5y
Caterina @Andrea4 Thank you, it was! 😊❤️ @Redwritinghood Thank you! 😊 5y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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TheSpineView Lovely! 💜 5y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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#PeacefulPoetry the first thing to come to mind is this book of poetry! 😊 It‘s one of my favorites and I can just sit and read it anytime! #JazzyJune

TheBookHippie Same. Love your edition! 5y
Eggs I can tell it‘s a vintage book —- 75 cents!! 5y
Ash.on.the.line @TheBookHippie thanks! It‘s quite different. 5y
Ash.on.the.line @Eggs yes! I love a good vintage book! 5y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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#flowers #Poetrymatters @TheSpineView @LazyDays From an old favorite collection.

TheSpineView 💜 5y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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?✒️?Elizabeth Barrett Browning knew something profound about love when she wrote "I love thee withe the passion put to use/In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith." Definitely one of my favorite lines of poetry. I am celebrating this genius' birthday with this picture. What is your favorite line from any poem?

#poem #lovepoetry #poetry #sonnet

flying_monkeys There are many, but here‘s one of my recent favorites, by Rupi Kaur, “do not look for healing
at the feet of those
who broke you” from
dalma_st_paul @flying_monkeys I absolutely understand. I really cried throughout the whole of Milk and Honey, Rupi Kaur understands female experience like no other. 6y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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#agameoffavorites #poetry #day5
While there are a lot of poets I love, including Frank O'Hara, Elizabeth Barrett Browning is so inspiring- gorgeous poems and such a life.One of the poems from this collection was a part of my wedding vows so it's very special to me! One of her favourites in turn was Paradise lost.
@ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress

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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Finally! I‘m glad EBB living was worth it. ❤️

TheAnitaAlvarez She‘s fantastic! 6y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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This book is such a lovely thing.

jillrhudy What can I give thee back, O liberal/Who voted correctly last election 🗳 6y
LeahBergen Wow. I need it. 😆 6y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy And Blue Of thine heart, for your selection//Campaigning with posters , uplift, exhort/ the undecided, their votes to court 😂 (edited) 6y
Aimeesue @LeahBergen Oh, you totally do! It‘s so beautiful I want to pet it. 😄 6y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Behold and see
What a great heap of grief lay hid in me,
And how the red wild sparkles dimly burn
Through the ashen greyness.

LeahBergen ❤️❤️ 6y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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I had not expected this collection of love poems to be so melancholic. Although a degree of self-doubt and uncertainty goes along with any lover's thoughts, the tone here is of such low self-esteem, such self-recrimination that it strikes me that the poet was suffering from depression. But through the darkness, there are sparks of hope, that maybe love will come, will be true and will rescue.

Leftcoastzen Beautiful title page , love that font. 6y
Aimeesue Have you read Flush? Virginia Wolf's "biography" of EBB's dog? It tells her story as well: her confinement due to some mysterious illness, the domineering father who wouldn't allow her. To marry, how she fell in love with Browning, their elopement … she had quite a lot to be depressed about! 6y
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen It feels right for the poems - a well considered choice by the publisher. 6y
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Bookwomble @Aimeesue I haven't read it, or even heard of it! I struggled to get through Wolfe's The Waves, loving her imagery and the metaphor of the sun in its journey, but feeling no connection to her characters. Maybe I should give her another chance, and Flush sounds promising ☺ 6y
Aimeesue @Bookwomble I'm not a huge Woolf fan, but Flush is probably her most accessible. It's still "experimental" writing, but it has a DOG, which improves it a lot. EBB was def one of those Victorian Women Invalids who waste away in their boudoirs from… something. Until she met Browning and escaped! It's quite a story. 6y
Bookwomble @Aimeesue Flush stacked 📚😊 6y
Aimeesue @Bookwomble I hope you enjoy it! It's a nice companion piece to the Sonnets. 6y
Bookwomble @Aimeesue Vintage is publishing a new edition of Flush in July, so I'll have a look at that one when it's released. 6y
Aimeesue @Bookwomble Oooh, nice! 6y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Book mail is the BEST mail! #foliofreaks #folio

rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 6y
Laura317 Pretty!!! 6y
LeahBergen Wow! ❤️❤️ 6y
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Aimeesue 1962 Folio edition. It‘s gorgeous. 6y
jillrhudy Oh how breathtaking 6y
CarolynM That is sooo beautiful!😍 6y
Aimeesue The light red flowers and all the gold outlining are done in metallic thread, so it SHINES when the light hits it. It‘s quite a lovely thing. (edited) 6y
Bookwomble That's a lovely edition ❤ 6y
Bookwomble I completely forgot about this post! So pleased to finally have my own Folio edition 😊 [smiles with self-satisfsction] 2mo
Aimeesue @Bookwomble That‘s the thing about Litsy - it does put ideas in one‘s head. 😀 I‘m so glad you found one for your very own! 💜 2mo
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#Male and #female he created them” two of my favorite poets. #maylovesclassics #litsyclassics @Sarah83

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Up late working on my paper on Elizabeth Barrett Browning‘s Sonnets from the Portuguese 💕📝

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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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A Book Spine Poem. Happy Valentines Day Littens!

britt_brooke Nicely done! 💘 7y
Godmotherx5 Bravo! 7y
ReadingSusan Nice!! 7y
Eggs Well done 7y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning is one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century and this small collection is a wonderful example of her work. Her love poems are beautiful and expressive, showing her talent and literary sensitivity.

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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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This was probably my #fallfavorite i loved this poetry!

LeahBergen That is a seriously groovy cover! 7y
Ash.on.the.line @LeahBergen I know I love it! 😊 7y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Chapter #13 from this book of poems. I actually just finished this. I loved her poems and it just flows and seems so full of love.

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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TBR pile question: what‘s the smallest book TBR?
This little book of sonnets at 109 pages. Very short and I hope to read soon! I like the cover of this too!

My friend is asking me questions about my TBR stack to reconnect me with pile of books!

Drnkpnkprincess I just added this to my goodreads “Rory Gilmore challenge” shelf ...! I love the cover too! 7y
Ash.on.the.line @Drnkpnkprincess I still have to look at the Rory Gilmore challenge. It should be an easy read though since it‘s short! 😁 7y
Ms_T At 208 pages it‘s 7y
Ash.on.the.line @Ms_T I‘ve heard great things about that one! 7y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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I was tagged for #deadpoetssociety by @jdtchicago At first it was difficult because so many of my favorite poets are alive; but then I had trouble limiting myself to 5. #dps5 Clockwise from top left: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, John Donne, Emily Dickinson, William Shakespeare, Maya Angelou.
So many have been tagged already, so if you haven't been, consider yourself tagged by me.

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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For years, my parents had a beautiful copy of Sonnet XLIII hanging near their bed.

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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"Let us stay rather on earth, Beloved, where the unfit contrarious moods of men recoil away and isolate pure spirits, and permit a place to stand and love in for a day." ??

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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#BookTubeAThon choice for 6) Book I bought for the cover. I discovered this gorgeous published in 1954 at a used book store & just had to have it! 💗🌸 Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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It's been a busy spring. I'm trying to squeeze in some reading time in a relatively quiet space that doesn't include foul balls. I started back with this one because it's one of my favorites, and it's short enough to read in one sitting, even if I get distracted a half dozen times.

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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Day 23 - poetry #aprilbookshowers

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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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My sister gave me this volume of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poetry for my 12th birthday and I thought it was one of the most beautiful book in the world. A million years later I still do. #somethingpretty #riotgrams

Moray_Reads What a beautiful gift 😍😍 8y
Jas16 @Moray_Reads I have an awesome sister. 8y
saresmoore Gorgeous! 8y
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Suzze That is spectacular. 8y
HippieChickHomeschool So beautiful!! 8y
CrowCAH Super pretty cover! 🌸 8y
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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"The widest land doom takes to part us, leaves thy heart in mine with pulses that beat double. What I do and what I dream include thee, as wine must taste if its own grapes." #poetry #seasonsreadings

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Übersetzt von Rilke.
Insel-Bücherei Nr. 252

Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Late night cleaning & decorating. ✨ Some of the old paperbacks that I'm slightly obsessed with.

booksandsympathy I love Sonnets From the Portugese! And A Midsummer Night's Dream is my second favorite Shakespeare. 8y
Readingrobin A college favorite of mine! 8y
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