Getting ready to do some "lite" reading.
#currentlyreading #timetotome
Getting ready to do some "lite" reading.
#currentlyreading #timetotome
I FINALLY FINISHED! I was doing a group read of this book earlier this year, hosted by @Lindy , but life intervened and I got bogged down around part 16 of the book. But I kept plugging away and I did it! Well worth the time to read it, I learned so much about post-partition India. But…even though I pretty much knew who Lata would marry, I was unhappy with the choice. Girl deserved better. Too bad she couldn‘t stay single.
Mid-Year Checkin - Best book so far? Most disappointing? Most anticipated? I answer these questions and more in my latest booktube video:
1349 pages after starting this magnificent saga… and I am smiling with satisfaction. The curtain has closed but I feel like these characters live on, doing interesting things. An example of how much I cared about them: I was overcome with emotion when the jeweller presented the engineering medal to Rupa. Such unexpected kindness!
Thank you to my sisterhood of buddy readers for your thoughtful company over the past 5 months. It‘s been great! 😘
Thanks so much Lindy for hosting this #buddyread - as others have said, slowing down really enriched this read for me, I read Les Mis last year by doing a chapter a day (pleasingly, it‘s 365 chapters) but I enjoyed even more doing this in step with other readers and getting to share thoughts and opinions!
I was disappointed not to get a last minute twist in the main storyline but nevertheless really enjoyed this one!
Thank you so much to Lindy for hosting this Suitable Boy #buddyread, and I really appreciate everyone‘s insights and comments that truly enhance my reading of the book.
It‘s been on my shelf for years and years and was just too daunting. Even though, once I started, I loved it I still think that, without the #buddyread I‘d have been tempted to rush through in my usual manner and I wouldn‘t have had the same experience.
Finished a bit early since I‘ve got a busy week ahead. I so enjoyed my time with this novel. Such a rich reading experience. Kind of sad to say goodbye to these characters after 1349 pages. Tackling one part each week was just perfect. Thanks so much to @Lindy for hosting and the rest of the #SuitableBoy2024 gang!
I was beginning to think it would never happen, that Lata would never choose and so be single for the rest of her life (and her mother‘s tears would never stop as a result.) But Seth is a master of reversals, so things may yet change. But we have only 25 pages yet before the end! 🎉 #SuitableBoy2024
“I‘ve always felt that the performance of a raag resembles a novel—or at least the kind of novel I‘m attempting to write. You know,” he continued, extemporizing as he went along, “first you take one note & explore it for a while, then another to discover its possibilities, then perhaps you get to the dominant & pause for a bit & it‘s only gradually that the phrases begin to form & the tabla joins in with the beat… & then the more brilliant 👇
The jeep, which was meant to accommodate two passengers in front and at most four in the back, was often crammed with ten or a dozen people, food, megaphones, posters, and all sorts of paraphernalia besides. Its horn blew unceasingly and it trailed impressive clouds of dust and glory. Once, when the radiator began to leak, the driver scolded it and mixed some turmeric into the water. This sealed the leak miraculously. #SuitableBoy2024
“…sudden and devastating events […] involved Maan; and as a result of them the family was never the same again.” Is this foreshadowing from 17.1 placed at the start of a slightly longer chapter in order to sharpen our interest in the saga that unfolds against the monumental undertaking of India‘s first general election? It worked for me.
“Calcutta lights festoon Park Street;
And at a cricket match three suitors meet.”
I felt a readerly thrill when Kabir, Amit and Haresh sat down together. Also pleased that Savita took Arun to task about his rudeness towards Haresh. Poor Haresh, though: his chances with Lata don‘t look good.
So many different kinds of clashes in this section! The brutal murder of the 18-year-old Dalit when he returned to his village, the cricket match, the ideological clash & political manoeuvres within the Congress Party, the Hindu re-enactment of the battle over Sita‘s abduction, the Muslim observance of the battle of Karbala, the riots in the streets of Brahmpur, & the Raja of Marh‘s threat to Pran & the entire Kapoor family. 😳 #SuitableBoy2024
Well, I learned waaaay more about India‘s early politics and governmental structure in Part 14 than I expected (coupled with internet research to supplement my big knowledge gaps). The will-he-or-won‘t-he aspects of Nehru, India‘s enigmatic first Prime Minister, added some welcome tension to this chapter. I cheered confirmation of my suspicion that Maan is bisexual; also pleased that his father has recognized his good qualities. #SuitableBoy2024
“A child is born; wise women come to look.” [Is Seth talking about Meenakshi & Kakoli? 😂]
“A cobbler writes. A poet mails his book.” — talk about understatement! Haresh & Amit seem to be the major players in Lata‘s love story so I was glad to see a lot of both in this chapter. Kabir is there too. Also glad we didn‘t have to wait to hear about Pran‘s health. In baby news, what will happen with Meenakshi‘s accidental pregnancy? #SuitableBoy2024
Emotions run high & disparate narrative threads come together. Rupa‘s annoyance over being last to meet Haresh is overshadowed by everyone‘s concern for Pran‘s health. Are any of you reassured on his behalf by the words of Pran‘s masseur? Meanwhile, Kabir is near & Maan may have kissed Saeeda Bai goodbye by kissing someone else. (A good thing?) And what‘s the Nawab‘s secret in regards to Tasneem? I don‘t think Firoz will be found suitable for her.
Old landlords sue the state to keep their lands.
Crushed corpses rot upon the holy sands.
Holy smoke! Momentous moments in this chapter! I don‘t usually get on with courtroom drama but Vikram Seth managed to make even that compelling. But little Bhaskar is my main concern. I hope we don‘t have to wait to long for an update.
I could feel the boredom, heat and elasticity of time that Maan experiences in village life, and yet there‘s so much drama in this chapter too, not least of which is the wolf hunt. If Maan can control his temper, perhaps politics would be a good career path. But I am most curious and concerned about Rasheed‘s future.
Fellow readers, we have only 9 parts left to go! #SuitableBoy2024
“A desperate mother ventures to deploy
Fair means or foul to net a suitable boy.”
The more I get to know Haresh, the better I like him. He remembered Bhaskar‘s question! He was smart to hold back on his impulse to immediately propose to Lata, however. She needs time to warm up to him… if he is indeed the right man. Meanwhile, I fear for Rupa‘s cousin‘s daughter Kiran. Her father is evil. Kiran needs to hop a train and get away from him.
#SpringSkies #BookClubRead #buddyread My book club reads that I am behind on !Twilight Sleep , I almost caught up for #WhartonBuddyRead but I‘m only on part 7 for #SuitableBoy2024 everyone else is on part 9 . between all the drop every thing and go errands & other diversions hard time keeping up ! I‘m even late with this post! 😁
“Beneath the neem the village children play.
Worn cattle churn the burning earth to clay.”
This chapter makes it clear why land reform is important. I admire and applaud Rasheed‘s passion for justice. I fear for the trouble it will cause him and others.
Part 7 by the numbers:
-1 grouchy dog
-2 new suitors for Lata
-2 main suitors for Kakoli
-2 lovers for Meenakshi
-2 faces of Arun (affable vs tyrant)
-9 eccentric characters in 1 major family (Chatterji) explored
-63 flagged passages in 127 pages
-and the fundamental construct of Indian civilization is 4… no, it‘s 3… no, it‘s 2… no, it‘s 1… no, it‘s 0…
-Uncounted chuckles
I loved this section! #SuitableBoy2024
Went out last week to an Indian street-food restaurant. (Not in India - we were on holiday in the English Lake District!).
The food was fabulous (the owner / chef had spent some time in India), dogs were welcome and, best of all, I got to try nimbu pani!
Their version was a mix of lemon and lime juice, with a hint of spice. I could definitely taste cumin in there - delicious!
“As a broad generalization, one might tentatively hazard a guess therefore, that, all other things being equal, one should not make particular generalizations when general particularizations are equally available — and available to far less idle effect.”
[I‘m still finishing up Part 7, but the blather in 7.35 reminded me of the scene pictured above in Mexikid.]
The Chatterji family at breakfast presented a scene of cordial conflict. It was an intelligent family where everyone thought of everyone else as an idiot.
Like magpies cackling over baubles—or discovering occasional gems and imagining them to be baubles—the excited guests chattered on. Despite the fact that they were shovelling in a great deal of food, everyone managed to shovel out a great many words. #SuitableBoy2024
“And tell me,” continued the woman, “does it take you long to think of a book? I‘m dying to read your new book.”
“So am I,” said Amit.
(I can see why reviewers have pegged Amit as a stand-in for the author, Vikram Seth.)
“A baby kicks; a bloodshot Raja yowls.
A young man speeds downhill; a father growls.”
Music and languages are highlighted in this chapter. I love how minor characters introduced in earlier chapters come to the fore, deepening themes of cultural, religious and sociopolitical changes happening in India. What about that parakeet? Is it a minor character who will further the plot as well? #SuitableBoy2024
The novel takes place in 1950 and Vikram Seth has skillfully woven into his storylines the political and cultural background of India at the time. In Part 5, the prior information we‘ve gleaned about the Nawab Sahib (a Muslim and one of the largest landowners, and his old friend Mahesh Kapoor (a Hindu, the Minister of Revenue) comes to a head with passing of the legislative bill to end the zamindari system. What‘s the fallout? #SuitableBoy2024
Various new characters are introduced—Haresh, Jagat Ram, Dr Durrani—and it‘s a delight to get to know them through their interactions with people we‘ve already met. I‘m struck by Seth‘s ability to give his characters complexity, such as Kedernath‘s attitude: he‘s not anti-Muslim, but against religious zealotry in general, despite what happened to him and his brother when they left Lahore. Question: Is Haresh a suitable boy?
People draw borders and they build walls between themselves, but their hearts like birds fly to meet each other when the most unexpected moment comes.
Nothing can hold love, even golden cages and dark prison cells.
I love how this book makes me slow down and reflect on important topics.
“A couple glide down-river in a boat,
A mother hears that mischief is afloat.”
Playful shenanigans, ridiculous poetry, a sad movie and songs of longing set the mood for romantic trysts and buckets of tears in Part 3. Is there a future for Lata and Kabir?
Her mother had gone through two chapters of the Gita that she recited every day at dawn. The Gita asked for detachment, tranquil wisdom, indifference to the fruits of action. This was a lesson that Mrs Rupa Mehra would never learn, could never learn. The lesson did not suit her temperament, even if its recitation did. The day she learned to be detached and indifferent and tranquil she would cease to be herself. #SuitableBoy2024
I really enjoyed Maan‘s narrative arc in Part 2: he wakes up smiling in the opening sentence and we can assume he is smiling with the turn of events as the chapter ends too. Although that relationship will likely not end well for him. And I‘m afraid that Maan‘s mischief during Holi will not end well for Pran.
[internet image]. #SuitableBoy2024
Part 2 - I enjoyed this little detour through Holi and the introduction of Saeeda Bai and Maan. I‘m hoping we return to the ‘core‘ characters in the next part though! I liked Saeeda Bai‘s story and I feel like she will be an interesting side character that we return to… #suitableboy2024
I‘ve really enjoyed reading part 1 this week. I keep having to refer back to the family trees in the front of the book to keep track of who everyone is and how they interrelate. I‘m loving the characterisation of everyone and looking forward to seeing how the plot unfolds. I‘m also enjoying all the references to amazing sounding food and drink! #suitableboy2024
God, I miss India and her diverse cuisine ❤️
I completed the first chapter of “A Suitable Boy“ by Vikram Seth and I am loving it so far: bright and unforgettable characters, coziness of the author's language and travelling in space and time.
My soul is flowing through the book so effortlessly and every time I take it to my hands I feel it will be another happy moment of my life.
P.S. Vikram Seth makes me slightly poetic, and I love it as well.
I loved Part One of A Suitable Boy and I‘m so glad that @Lindy encouraged me to pick it up this year.
Main discussion is on Lindy‘s thread, but I‘m really enjoying being sent down lots of rabbit-holes with all of the new-to-me words and customs, particularly with regard to food and drink. Nimbu Pani sounds delicious!
Discussion of Part 1: there will be spoilers! Avert your eyes if you haven‘t yet finished this part!
I love the characterization so far. People to cheer for, people to disapprove of. Amy mentioned Malati in a different post (I will link it below, or you can search #SuitableBoy2024 ). I wonder if something will come of Malati‘s crush on Pran?
I like the character of Malati already. 😊 #suitableboy2024
Part 1 thoughts.
I like Lata, but my favorite character so far is her friend Malati.
Lata handled an unwanted chat-up like a queen. I wish I could have been that secure at her age.
Arun and Meenakshi deserve each other. If you haven‘t gotten to the last part of Part 1, oh boy, just wait till you see the stunt Meenakshi pulls. Awful people, awful child. Such entitlement.
Go, nerdy Prem! I‘m so glad Savita seems to appreciate him! #suitableboy2024
I just found out that this is available on Kindle Unlimited. Yay! I‘m going to try to follow along with the group read headed by @Lindy, but I‘m not sure I can keep to the schedule. Excited to try! #SuitableBoy2024
Original https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2695137
From @Lindy I'm planning to start reading this on February 3 and to read one part (approximately 70 p) per week. There are 19 parts, so I expect to be finished in 20 weeks (that'll be in June!). Any Littens want to join me?
...they have made such delicious gulab-jamuns, but owing to my diabetes I cannot eat them even after the ceremonies. I am not even allowed gajak, which is so difficult to resist in winter.
Here we go! Week 1, Part 1, here I come. So excited to finally be reading this behemoth. I already love how he‘s setting the scene for each part instead of using traditional chapter titles.
Before plunging into a 5-month-long reading odyssey, I‘m taking a moment to remember where I bought my copy of Suitable Boy: Peryton Books, when I visited my friend Shawn in Saskatoon.
If any of you want to join a group of us reading one part each week, please do!
#SuitableBoy2024 Well , I bought this big brick today , plan to join @Lindy and others in a buddy read . Sometimes with the chunksters it‘s hard to keep going, with a plan & reading buddies we will enjoy it together!
I am super excited to join my first real long readalong with @Lindy and many others!
It is going to be my biggest reading challenge this year: I am bit scared but still courageous to start this journey.
I borrowed my book in the city library, so, fingers crossed, I will be able to keep the same copy for the whole yourney, because it looks fabulous with all the stickers. I didn't have orange stickers, so my Indian flag got sligtly more red.
I‘m ready to go with our #buddyread! @Lindy @KathyR
I know it‘s not for another week, but a girl has to be prepared!
Each section looks quite achievable, I think. Hubby is quite scared by it, though - he said ‘What on earth is that?!‘ 🤣 ‘Just a little light reading, darling‘