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Prairie Fires
Prairie Fires: The Life and Times of Laura Ingalls Wilder | Caroline Fraser
117 posts | 63 read | 9 reading | 143 to read
The first comprehensive historical biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, the beloved author of the Little House on the Prairie book series Millions of readers of Little House on the Prairie believe they know Laura Ingallsthe pioneer girl who survived blizzards and near-starvation on the Great Plains, and the woman who wrote the famous autobiographical books. But the true story of her life has never been fully told. The Little House books were not only fictionalized but brilliantly edited, a profound act of myth-making and self-transformation. Now, drawing on unpublished manuscripts, letters, diaries, and land and financial records, Caroline Fraserthe editor of the Library of America edition of the Little House seriesmasterfully fills in the gaps in Wilders biography, setting the record straight regarding charges of ghostwriting that have swirled around the books and uncovering the grown-up story behind the most influential childhood epic of pioneer life. Set against nearly a century of epochal change, from the Homestead Act and the Indian Wars to the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, Wilders dramatic life provides a unique perspective on American history and our national mythology of self-reliance. Settling on the frontier amidst land-rush speculation, Wilders family encountered Biblical tribulations of locusts and drought, fire and ruin. Deep in debt after a series of personal tragedies, including the loss of a child and her husbands stroke, Wilder uprooted herself again, crisscrossing the country and turning to menial work to support her family. In middle age, she began writing a farm advice column, prodded by her self-taught journalist daughter. And at the age of sixty, after losing nearly everything in the Depression, she turned to childrens books, recasting her hardscrabble childhood as a triumphal vision of homesteadingand achieving fame and fortune in the process, in one of the most astonishing rags-to-riches stories in American letters. Offering fresh insight and new discoveries about Wilders life and times, Prairie Fires reveals the complex woman who defined the American pioneer character, and whose artful blend of fact and fiction grips us to this day.
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What a paragraph. Captures so much about America and a particular decade so well

AnnR Wow, how interesting that just the use of time zones caused a lot of issues. That makes sense though. 13mo
Vansa @Ann_Reads I found that really fascinating. She packs in so much information about how a country came into being in such economical sentences. 13mo
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This is so moving. And so true.

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#LittleHouse I can't get enough of this world,and decided to start reading the tagged book.The first chapter in and it's spectacular.I feel sad reading that Laura felt overwhelmed by her memories,but who wouldn't,given a life like that-worst locust plague America had seen till then(twice),the start of the railways,one of the worst winters documented,the Dustbowl,a world war,an unprecedented economic Depression...PHEW

jlhammar I loved this book! Hope you enjoy. 14mo
Vansa @jlhammar absolutely loving the first chapter itself!! 14mo
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Comprehensive biography of American icon, Laura Ingalls Wilder. A big part of this explores her rocky relationship with her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane (who was kind of terrible). Fantastic read. Winner of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in Biography.

#Iconic #MayMoms
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Perfection 👍🏼🙌🏻😊 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🤩 2y
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I started this but I‘m not sure I can continue — the blighting of the Native Americans and of the environment with such carelessness is too much to bear right now…

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What an incredibly thorough book! This history of Laura Ingalls Wilder lays down the economic, political and ecological story - all the aspects that impacted her and her family in their journey through Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin. It starts by telling the history of the Indigenous Dakota people and their tragic removal from their lands. The amount I learnt - I kept going down Google rabbit holes ⬇️

Centique So definitely a great book if you enjoy history although a lot of the history is embattled. Within the Ingalls family there is much loss, many financial failures, poverty and near starvation that didn‘t make it into the children‘s books. Only about a third of the book covers Laura‘s early life. There is a huge amount about her daughter Rose, also a writer,⬇️ 4y
Centique and their strange collaborative and combative relationship. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but don‘t go in thinking you‘re going to get anything heartwarming from it. It peels back the misty nostalgia Laura had for this time in her life and is intensely thought provoking. 4y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 4y
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Centique @TrishB thank you Trish! How are you doing this week? 4y
TrishB Thanks for asking 😘 not a good week, but have taken Monday off as a hopefully quiet relaxing day. It‘s hard to just get going some days! 4y
Cathythoughts Yes ! Great review ❤️👍🏻 4y
Ruthiella Now I want to read it even more! Great review! 😃 4y
Centique @TrishB I‘m glad you‘re taking a break. It seems to have been an unrelenting start to the year. Wishing you some peace and rest! 4y
Centique @Ruthiella thanks! I think you‘ll really like it. 4y
Centique @Cathythoughts thank you Cathy 😘 4y
CarolynM Lovely review, Paula💕 4y
Centique @CarolynM thank you Carolyn! Sorry to hear Melbourne is in lock down. Hope it will be short 🤞🤞 4y
CarolynM Me too😬 4y
Centique @CarolynM I‘ve just seen that we have two new community cases this afternoon ourselves. Hopefully they can trace it. 4y
CarolynM Fingers crossed. It feels a bit wrong to get uptight about these handfuls of cases when I think about what's going on elsewhere, but then again, that's why these small outbreaks are so worrying. It could get out of hand really fast. 4y
Centique @CarolynM yes, you‘re exactly right from what I‘ve read. You only really get the opportunity to contain it at the very early stage. Anyway, now we‘re in lockdown for a few days too! They haven‘t identified the source yet. 4y
CarolynM Let's hope a few days is enough 4y
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This chunkster is taking me a long time but I‘m really enjoying it. I have “did you know?”ed my husband three times already. 😂😂There is more in here about economics, politics and ecology than I was expecting, which is a pleasant surprise, (it‘s not too scholarly) and I‘m learning a lot about the “old west”.

Cathythoughts Sounds good! Oh yes 😂 the “ did you know” ed ..... 🤣 I‘m at that myself too 4y
Ruthiella I definitely want to read “around” Wilder having loved the books as a kid. 4y
Gogobooks Have this on my shelf but waylaid by ‘the 8th life‘😅 4y
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Centique @Cathythoughts I‘m addicted to it 😂 4y
Centique @Ruthiella it sure is interesting. I think some of the Little House fans hated this book because it shows the dark underside of her life - but I‘m sure you can handle that and not lose your love for the children‘s books. For me, reading about Alcott‘s life was similarly dark but it didn‘t spoil any of my love for Little Women. 4y
Centique @Gogobooks I can see how that would happen! I‘m excited to get to that one myself. Will take me ages to read I‘m sure 😊 4y
Ruthiella @Centique I think I was aware of that dark side later...it‘s in the subtext of the books...why they have to keep moving (their father keeps failing) and the poverty and struggle which would have been avoided had they remained in Wisconsin where they had family support. 4y
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Happy birthday to me!!! Thank you everyone for the well wishes! These are my gifts to myself ❤❤❤

Ellies_Books06 Happy birthday 💐💐💐 4y
tessavi Congrats!🥳 4y
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Started this one last night. I had a form of dyslexia as a child and struggled to learn how to read. My father was determined this wouldn‘t hinder my love of stories. He patiently read the Little House books with me nightly until we had finished them and I had mastered how to read independently. I can‘t wait to learn about Ingalls true story and about the history of her times.

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I just found out about this monthly challenge. thought I would try #bookspin and #bookspinbingo out this month. Here is my list.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Glad to have you along!!! 4y
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Do not read

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Prairie Fires 🌟🌟🌟🌟 An informative read. I learned a lot about Laura's adult life. Rose Wilder Lane is awful.

Ghost Boy 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Imagine being perfectly healthy one minute, and the next, in a comatose state.

The Only Plane In The Sky🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Heartbreaking! Hands down, one of the best audiobooks I've ever heard.

A Long Way Home🌟🌟🌟🌟 I watched the movie Lion and loved it, the book is better.

#OverbookedClub #Monthofmemoirs @megnews

AmyK1 I was so mad at Rose pretty much the whole time I read Prairie Fires lol 4y
megnews I was so hesitant to read The Only Plane in the Sky but it was so well done. 4y
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This was packed with information-from letters, diaries, newspaper clippings and the history of politics and agriculture. It was interesting and somewhat sad but I learned a lot about Laura and her family. I don‘t agree with all her choices but that doesn‘t change how I feel about her books. And Rose...I was both sad for her and her obvious issues and angry with her treatment of people.

SaturnDoo I so want to read this ❤❤❤ glad you enjoyed it. 4y
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Soaking up some sunshine and fresh air on the deck with this book today 🌞 📖

Crazeedi Oh lucky you! It's been raining here all day! 4y
Tripex Swell! 4y
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“I was born in a log cabin within...miles of legend-haunted Lake Pepin,” Laura Ingalls Wilder would write.

#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

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Here are my selections for the #bookspin

TheAromaofBooks Thank you so much for joining!! Great list - I'll be sure to tag you with the lucky number next Sunday!! 😁 5y
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Day 5 of #adventrecommends

A favorite from 2019

LeahBergen This is still waiting on my shelf. 😬 5y
Amiable @LeahBergen It‘s very well written. Lots of interesting information, and it doesn‘t sugarcoat the negative stuff in order to keep alive the fairy tales about the family that were started by the books and the TV show. 5y
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I‘m nervous about starting this one, which is what has kept me from picking it up before now. Opinions I‘ve seen range from the “don‘t read this if you love the Little House books” to “one of the best books I‘ve ever read” and I‘m terrified that it‘ll destroy everything I love of Little House and Laura Ingalls Wilder. (But I hope not!)

pigeonsandcrows I love the Little House books and still really enjoyed this one. 5y
intothehallofbooks @pigeonsandcrows I‘m so glad to see you say this! 5y
pigeonsandcrows @intothehallofbooks I think if you're ok with Laura Ingalls Wilder having some quirks and flaws and her daughter as well and you recognize the Little House books were fiction and written by human beings, it actually makes them even more interesting to have the context of this book- and no less charming, IMHO. 5y
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Daisey I agree with @pigeonsandcrows. I truly appreciated the information in this book. 5y
BirdsandBelles I look forward to hearing what you think when you‘re finished with the book. 👍🏻 5y
Lcsmcat I agree with the others. It will show Laura Ingalls Wilder as a full human being, not an icon. I thought it brought richness to the stories. 5y
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A biography about Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family. A story about America's expansion west, pioneers, politics, agriculture and hardship. It made me look at her Little House books in a completely different light and now i am going to reread them. Oh and her daughter Rose Wilder Lane definitely was a hot mess!

melissajayne You might be interested in the book I have tagged. 5y
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This biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder is a #kindledeal today. #kindle #littlehouseontheprairie #ebook

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For the “something with history” box in #nonfiction2019. A fascinating -- and heartbreaking -- bio of Laura Ingalls Wilder and the historical evolutions during her life. I knew the children's books she wrote were historical fiction. I never realized just how MUCH fiction. This blew the shine off my kiddy impressions of Wilder -- her real life was much more complicated and difficult. And frankly, I wasn't sure how much I liked her by the end. 👍🏼

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Sunday morning is where it‘s at. 👍🏼

kspenmoll That twisty glazed pastry looks fabulous!!!! 5y
Amiable @kspenmoll Pecan braid from Panera! It‘s awesome. 🥰 5y
kspenmoll @Amiable That description will send me the 10 miles to Panera! 5y
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Settled in for my hip and happening Saturday night plans — reading. 😎📚Thoroughly enjoying this biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, who was even more kickass than I thought. When she married Almanzo in 1885, Laura got the minister to agree not to ask her to obey her husband. IN 1885. 😲🙌🏼

8little_paws I'm actually rereading all the little house books this spring/summer prior to reading this 5y
bookandcat LOVED this book! 5y
Kloves2read Love the Little House series! Both the show and books! I must get my hands on this! 😉 5y
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1. Berries, especially spring strawberries ;
2. Tagged - 640 pages- it‘s been too busy a year to read real chunksters;
3. I don‘t read them;
4. Where I am. I‘m happy here. 😀
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for playing ❣️ 6y
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I finished this one today and thoroughly enjoyed it! I consider this a well-rounded biography that focuses on Laura but also covers Rose‘s life and role in her mother‘s writing well. Highly recommended!

#nonfiction #audiobook #LauraIngallsWilder

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Pioneer Girl is still sitting unread on my nightstand, but I‘m finally making time to listen to this biography. I‘ve loved the Little House books for a long time and have a lot of respect Laura‘s fortitude. This biography takes away some of the magic of the books (although I was aware of many of these aspects), but as an adult I also love seeing the real strength and struggle behind those stories.

#audiobook #nonfiction #LauraIngallsWilder

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1. Join the Chautauqua Literary & Scientific Circle with completion of Prairie Fires
2. Nothing specific but probably something healthy to start off the new year
3. RBG
4. May
5. Weirdly,no one I know has a birthday in January
#friyayintro @howjessreads

Nessavamusic 👋🏻Fellow May birthday! 6y
Eggbeater Welcome to Litsy! 🐙 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌼🌼 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
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This was definitely a book about the next line in #whoLivesWhoDies - Who tells your story? Rose Lane shamelessly stole her mother‘s stories for her own fiction, then fought for the rights and income from the Little House books after her mother‘s death. #musicalnewyear @Cinfhen @vivastory

Cinfhen This has been on my radar for awhile...but #pagecountphobia is holding me off 6y
Lcsmcat @Cinfhen I wouldn‘t say that this is a fast read, but it‘s not a difficult read. It took me a week, but that was during the holidays. And I skipped the footnotes once I figured out that they were the reference type rather than the further explanation type. 😀 6y
Cinfhen That‘s a good way to save time 😉😂😂 6y
vivastory I wasn't familiar with this story. Sounds intriguing! 6y
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This is my first book finished in 2019. At first I thought Fraser was focusing too much on politics, but it all made sense in the end. She delves deeply into the lives of Laura and Rose, debunking myths and exposing complexities. I would have loved more copies of the photos she describes, but the ones included are interesting. I‘m not sure she ended up liking her subject (and she didn‘t like Lane or McBride!) But that doesn‘t hurt the book. 👇🏻

Ejensen86 I‘m reading Prairie Fires right now! 6y
Lcsmcat I didn‘t read these as a child, but came to them as an adult, reading to my children (and I didn‘t watch the TV show). So my take is different from someone who fell in love with them at 7 or 8. We did take the kids to DeSmett on a cross country camping trip, and saw Silver Lake and the house, etc. This biography of a book added to my appreciation of it all. 6y
ravenlee I didn‘t read these as a child, either, but my MIL gave them to me years ago. I couldn‘t get into them. Then I tried to share them with my daughter, but I have a really hard time with them. So much seems off to me - not just racism that is probably pretty accurate for the time, but Pa seems feckless and shifty and I have real problems with the parenting choices. I really struggle with this as a classic. 6y
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Lcsmcat @ravenlee And Fraser addresses all that. I think a fan-since-childhood might have some illusions destroyed. But coming to it as an adult, understanding the politics of the times and the influences on both Wilder and Lane, I gained a deeper appreciation for a complicated family in incredibly difficult circumstances. 6y
Reviewsbylola This is on my TBR. 6y
Daisey I hope to get this book this year. 6y
ravenlee I think I‘d enjoy Prairie Fires more than the series itself, and it might allow me to get more out of the series. I gave it to my MIL last year; maybe I can borrow it next time we visit. She really enjoyed it, too. 6y
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I had never heard this before. My daughters were both born at Holy Cross. And Mt. Olivet is the big cemetery that everyone knows about there.

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Next up on my “it was a Christmas present last year so I ought to read it before this Christmas” list. 🤷🏻‍♀️#somanybookssolittletime

GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 love that reading list title. This is why I need more books for Christmas. In fact, this is why I need books for Christmas. 🤣😂🤣 6y
CouronneDhiver Omg. Me too. I‘m sooo guilty! 6y
LeahBergen I received this for Xmas last year, too (and it‘s still TBR). 😆😆 6y
Lcsmcat @LeahBergen @CouronneDhiver @GingerAntics I‘m enjoying it, and wondering why I didn‘t jump right in last winter, but I won‘t finish it by Tuesday. There‘s so much good stuff there, I‘m going to take my time. 6y
GingerAntics You tried at least. 6y
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Strong contender for best book I've read in 2018

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vkois88 I don't think I've heard of this one... 6y
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Made Giada DeLaurentis's Turkey Bolognese Sauce using leftover Thanksgiving turkey. I think Laura Ingalls Wilder and her frontier spirit might approve! #nowaste #nonfictionnovember

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Really enjoying this look at Laura Ingalls Wilder's real life, not only in a little house on the prarie. Filled with factual and detailed history, this should be required reading. #gift #music #Gratitude30 @hermyknee

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“By 1867, there were only fifty Dakota left in Minnesota. That year, a baby girl was born just across the Mississippi, in a little house in the Big Woods.”

#QuotsyNov18 | 4: #Iconic

📷Made with Typorama

lynneamch I'm reading this one, too. Such an important book. I think it should be required reading in school; a fascinating way to learn history. 6y
LiterRohde @lynneamch Even in this short quote, I love how it puts the idealized stories she wrote of the pioneer life in context with the decimation of another culture. 6y
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Very interesting book that could have been titled as a dual biography of Laura and her daughter Rose, which is fitting because the Little House books could have been offered as having dual authors, Laura and Rose. Both women were talented and complicated and fascinating to read about.

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About to start this book. I learned to read with the Little House books and reread each one several times as a child. Looking forward to reading about the real life struggle of this amazing author.

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Insightful biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder. I learned a great deal about her historical context—including American Indian histories—and the poverty she suffered for much of her life.

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Book Outlet haul

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New reading spot with my niece pup. At my sister‘s, she is s reader like me and has a great reading room! #currentread

rubyslippersreads ❤️🐶❤️ 6y
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So I‘ve been having phone issues-my camera broke. I was trying not to make it a big deal but I NEED my camera. Today my wonderful husband got my phone replaced after many other things we tried. I am very thankful! I am also very thankful for this #librarybookhaul 📚📚 I went to get the tagged book which was on hold but then I saw the others! It was like the library read my mind! All books I have been wanting to read!! 💙

blondie Year One is one of my favorite books 💙💙 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @blondie I really liked it too! 😊 6y
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Good book if you are interested in Wilder or her times. I was struck by how some of the political rhetoric of her era sounds eerily similar to what we hear today. Very interesting but may leave you somewhat disillusioned if you are emotionally invested in the “good old days” nostalgia of the Little House books or TV show.

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I grew up reading the Little House books and loving the world Laura Ingalls Wilder created. I was even Laura for Halloween one year! This books brought new insights about Wilder and her family...a fascinating read that provided depth and context to her life.

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First of all, this is a really good book. But more important, this picture of Almanzo Wilder reminds me of someone famous, but I can‘t quite figuring out. Any ideas?

jessberk13 Paul Walker? 6y
Lissa00 @jessberk13 Yes!!! I definitely see that! 6y
Beckys_Books Too bad Google Arts & Culture only works with selfies! 6y
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Lcsmcat @Beckys_Books I‘ve used it on photos before. Just take a picture of the picture. (I used it to identify a portrait.) 6y
Hooked_on_books Armie Hammer? I loved this book. 6y
Lissa00 @Hooked_on_books Armie Hammer is who I was thinking of! It was on the tip of my brain, I just couldn‘t come up with the name. I like this book a lot...but I‘m definitely not a huge fan of Rose after reading it. 6y
Hooked_on_books @Lissa00 I agree. Rose is dreadful. 6y
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Happy to see a possible connection with Laura Ingalls Wilder!

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Laura Ingalls Wilder deserves a tome like the one Caroline Fraser has written about her. But Prairie Fires is about much more than one women. And I found both pros and cons in the book for just that reason. While it never veered “off course,” the path Prairie Fires took was as wide as those fires themselves. It‘s about family, politics, history, and unrelenting poverty. Not quick, but good.

Full review: www.TheBibliophage.com

BarbaraTheBibliophage @jillrhudy Me as well. I‘ll never look at a grasshopper the same way. 🦗 6y
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So excited to begin reading this historical biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser. Awards: 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography, 2017 National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography #puliterprize2018 #nbccawards2017 #lauraingallswilder #carolinefraser #sundayreading #womenshistory #littlehouseontheprairie

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1. I love macro photos of flowers. Didn‘t take this one but it came up in a search for sunshine! (See no. 4)
2. Meticulous biography of a beloved writer and her truly annoying daughter.
3. How about nonfiction with a medical bent? Memoirs, science-y stuff, anything.
4. It‘s been raining nonstop for days. No end in sight. 😝
5. Gaithersburg Book Festival on Saturday! Anybody going?

#HumpDayPost @MinDea

BarbaraTheBibliophage @tonyahoswalt Ooh Yes! This one‘s on my list also. Plus going to his museum in Philadelphia. 6y
MicrobeMom When the doctor becomes the patient. So good!! 6y
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MicrobeMom I use this in my Virology class and the students love it!!! History of the polio vaccine development! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MicrobeMom I loved When Breath Becomes Air. And I‘ll definitely check out Polio—Thanks!! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Pamwurtzler Yes, and I loved it! It was one of my gateway books to this genre. 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Bookish_AF This could be a bit morbid for some, but I found it fascinating! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @whippoorwill815 Thanks for the reminder. I have to see if it‘s on my shelf...I‘ve forgotten. 😜 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MinDea Thanks! I loved Henrietta but the other is new to me and looks good! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Moray_Reads Thanks—this looks interesting! 6y
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