Been in a reading slump. Stumbled across a new to me biography about Wallis Simpson. Think this should get me out of the winter blues.
Been in a reading slump. Stumbled across a new to me biography about Wallis Simpson. Think this should get me out of the winter blues.
My Christmas parties are done. I have nothing to do for the next for 48 hours except read and eat yummy baked treats. Which book am I going to read tonight?
Some reading and a late lunch. I forgot who recommend this book to me on here - but thank you. I am enjoying seeing the familiar story from an adult‘s perspective.
So this was sentence that made me snort Diet Pepsi at Panera bread today.
Going through a little phase currently where I am reading about reading. Just finished Dear Fahrenheit 451 (which I loved) and am now starting this one. Only problem with reading about reading is how fast you TBR pile grows.
Relaxing Day off. Decided to try some poetry this morning with my latte.
Decided to listen to this one because I started watching the show a few years ago and never finished it. Thought I would try reading the book before I tried finishing the show. I hardly ever say this ... but the TV show is better than the book. I am curious now as to what other books it was up against for the awards it won.
Since my current audiobook is set in Tokyo I thought some sushi for lunch was in order. If you enjoyed The Before the Coffee Gets Cold Series - this is most definitely a read alike.
Audio Book listening while working on updating some files. I am listening to another murder mystery in my car. I thought it would be difficult to keep the books separate in my mind but so far no problem. Might be that the writing styles are light years apart. This book is more “literary” in style while the Kathy Reichs book is a very formulaic police procedural.
Started a new lunch time book today but decided to finish it this afternoon. #SummerEndReadathon
I can‘t remember where I saw this novella recommended but I am so glad I stumbled upon it. It was highly enjoyable. #summerendreadathon
Sometimes your TBR pile gets re-arranged because a library hold or two comes in. Work is crazy right now so mostly doing audio books. Very thankful I get to start this hardcover today. 84 Charring Cross Road is one of my favorite cozy books. I am interested to see what Hanff‘s life was after that book. #summerendreadathon
A quick update on my goals for #endofsummerreadathon in case you can‘t read my scrawl - I finished A Year in Provence and started Bleachers and Under My Mother‘s Feet. I am almost finish with The Bookwoman‘s Daughter as well. It was a library hold that came in.
#SummerEndReadathon These are my goals for the month on top of finishing my current reads and my stack of audio books in Libby. I know September is technically still summer but to me it is the kick off of autumn.Autumn reading to me has me immersed in stories of school, fairy tales and food. So a few of those had made the list.
My latest book for coffee shop time. I liked Little Women as a child. I am intrigued about what Brooks does with a character who was mostly off page.
Never heard of McCurdy before this memoir. Started listening to the audiobook because I kept seeing it everywhere. I was curious. I have to say it was wildly entertaining but heartbreaking.
I first heard of this book a few years ago when it was mentioned in a book I read about a book club in a prison. I thought it sounded interesting but kept putting off reading it because there is a limit to how many WWII novels I can read. Decided to try this one as my lunch break book because the letters are short. Well, within one lunch break it has been upgraded to binge reading today.
Hiding from the heat in the coffee shop by devouring this thriller and iced coffee. Stay hydrated everyone.
Just finish this one on audiobook. I found it more enjoyable than most Austen adjacent books. I think it was because it was mostly her own characters and not fantasies of what happened next in cannon. I did watch a recent tick tock video Ann Patchet made where she said “NorthAnger Abbey is for when you run out of Austen” It made me laugh.
I am over summer. I know we still have at least two more months of it left, so.... thought a massively long audiobook set in cold damp England would help at least mentally get me a reprieve from the heat and humidity. Am also curious about this book. For years people have said to try it. I only have read Eye of the Needle by Follett before - wondering what a historical drama from him looks like.
When your buddy read partner at work is a generation younger than you. You get introduced to books you would never try. Sometimes it‘s a win. (My Dark Vanessa) Sometimes you are a good camper and finish the book to be polite. Thank god for the Libby App- you can listen on double speed.
I have an odd love for historical children‘s chapter books. On vacation last week in a thrift store, I found this book about Betsy Ross and someone‘s grocery list from 1975. I think this is the oldest dated item I have ever found in a book.
First morning of my vacation and finished my library book in the quiet before everyone is up. I loved A Tree Grows in Brooklyn as a child. It was interesting to read a novel by Smith aimed at an older audience.
Bookworm problem 5,257. You are going on vacation. However, you are a paper book reader and also a mood reader. Figuring out the math for how many books to take without overpacking too badly - This is the math they should teach in schools.
Getting some early morning reading in outside before it gets too hot.
Back at the coffee shop with some lighthearted nonfiction.
So this is a buddy read pick with a co-worker. Know nothing about it except that she was excited to read it. Decided to start reading it in a new independent coffee shop that opened in the town next to mine. Liking both so far.
Did I actually get any cleaning or errands done today? No. I did not. Did I spend the whole day reading this book? Yes, yes - I did. Will I be behind on chores for the week? Yes, yes - I will. Do I have any regrets? Nope, not a one. A day well spent.
Library hold finally came in. Binge listening to it while meal prepping for the week. Enjoying the book, but so far - I preferred Wilson‘s Nothing to See Here. Now I need to find another book to listen to while cleaning up.
I like reading backlist titles. One of the reasons is the random reminders of an analogue world. Calling home for messages, paper maps and phone books.
Lunch book. Trying desperately to finish it before my audio loan is automatically returned to the library but keep getting interrupted during my meal. #bookworm problems.
On a quick trip to Charlotte and decided to check out Julia‘s Cafe. A used bookstore with coffee attached to a thrift store. Love finding new book stores.
One of my favorite type of novels is one made of letters. Found this one at the thrift store. Hopefully it will be good.
I got impatient waiting for my library hold to come in on this one - so decided to use one of my Christmas gift cards. Lazy afternoon off reading and having a late lunch of yummy sushi. 🍣 #lunchbook
Dystopian novels are either love or hate for me. I never feel lukewarm about them. I am really liking this one so far.
Went to my local library‘s book sale with strict instructions to myself I am only buying gifts for others. Well.... I‘ve never been good at following instructions. Did manage to get one birthday and one Christmas gift for others. So win?
I rather enjoyed Rooney‘s other novels but not this one. I like the email exchange and wish instead of the novel it was a book of essays based on the ideas in the emails. Trying hard to not DNF this but ..... For those who liked it. I‘m 50% done. Does it get better?
My new lunch time audio book. It is charming so far. If you liked Before the Coffee Gets Cold, you will like this one I think.
Help! I am trying to remember a book my mom and I both read sometime in the early 90s. It‘s set in a small town hair salon. It follows the stylists journey to a styling competition. One girl has a troubled marriage. One is an aging never married stylist who doesn‘t understand the trends of the 80s. There is a male stylist. It would be more contemporary fiction for it‘s time, I guess than any other genre. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
I need a literary palette cleanser today. So decided to try poetry for a change of pace. Rainy afternoon and the dishes and laundry can wait awhile.
Well, I finally did it! I found a self help book that I actually liked. I binged listened to this last night while working on laundry. I had stumbled across the author‘s tick tock account months ago. I appreciated her philosophy. Less focus on Instagram worthy homes and more on it being functional for our lives.
My first time reading Cather. I rather enjoyed it. That‘s one to mark off the list. #readmybookshelf22
New Year, new reading goals. This year‘s goal is to try and read the 125 books or so I have on my bookshelves. (Must stick to audiobooks at the library.) This is the new lunchtime book.
Afternoon coffee while trying to finish Sedaris latest book. Only a 7 day loan period from the library.
Working on two reading challenges at once. Listening to my audiobook for book club while cooking my second recipe from the Gourmet cookbook. A plain cheese omelette is for breakfast.
I just finished listening to Save Me the Plums by Reichl. Decided to start one of those cook your way through a cookbook challenge. Decided to go with Gourmet, it was edited by Reichl. It has been sitting in my kitchen for years and have only used it once or twice. The first recipe I went with was pizza dough. To be honest, the dough wasn‘t fabulous, but I think it was because of bad yeast. I had no other so couldn‘t throw it out and start again.
If you are in search of some brain candy and know what “Scary Island” is - this is a fun listen. I admit to RHONY as being my guilty pleasure. Never got into the other cities. It was the perfect listen to help me to deep clean my kitchen.
Been MIA around here because my phone has been on the fritz. Finally got this app to work again. So happy about that! The start of Autumn always has me reading two types of books - food memoirs and something on the scary side. Currently listening to Save Me the Plums but am fascinated by We Need to Talk About Kevin. I have wanted to read this one for years. Am glad I finally get to cross this one off my TBR list.